16GB iPhone 4s or the Droid Razor Maxx?

You couldn't get insurance for I phones back in my day maybe that has changed. That to me was the dumbest thing about iphones was a definitely a deal breaker after my first i phone was stolen. Didn't bother replacing it.
battery life on my Bionic sucks...I have to charge it mid day to late afternoon. But the Razor Maxx has "fixed" the short battery life and says 8hrs of real talk time.
The new iPhone will more than likely hit the same price points as all the previous ones. A lower memory model starting at $199.00 (with upgrade) and a higher memory at $299.00 (again with upgrade). Apple is extremely consistent.

An interesting thing to me is the bigger screen. I don't care for the huge screens in the androids. It is uncomfortable in my hand and pockets. Rumors abound about te new iPhone and one that is constantly poppin up is a bigger screen. We will see.

Also something those of you with version should look at is if you have unlimited data right now they will be forcing you into a tiered plan.

I do prefer iPhone for the reliability and stability but also love my android tablet.
On my standard Droid Razor the battery is not a problem at all, so the Maxx would be even better I would think. I generally have about 70-80% battery left at the end of the day after using Pandora, email, talking, etc.
Three weeks ago I would have said stick with the Android OS but then mine came unspooled and I had to the chance to get the 4s as a replacement. So far it has been great! None of the sticking/lagging that i had with my old phone. Just my two bits for what it's worth (probably not worth 2 bits)
RussellJ said:
wait for the iphone 5 in the fall....

Thats just it...cant wait as my bionic is broken. It lets me online but calls, texts, and emails are all messed up. I must get a new phone by Monday so my options are as listed in the title. I can upgrade to any phone i want but will need to pay for it out of pocket which i dont want to do.
Thats just it...cant wait as my bionic is broken. It lets me online but calls, texts, and emails are all messed up. I must get a new phone by Monday so my options are as listed in the title. I can upgrade to any phone i want but will need to pay for it out of pocket which i dont want to do.

I had an iPhone 3GS until I forgot to clip it into the Ram-mount on my bike and lost it down the side of a mountain. (Thanks for the mount though, Bots :thumbsup:)

I was trying to hold out for the iPhone 5, but got two of the 4S instead for the wife and myself. I've never used a Droid, so I can't offer much of a comparison. However, we have both been very happy with the 4S. It's much improved over the older models.
cheferman65 said:
Silly me, here I'm thinking it was because of his riding expertise, being always out front and his modesty...

I had no idea what he looked like:rofl:

Lol good looking and fast :-)
Thats just it...cant wait as my bionic is broken. It lets me online but calls, texts, and emails are all messed up. I must get a new phone by Monday so my options are as listed in the title. I can upgrade to any phone i want but will need to pay for it out of pocket which i dont want to do.

dont you have a insurance on your bionic?

You want something that won't lock-up or crash then get an iPhone trust me you won't regret it.
I've had iPhones since the very first one came out and love them!! 80% or more Out of all the people that tell me they hate them have never even tried one. Never understood that part!!! A lot of my friends have androids and I honestly don't like them. I talked 3 or 4 of them into getting iPhones an after doing so, they are hooked!!!!
Get the iPhone 4s. Get the 64 if u can. At least the 32. The higher res. camera eats up your memory if u take too many pics. Prices on the 4s higher memory phones should be promo dropping in short order with the 5 coming.
go with the iphone, I've always been anti-apple but have had an iphone since the first one came out and had every new ipohne to come out after that and plan on getting the next one when it comes out. GL.
My insurance covers everything!? My phone was fubar and they are sending me a new one droid x2. I didnt tell them it went in the toilet though. I would say the maxx if you have to get it now. The iphone feels way to small with that screen.imho. October releases 4" screen and 4g iphone. Ive been eligible for a year now and havnt gotten a new phone, waiting .....impatiently. The maxx is basically the bionic in a different shell with better battery life.