Remove throttle body?


Greetings experts,

Can someone please tell me the easiest way to get the throttle body off? What bolt/s am I supposed to loosen? I have the service manual but the pictures are B&W and not clearly defined. All I really need to do is lift the throttle body up and move it back and out of the way, so that I can get the valve cover off. I don't really need to take the throttle body completely out. Perhaps it seems like a silly question, but I don't want to make it more difficult than what it needs to be, which I've done a few times already up to this point.


The clamps around the rubber boots that secure the throttle body to the head need to be loosened.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Was hoping it was something easier. The screw heads for the clamps were turned around in such a way that I had a heck of time today getting a screwdriver on them and turning them. I can't believe people work on these bikes for a living. Sheesh. I'll likely replace those clamps with common automotive hose clamps that you can turn with a nut driver or a socket. Also, I'll rotate the clamps so that the screw heads are easily accessible next time. Thanks.
through the small frame hole an extended allen will make it much easier. even after you loosen the clamp bolt, the clamp might still have tension on the boot. check by hand to make sure the clamp released tension.

through the small frame hole an extended allen will make it much easier. even after you loosen the clamp bolt, the clamp might still have tension on the boot. check by hand to make sure the clamp released tension.

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Ok, looks like I might have made it harder that what it needs to be.....yet again. I loosened the four (4) clamps via the clamp screws on each clamp. See the first picture I posted, showing one of the long clamp screws sticking out. I loosened those four with a screwdriver. Are you implying that I just need to loosen the allen bolt adjacent to it in the picture?? If so, does it need to come all the way out or just loosened? Thank you.
I never removed the T-body assembly from my busa biut have from my Kawasaki. One tip

The clamps around the rubber boots that secure the throttle body to the head need to be loosened.

LOOSENED! Don't totally unthread the nut or whatever it is that tightens the clamps, loosen. If this is like the ZX-14 duct clamps and T-body holders, there are spacers and other junk all on the same screw and if you take the screw out, it falls apart, tiny pieces. I say leave the fasteners threaded at least a bit so you don't end up with a nightmare on your hands. ....again, never removed busa T-bodies so maybe someone can either corroborate or refute this claim.
I never removed the T-body assembly from my busa biut have from my Kawasaki. One tip

LOOSENED! Don't totally unthread the nut or whatever it is that tightens the clamps, loosen. If this is like the ZX-14 duct clamps and T-body holders, there are spacers and other junk all on the same screw and if you take the screw out, it falls apart, tiny pieces. I say leave the fasteners threaded at least a bit so you don't end up with a nightmare on your hands. ....again, never removed busa T-bodies so maybe someone can either corroborate or refute this claim.

You can loosen the 4 clamps that hold the Busa throttle-bodies into the 4 rubber boots, then the tb's will move/tilt in the boots, or can be pulled out of the boots.
Each rubber boot is held to the manifold with 2 bolts, and each has one o-ring under it.
If you continue to loosen clamp bolts with spacers, yes, eventually the spacer can fall out, but there is rarely a need to get them that loose on the bike, only when the clamps have been very tight, and the rubber has hardened into the compressed shape, so the top o.d. of the boot is much bigger than the loosened i.d of the clamp, and the clamp must be loosened more than normal, or disconnected and opened to be removed from the boot.