Until you have been in the situation you really shouldnt comment.... How many of you have the luxury of a long time to make daily work decisions, most law enforcement have seconds or just minutes to create a plan.... Unless you were there its difficult to answer what should have been done... For those that think that you should call someone else or send them to juvenile hall you might be watching too much friggin TV. Often times you cant get anyone to take the juvenile or there is no one to call, you are 911....... Often times you have to go with your experiences, 9 out of 10 times in the same situation in that neighborhood the kids might be agressive and have in the past hurt someone... You saw the one in ten, the officer did what he felt was necessary. I would suggest to all of you that find law enforcement so easy to arm chair quarter back to look into the reserve program in your local area.
I have found it amazing how folks think they have all the answers when it comes to how to handle a law enforcement situation but they would never second guess a firefighter on how he handles a house fire or a paramedic who is starting an IV. Maybe folks are disillusioned by what they think they know about law enforcement.
Remember there is always more to the story than the media lets out.