Oh boy...your doing the liberal thing where you point at one direction and then
say see, this ain't as bad as that soo...
Generations of people on welfare is seperate issue other than illegals and they
each need to be delt with...seperately. 6,8,10,12 kids by half a dozen+ different
fathers and generations of welfare should be stopped. We need to stop paying
people to breed. Welfare should be cut off after 2-3 years barring disabled or
hardship cases (spouse dies) and money upgrades should be cut off after 2 kids
ya want 10 kids...the last 8 are on your own (or learn to keep you legs crossed
or at least use a condom...wtf).
The failure of a plan for the above issue does not in the least make illegal boarder
crossing by millions o.k.
The least of which is it changes the face of our nation. As the Democrats tend
to buy votes with social freebee programs, the country continues to turn towards
socialism (which is DOOMED to failure). 20 million impoversed people buying into
the rhetoric of govt' being all, for all (trying to taking the place of God actually) only hastens
that agenda.
I wonder if we had 20 million+ hardworking Canadians that were predominatly
republican sneaking across the boarder, what the reaction would be?
I am sorry Mexico is such a sthole that people would risk their life to cross a
desert and flaunt the laws of land for a better life. (then they come here and
fly the mexican flag
, it kills me) But it's not America's fault or burden...
Nor can it support the population of every 3rd world country...