2009 Gun Buying Plans?

Just in case though, I do want to get an M1A1 and a big stack of .308 without a lot of delay.

I'm covered when it comes to the AR and variants though. Plenty of ammo, etc...

Still though, I think we're going to be ok... :whistle:

Just go withhe Barrett 50 or similar. Distance bother, distance
Just go withhe Barrett 50 or similar. Distance bother, distance

You have no idea how close I've come in the past. My Bro has a Custom Robar .50BMG that is a "blast" to shoot. :laugh:

I just about sold the Busa last year so I could buy a Barrett M82A1, I was really close. But then $7500 for a rifle that shoots $2 bills downrange? I dunno, it started to make less and less sense.

When you really think about it, there is almost nothing the .50Cal can do that a 7.62X51 cannot do that is at all useful to a civilian, other than impressing friends and strangers. Sure the .50 is a whole nother animal, but in any imaginable civilian defensive scenario .308 makes a lot more sense...

Well that and I cannot ride a Barrett. :laugh:

I also really want to get an M1 Garand. I love the sound of that "ting"...

Also if we are talking about Survival, TEOTWAWKI? Then I'll be toting around my Ruger 10/22 a couple dozen standard 10 round mags, and few thousand rounds of ammo... Would be a great choice besides, I've put more rounds through the 10/22 over the last 20 years than I can imagine, I can pluck the wings off a gnat at 100yds with the silly thing.
You have no idea how close I've come in the past. My Bro has a Custom Robar .50BMG that is a "blast" to shoot. :laugh:

I just about sold the Busa last year so I could buy a Barrett M82A1, I was really close. But then $7500 for a rifle that shoots $2 bills downrange? I dunno, it started to make less and less sense.

When you really think about it, there is almost nothing the .50Cal can do that a 7.62X51 cannot do that is at all useful to a civilian, other than impressing friends and strangers. Sure the .50 is a whole nother animal, but in any imaginable civilian defensive scenario .308 makes a lot more sense...

Well that and I cannot ride a Barrett. :laugh:

I also really want to get an M1 Garand. I love the sound of that "ting"...

Also if we are talking about Survival, TEOTWAWKI? Then I'll be toting around my Ruger 10/22 a couple dozen standard 10 round mags, and few thousand rounds of ammo... Would be a great choice besides, I've put more rounds through the 10/22 over the last 20 years than I can imagine, I can pluck the wings off a gnat at 100yds with the silly thing.

Can you shoot the nutz off a flea at 50yds...I can.:whistle::rofl:

I'd LOVE to have a 50bmg, but my budget wouldn't be able to handle it.

Besides, like you said I'd rather have an M1A in .308Win <(Socom Version SWEET!)

Are the M1garands hard to find? I would think they'd be...(and I can't believe you love the "I'm Screwed" ping...suck's when you're in combat, so I hear)...:whistle::laugh:

I love guns, of just about any kind...(if I had Bill Gate's money, I'd have at least one of every gun known to man).:thumbsup:
You can still buy brand new M1's from Springfield. :thumbsup: And while I find the "ping"
nostalgic, I also find the stories of our guys carrying empty clips, and tossing em' on the ground or against a building telling the enemy his rifle is empty, when in fact it's got 5 rounds in it. :thumbsup: But yeah, I wouldn't be anywhere near anything close enough to hear that ping, not with an accurate semi-auto 7.62X63 Yippa!

I am really tempted to go ahead and get my M14 now as well an XD45. Timing sucks though, just before Christmas and jobless... Hard to explain to the better half why I need another $2k in weapons... XD45 will likely happen though if nothing else, maybe I'll pair it with an FN-FAL, same 7.62X51 as the M14 with arguably the same accuracy, and a larger aftermarket... Though I really do want a Springfield...

Although a BAR might just fit the bill...
You can still buy brand new M1's from Springfield. :thumbsup: And while I find the "ping"
nostalgic, I also find the stories of our guys carrying empty clips, and tossing em' on the ground or against a building telling the enemy his rifle is empty, when in fact it's got 5 rounds in it. :thumbsup: But yeah, I wouldn't be anywhere near anything close enough to hear that ping, not with an accurate semi-auto 7.62X63 Yippa!

I am really tempted to go ahead and get my M14 now as well an XD45. Timing sucks though, just before Christmas and jobless... Hard to explain to the better half why I need another $2k in weapons... XD45 will likely happen though if nothing else, maybe I'll pair it with an FN-FAL, same 7.62X51 as the M14 with arguably the same accuracy, and a larger aftermarket... Though I really do want a Springfield...

Although a BAR might just fit the bill...

Springfield XD is an excellent weapon, however be aware of a few things. Depending upon what you plan to do with it these may not matter.

1 I hear many say they are just like a Glock. Wrong, Springfield XD has many more moving parts and require more tools to work on. XD will require hammer and punches to do some things to it such as remove firing pin.

2 finish on the XD has gotten better but still not great. I've owned three and all were succeptable to rust, even the one I had refinished by Springfield, even after they said it would fix the problem

3 metal on slide is a softer metal. Buddy had one come out of his holster when tackling a guy. The XD slid across concrete, not only scratched the surface but also cut into the metal. This won't happen with a Glock.

So yes I am partial to Glock when it comes to duty use. I carry one daily and I'm also a certified armorer. Why my preference? Because of their durability, fewer parts and ease of repair.
I just got back from the gun shop awhile ago, went and picked up a custom built 17 mach2 rifle built on a Ruger 10/22.

While I was there they had two people inquiring about purchasing AR15s. Rock River and Armalite both are now giving a 6 month + waiting time for a new AR15. Rock river is saying could be as much as a 10 month wait at this time.

Vote Obama for best gun salesman of the year :thumbsup:
Springfield XD is an excellent weapon, however be aware of a few things. Depending upon what you plan to do with it these may not matter.

1 I hear many say they are just like a Glock. Wrong, Springfield XD has many more moving parts and require more tools to work on. XD will require hammer and punches to do some things to it such as remove firing pin.

2 finish on the XD has gotten better but still not great. I've owned three and all were succeptable to rust, even the one I had refinished by Springfield, even after they said it would fix the problem

3 metal on slide is a softer metal. Buddy had one come out of his holster when tackling a guy. The XD slid across concrete, not only scratched the surface but also cut into the metal. This won't happen with a Glock.

So yes I am partial to Glock when it comes to duty use. I carry one daily and I'm also a certified armorer. Why my preference? Because of their durability, fewer parts and ease of repair.

Thanks, I appreciate it. My only problem with Glocks, and I I've fired several is ergonomics and umm... :whistle: Looks.

I love my SIG, and I've put a few hundred rounds through an XD45 but I hadn't heard much negative about them.

OH OH, You know something else I've been wanting to pick up is a Henry Rifle's "big Boy" lever action in .357.

Thanks, I appreciate it. My only problem with Glocks, and I I've fired several is ergonomics and umm... :whistle: Looks.

I love my SIG, and I've put a few hundred rounds through an XD45 but I hadn't heard much negative about them.

OH OH, You know something else I've been wanting to pick up is a Henry Rifle's "big Boy" lever action in .357.

Nothing wrong with the XDs at all. They shoot great and are reliable just not as durable as the Glock. Sig makes a fine weapon as well, however I'm left handed and many handguns just aren't made to accomodate a left handed shooter. Ambidextrous is also not a favorite of mine for various other reasons.

Henry rifles, I've never shot one but have heard great reports from those that have. My preference would be one chambered for a rifle round though
I will buy a conceled cary piece if and when Illinois passes a law to allow it. I don't get any joy out of firearms like I used to, but I will protect myself.
Glock 27 to go with my Glock 22...easy to conceal and extra mags will work in both :beerchug:

well, thanks you guys :laugh: i knew this was going to be my next piece for a while so i figured i would go ahead and jump on it before the prices started skyrocketing...i filled out the paperwork tonight and it is on it's way...Merry Christmas to me :thumbsup:
the head line in todays paper read


Pretty sure this is all parts of Obama's plan. Think about it. The most recent Assault Ban renewal push came from his home state, and is merely a tool to inspire the type of panic and fear required to move a lazy American to spend some money. Genius.

Our economic revival will be carried along via the taxes raised during the panicky gun buying between now and mid 2009. SO keep it up folks, we're doing what's good for the country.

Thank Goodness Obama won, and has convinced the wife that me paying $2000 for a new rifle makes perfect sense! :thumbsup::thumbsup: