1300r or 12r


I'm quoting a magazine editor: "an experience rider in a 600 will leave 95% of open class riders for dead up to insane speeds". I'm one of them for sure, and even if I wasn't, I was not about to abuse my bike or endanger myself to beat a clown trying to race me. Buy the bike because you like it and you trust it. For me, the 12R didn't even caught my eye: I like sport-tourers like the busa, with car-like dash, dual pipes, long wheelbase, etc.etc. ZX12 is an all out sportbike, unstable at speed, cable clutch, minimalist dash, single pipe, ugly looking front. There are 2 different class of bikes: make up your mind what you want, don't choose the "fastest of the moment" because you'll never feel the difference between the 2.
I myself am a Suzuki man but hmmm... I ended up with an R-1 and not trading it for anything.... take your time and pick whats right for you...

Never enjoyed a bike as much as the busa...you know one a mile away...that is one thing the 12 will never have....I personally don`t think zuk has made a bike this good since they started the gsxr line in the 80`s.
I'm buying a bike in Spring been a zuke owner for years but might be ready to crossover would like to hear from current busa owners who might be able to talk me out of it.
Myself being a loyal K-man. Gave up the ZX-11 for the Busa as soon as I saw it at the show 2years ago. Saw the 12 this year I'm sticking with the Busa. It's been proven.
Jeff, if you haven't seen it, check out the thread on Page 2 started by Wronglane:"ZX12, Busa, Blackbird Predictions"
Aside from that, find a way to ride both bikes, then buy whatever fires your rockets. There is no perfect bike, but there is a bike out there somewhere to fit everyone.
I'm pretty much a babe in the woods when it comes to comparison of motorcycles in the same class, let alone motorcycles in general. I must add though that since acquiring my dream machine of a Suzuki GSX1300R I started to wonder if I made the right choice. I decided that I could afford the loss if I found something out there that would give me more bike for the money with the reliability and proven design to back it up.

I haven't found that bike yet.

Yeah the 'busa has been recalled and it has its detractors. So what. Find out what's perfect for you. I am not the 1st to say this, and of course, you'll hear it again. Don't listen to one person, take it with a grain of salt and find out for yourself. I am sure if you have the patience you can find what you're looking for. Good Luck.
I too was a pretty die hard Kawasaki dude with my 91 ZX-11. I never cared what the testers said about the suspension - I loved the balls out power it had.

The Busa is so much bette than my old zed zed 11, but I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the fact that the Busa is 8 years newer technology.

Biggest plusses for me with the Hayabusa over my old Kawi - Handeling and fit n finish and $2,000 less than the 12R! I expected the power to be there.
I agree, get what melts your butter. There's been several good (and valid) points made on getting the Hayabusa. The type of riding you do, will always be a important factor. How it affects your decession has been well covered.

The is another aspect that hasn't been covered. Your relationship with your dealer. It is the ONLY REASON, I ride green. The majority of dealers are good, I just happen to live in a city where the local Suzuki dealer sucks. I've had 3 Suzukis, including a 600 Katana that I still have.

Unfortunatly, I'd just about have to go to another state to find a dealer that is competent enough for me to trust with servicing a busa. This, of course, is NOT the norm.

If your not familar with you local Suzuki dealer, WAIT! Talk to SEVERAL people who currently own a Hayabusa. Ask the how the feel about their dealer's service. Don't buy a 12R, solely on the fact your not familar with the Suzuki dealer.

I've been close friends with the local Honda / Yamaha dealer for 15 years. When I meet the "new" Kawasaki dealer, 9 years ago... he won my business and loyalty. I'm still friends with the Honda folks... but I ride green.

[This message has been edited by redelk (edited 31 December 1999).]
This is a good question to ask after the ZX12 has hit the showroom or the mags have given it the full test. Any firm opinion stated now is a joke and on this forum its an ethnic joke.
Yeah! Listen to these retards. Buy the same bike they bought so they won't be alone when they don't own the fastest bike anymore. It is too bad Kawasaki did not even let Suzuki hold the title for a full year.
Hayabusa Baby! The bike is a great Proven performer. And they way it sits stock will make you wonder if you are nuts to mess with it at all. Get a Valentine 1 and look around this spring to see which direction you want to go with it because most of the modified 99's will be back on the street and the ZX12 owners will still be trying to figure out how to change a plug or adjust the valves.

Busa valve adjustments are at 16,000 miles and are same practice as late model GSXR750's. No real major motor failures noted at this site or no speed wobble induced crashes either, that is ZX12 stuff.

The real question, RED or BLUE? :)

I forgot to add that a lot of the members here rode or still ride ZX11's and there is no line formiong to trade a Busa in for a 12 is there!

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 31 December 1999).]
Ninjaknight and packa....yeah go to the 12 site...thats what you`ll have to deal with....the 12 will probably be alright but the busa`s here and its got personality...the 12 looks like any other kaw for the last ten years...
I owned a Blackbird before my Busa. The Blackbird was heavily modded and I could thrash the hell out of it all day long. The Busa I just cant get to thrash, its limits (and I'm assured there are some) are way beyond my own!

I may well trade down in the spring, maybe a 600 of some flavour, so I can get back to riding skills and not deathwish stuff.
Get the bike you like! The bike that suits how you will ride the majority of the time.

I was considering swapping to the ZX12R, but decided against it and added a 929RR for lighter weight fun.
My reason was value for the money. A Busa can be had and modified --Pipe, remap, airbox, and produce 165 rwhp for les than a ZX12R. Add a set of wheels $1800 and now you have a 505 lb wet weight Bike will almost a full tank of gas for a little more than you spend on the ZX12R.
Plus, the Busa looks make it very unique, some say ugly, I used to think so even after i first got it. It grows on you, and apparently others because I have never had as many people stop and comment on a bike before.
Either way you probably won't go wrong though--get what you like!
To add to TinHead's point: How is a ZX12 rider going to know whether he's up against a dead stock Busa or a Busa with 190 RWHP?

Non-aspirated mods don't show on the outside unless you're a big decal guy.

Nothing against ZX12s or the people who buy them, but be prepared to be very disappointed when you get into a roll-on against that innocent looking Hayabusa.
Jeff, I think before I would take a stab at offering you any advice on which brand might be better suited for you, I would want to know what your hot buttons are with bikes and what type of riding you enjoy. There are some very distinct differences between these two bikes and having some further info might help.

From the heart I would tell you to buy a Kawasaki because I have had great luck with them and they have been both good and fast to me. The head would say something different if you were looking for big aftermarket displacement or pure raw power. Like many others, I think the Suzuki has far more potential there. Although, I am not against power adders which could level any playing field. From the factory, the Kawasaki appears to be shorter (if you dispel contradicting rumors) which may lend to a more canyon friendly bike.... but, if top speed stability and handling are your thing than the Suzuki does a great job in that department. Looks are always a factor, but if you are considering both... neither could be that offensive to you.

Personally, I don't care much about the aftermarket industry needing to catch up. It obviously didn't take that long for companies to put out Busa merchandise and product and it certainly will be the same with the Kawi. I also like to ride a streetbike for a bit before I make many changes. Especially on the performance side because I am into stages and getting the most possible performance out of each and every stage. To me the "pure stock" stage is the most important because it is the true standard by which most people judge and it is forever the true baseline for any future modifications.

Most importantly though, go with your heart and gut. I am as passionate about my Kawi's as most guys here are about their Busa's and Suzuki's. Either bike will be a winner and will set the standard in many ways. A year ago I remember sitting back in awe as riders would report in on their experiences and accomplishments with the Busa. This bike truly re-wrote the book in motorcycle performance. This year the Busa gets a dancing partner and that makes things very exciting for consumers. Even though this discussion takes place on a Busa site, I can't see you making a bad decision... Good luck!