your talking about different things...even if the economy were wonderful
there is still the illegal alien problem.
I certainly don't blame the current state of $$ on illegals, although I do
believe that not all illegals take tomato picking jobs (that's is bleeding heart
bs propaganda), some are taking good jobs in a troubled economy with fewer
and fewer jobs availible.
No, they are not the root of all evil in America, or the source of our economic woes
but they are a significant of many issues this country now faces.
I would venture to say...90% of the negitivity would vanish if they would integrate,
learn the language, stop shoving the Mexican flag up everyone's ...and get
rid of the press one for English BS.
there is still the illegal alien problem.
I certainly don't blame the current state of $$ on illegals, although I do
believe that not all illegals take tomato picking jobs (that's is bleeding heart
bs propaganda), some are taking good jobs in a troubled economy with fewer
and fewer jobs availible.
No, they are not the root of all evil in America, or the source of our economic woes
but they are a significant of many issues this country now faces.
I would venture to say...90% of the negitivity would vanish if they would integrate,
learn the language, stop shoving the Mexican flag up everyone's ...and get
rid of the press one for English BS.
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