Coming home from work,sitting at a red light in the left lane second vehicle from the light .Light turns,car in front of me makes a left,I proceed through intersection and the 2020 Suburban next to me decides he's going to gun it and make a left turn from the right lane as we're both halfway through the intersection . I collide with his driver's side door,he continues to turn and I try to steer away . I realize this could end badly and I don't know how I did it but I threw myself off and rolled . All I really remember is hearing the loudest sound I ever heard and thinking "that's my head cracking open" .
As I laid there I realized that wasn't my head split open,but the sound of my helmet hitting the ground . Then the anger came on . As I stood up my left side was screaming and my lower left shin was letting me know that it hurts too . Thankfully the driver pulled over and got out of his vehicle . As he walked over I started to take off my gear to make sure I didn't have any bones sticking out . As I'm doing this I start calling him everything but a child of God asking him what the he'll he was thinking . Witnesses on the corner started to tell me to calm th f down and move my bike . Then the last part of my gear,my jacket came off and the driver and everyone else realized not only did he hit a motorcyclist but a motorcyclist wearing his Deputy Sheriff uniform . Dead silence . I called 911, PD,Sheriff,Fire,EMS show up .I was cleared by EMS and had my Hayabusa towed to my house . Driver was cited of course . He did seem somewhat confused about why he's not allowed to make a left turn from the right lane .
After I got home I did decide to go to the ER to make sure I had no internal injuries . After a CT scan it was confirmed nothing broken,no internal injuries . Thankfully all I have is a slightly stiff neck,a tiny bit of road rash and badly bruised left sternum . My insurance company has told my wife that without even seeing my bike to be prepared for it to be totalled . The driver of the Suburban has yet to inform his insurance company . They found out when my insurance company called them .
Please everyone wear your gear ANYTIME YOU RIDE!!!! The ER doctor was shocked that I had no major injuries and attributes it to my gear . He told me and my wife I was the 3rd motorcycle rider accident he dealt with this week . The other 2 were in their 20's no helmets and low speed collisions . One died and the second "will never have a normal life " doctors exact words .
Yes,I will be getting another Hayabusa . I just have wait a bit .