
hapo..haro whatever,,you can talk all the trash you want if we hook up at perkins. Thats where I go to hang out & relax. If you have a Chip on your shoulder about me for whatever reason,,you don't even Know me you moron,,then tell me to my Pretty mug :) otherwise shut the good time up and stop talking Big from behind your puter :)

Love ya all,, LOL ))) 161 ®
Allright hapo I guess I am going to have to back down although I am really good at spelling. I am glad that you don't have 20 in unmarked bills laying around because I don't either I was going to borrow it from FC if I lost.

Besides I have bigger fish to fry. Lamont thinks he is gonna go from 160hp to 220 for only $1,000.00 and a can of NOS without any damage to his motor. I can only be in one pissing contest at a time. No hard feelings hapo!

[This message has been edited by ZX-12 (edited 28 September 1999).]
I will check out that road... I like route#100 too...but I always seem to run out of Vemont after a couple of hundred miles! Thats a good idea, though, to get north...then I could cut across NH (the road into Conway is cool) and into Main and go for the East Millinocet area and head back home from there...gotta keep moving forward in this game or its a cheat! Thanks for the inspiration, ZX12! I been diggen PA too much to just...turn around!

[This message has been edited by Hapo (edited 29 September 1999).]