Dons quote truely is the American attitude and way of life, but those that took it to heart also learned english, followed the rules and came here legally... They MADE America what it is... without them? we would be nothing at all...
Sad is that much of this country was built on the back of labor and the robber barons gave little back in return.. that still lives as long as we have unlimited access to undocumented labor...
Guys unhappy with the American way of life? You fault the attitude that says, come here legally or just dont come here.. why do you stay here?
really.. if you feel that making people come here legally is so "immoral" why dont you go live in another country? They do not have such rules (well the Aussies do)
The whole "Pie in the sky" attitude is just so.... hypocritical... you fault the notion that a person must be here as a legal resident, yet you are only able to have a computer, bike, internet and a life with things because of the people that believe this... You have more "garbage" in your life because these people are enslaved to work at a lower pay scale leaving more in your pocket.. they end up screwed...
I would be willing to bet that if your house was robbed, your job taken and your car stolen by someone that was here illegally, you are not going to be upset when their punishment is just to send them back home at your expense?
As a business owner, you must pay taxes, ss and workmans comp... a guy comes in, starts the same biz without any of these expenses and cuts your throat on price.. you are ok with that?
guess I just dont get it... "I hate that you are burning fossil fuels, causing global warming, fueling the middle east conflict with your gas dollars... " then you jump in your hummer and go home...
There is just so much inherently wrong with unfettered access to the American way of life and I guess if you do not "get it" you never will... You really should be happy that there are people that do "get it" and are willing to work to keep the country going in the right direction..
I am sort of hoping that the economy tanks further to push out more people that do not belong here.. I think that maybe then, the people that DO work and belong here will be more willing to protect their own way of life..
BTW, at the soccer game tonight, there will be no points scored and no one will loose.. everyone gets a championship trophy just for showing up.. really... no one should ever feel bad for being unequal or unwilling to put in more effort for more reward... really that is just so "wrong" that you get rewarded for hard work... dang, gimme my govt subsidy check please....