Must-have Droid apps

Question for those with Droids... I presume that they have a music player; load it up with a micro-SD card and use it as MP3 player. However, can it be plugged into a car stereo with a USB port and have the head unit play the songs?

It does have a built in music player. I play MP3s off the SD card. I don't know about USB port, however I plug it in with the headphone jack and it works fine.

Free games (fun) Fish Food and Super Knockout
My wife has an iPhoon and I was playing with it recently.

You're right, it does everything! I was on the web checking email and posting here on the Org, looking at videos, all kinds of stuff.
Then she asked me to call our daughter! ??? I was stumped, I could not figure out how to make a call! :whistle: Go figure,:laugh:
My wife has an iPhoon and I was playing with it recently.

You're right, it does everything! I was on the web checking email and posting here on the Org, looking at videos, all kinds of stuff.
Then she asked me to call our daughter! ??? I was stumped, I could not figure out how to make a call! :whistle: Go figure,:laugh:

:lol: guys are making me feel like such a loser with my Blackberry!! :laugh:

I want a Droid X now!!
I am so excited, I called VZW today just to make sure they'd actually processed my order :rofl: I've never been excited about any kind of technology, so I think Omar has finally rubbed off on me :whistle: :laugh: guys are making me feel like such a loser with my Blackberry!! :laugh:

I want a Droid X now!!

You with Verizon? Give 'em a call and tell 'em you want to upgrade. Rumor has it that anyone with a contract expiring in 2010 can upgrade now. They are really pushing the smartphones...
I have a Droid and one of the best apps i've ever Dl'd is Screebl. Saves the battery big time and keeps the screen on as long as it's within the parameters you set.. Not sure if it's for the X or not though..
I like handsent for messages

But for music I prefer Pandora causes my Driod eris to "force close" or just lock up.

And get a brand name SD card a cheap ebay one could need a reformat and you will loose any thing you havn't backed up. I "ghost" (copy entire card not just pics and music) my sd card on a large hard drive.
I am so excited, I called VZW today just to make sure they'd actually processed my order :rofl: I've never been excited about any kind of technology, so I think Omar has finally rubbed off on me :whistle: :laugh:

I'm going to keep my comment to myself as this is a family site. :whistle: :whistle: :laugh:

You with Verizon? Give 'em a call and tell 'em you want to upgrade. Rumor has it that anyone with a contract expiring in 2010 can upgrade now. They are really pushing the smartphones...

I just got the BB Curve before the Spring Bash :banghead:
if you like that speed app you'll love my tracks. it will keep your track, top speed, avg speed, time and distance and makes graphs on spd vs distance and what not. really cool app. free to boot!:thumbsup:
if you like that speed app you'll love my tracks. it will keep your track, top speed, avg speed, time and distance and makes graphs on spd vs distance and what not. really cool app. free to boot!:thumbsup:


It also uploads to Google maps and documents.

OurGroceries is another we love. Shared realtime grocery lists via phones and web. Very nice.

Sent from my Nexus One with TapaTalk
I have a motorola droid. The sales person at Verizon installed the task killer app when I purchased the phone. It is a must have. It has caused ZERO issues with my phone.


The Droid is capable of managing apps just fine on its own. The Task Killer is smoke & mirrors and WILL eat into your battery life. But good luck w/ that! Until then I'll contuniue to listen to the tech experts from the website I provided.
The Droid is capable of managing apps just fine on its own. The Task Killer is smoke & mirrors and WILL eat into your battery life. But good luck w/ that! Until then I'll contuniue to listen to the tech experts from the website I provided.

My Moto Droid gets to the point that the interface takes literal seconds to respond (as do the other 9 of my other users phones). The automadic task killer makes a world of difference for that problem, I have 10 users who will all tell you the same thing (Moto Droid, Droid Incredible and HTC Eris users). Now the function of automatically killing tasks is a little more of a black art I'll admit.
My Moto Droid gets to the point that the interface takes literal seconds to respond (as do the other 9 of my other users phones). The automadic task killer makes a world of difference for that problem, I have 10 users who will all tell you the same thing (Moto Droid, Droid Incredible and HTC Eris users). Now the function of automatically killing tasks is a little more of a black art I'll admit.

set the task killer to autokill and forget about it! I'm seeing 8-10 of battery life with my incredible.