1397 hayabusa holding the house down

If you bore a Gen2 you get a 1441. If you decide to do this, prepare to spend $$$ for less power than a turbo. You will have a monster if it’s built right. I suggest getting hold of a sponsor when you are serious or take it to a drive in place like carpenter. Pay now or cry later. It gets expensive quickly.

Or better than what I posted is what Busakiller recommended. Buy a gen 2 built or build it. Used motors pop up all the time for a lot cheaper than you could build it for.
Hi. If you are on a budget you will not get what you need, do not do things half but. I have over $40,000.00 in mine now, and it looks like I will need another $50 K or more to finish it.
Everyone is on a budget Mike, some people just have deeper pockets....
A street 1441 will still be more expensive than a similar hp turbo bike, but to each their own.