05 Limited #554
Mine does it too. 1800 miles and it's at 800 rpm. I just adjusted it like 20 minutes ago, so I'll keep an eye on it.
This sounds like a great fix. Where did you find a nut to match the threads on the screw, a local hardware store? I don't know why they put a spring in anyway. Adjusting the idle should be a rare event.Hi guys, I want to share my quick fix, a had the same problem too, fix it twice and drop down to 800 rpm "crap" well, what I did I tuck off the spring and lock the screw with a lock nut, get some nail polish from your wife and brush a bit at the end of the screw, I did that to my busa and no problem since then. Just my 2 cent.
Catch me if you can!
Take the screw out and go to Ace hardwere store, that's were I got mind at, they have alot of bolts and screws, metric, standard ect. Let me know how it turn out.This sounds like a great fix. Where did you find a nut to match the threads on the screw, a local hardware store? I don't know why they put a spring in anyway. Adjusting the idle should be a rare event.Hi guys, I want to share my quick fix, a had the same problem too, fix it twice and drop down to 800 rpm "crap" well, what I did I tuck off the spring and lock the screw with a lock nut, get some nail polish from your wife and brush a bit at the end of the screw, I did that to my busa and no problem since then. Just my 2 cent.
Catch me if you can!
Wonderful idea !!Yep, I have an 05 at around 1000 miles, and it has never dropped from it's original 1100 rpm. Did you see them apply the locktite? It keeps pistol screws from backing out at very heavy recoil. Hard to believe it won't hold an adjustment screw.
I have an 05, with about 1500 miles on it, and it has stayed at 1100 from day one. Just lucky I guess. If it does start to drift, I'll pull the screw out and look at the end. The real problem may be as you describe. The end wears down, the screw becomes shorter and the idle drops.I had the same problem with my 05'. Removed the screw and noticed it was wearing uneven due to the repeated banging against the throttle body stop. I filed the end of the screw so it was flat, reinstalled it and the proble went away.
Bro. I had the same with my 05 LE, I read one of the post about stalling out and just adjust the screw and I have not had that issue pop up again in 3000 miles later.For the record: One more '05 'Busa Limited with the same problem at 1200mi, post first dealer service. I'll try the nail polish trick.
Robb- Western, OH
I guess it's true for 600 mile service most dealers just charge 160 dollars and just do oil change and give you back the bike.Glad to hear I was not the only one with the idle mystery gremlin in there bike. I went straight back to the dealer today and asked them, and I quote "what the hell did you do to my new bike". I came here for my initial 600 mile service (@ 1000 miles) to have you PROFESSIONALLY service my new 05 Hayabusa ( PAID cash, not financed) and it states on my service print out that you inspected my engine idle. Upon the ride the followed afterwards it dropped to 800 - 900 rpms. and sounded like it was struggling to keep running. I explained that I did some research and found others to have the same problem. I expressed that they should be on the lookout for this problem with 05's and should make sure the screws are set properly. The service manager was quick to have my bike IMMEDIATELY looked at and had the idle screw set to 1200 rpms. Well, riding will tell me if it changes. Hopefully it doesn't. I will keep you posted. Thanks for the posts to allow me to have a credible argument to a prevelant problem. $0 cost to me.
Ride Safe.![]()