2010 Selection is on Suzuki.com

From a marketing standpoint I would agree that no changes for 10 would not be a good thing...look around, people are hurting and there are some sweet deals on a 08's 09's with little to no miles and possibly some free upgrades. I was waiting for a 10 before pulling the trigger...if its no dif than an 09 I'll pick up one lightly used and save the $.....there has to be incentive to want a 10 over a 9 otherwise they are competing with allot of 08 09 bikes on the market because of the economy...busa is a great bike, but apples to apples most guys are going to save a buck.
Marketing 101 huh! How about this for some marketing accounting savings. Suzuki doesn't need to spend $1.00 on marketing this bike. The lore alone is enough to keep sales rolling for one full year with the current paint schemes. How much would that save Suzuki? oodles and oodles of cash? Nothing markets like word of mouth. Superior products sell themselves, period. When you go to the horse track, do you bet by color of the horse, or by speed of the last races, etc? Lamb doesn't mean to sound contrarian here, but believes that changing a color here or there has no real bearing on sales from year to year. Besides, doesn't the change in color become more striking if it is not changed for a few years?

True...do it to save cash has merit. But show me a year where they have done it before?
Obviously I can't agree w/ you more that our beloved Busa is superior product :thumbsup:
But I still see it as a bad business decision & I do believe it will have a bearing on sales. Especially in today's economy. My $.02
They would be much better off spending a few bucks on different paint. Many people buy things with an emotional attachment to the color of it. Different people like different colors. If you always offer the same colors you will limit your market to one narrow scope of buyers.
Like this! :laugh:
Actually, it could be a pretty effective way to help clear out the 09s. if they look identical to the 10s, there's one less reason to go with a 10. I wonder if the 11s will be the same color?

I'm glad there are no updates, mechanically but I would like to see at least one new paint scheme for 2010. Not that they can ever top the 08 b/o.:thumbsup:
Marketing 101 huh! How about this for some marketing accounting savings. Suzuki doesn't need to spend $1.00 on marketing this bike. The lore alone is enough to keep sales rolling for one full year with the current paint schemes. How much would that save Suzuki? oodles and oodles of cash? Nothing markets like word of mouth. Superior products sell themselves, period. When you go to the horse track, do you bet by color of the horse, or by speed of the last races, etc? Lamb doesn't mean to sound contrarian here, but believes that changing a color here or there has no real bearing on sales from year to year. Besides, doesn't the change in color become more striking if it is not changed for a few years?

Well said Lamb . :thumbsup:
Maybe there are no good colors left?

2010, the year we ran out of colors...you'll tell stories about it to your grandchildren when they ask why no new colors have appeared for the last fifty years.

You should all be greatful you were alive to witness the event.
They would be much better off spending a few bucks on different paint. Many people buy things with an emotional attachment to the color of it. Different people like different colors. If you always offer the same colors you will limit your market to one narrow scope of buyers.

Well stated. A solid color Red 2010 would convince me to part with my 07.
street racer mentioned solid colors. I'd like to see the Busa minus the all the stickers(just kanji) from the factory. Maybe a school bus yellow, candy blue, viper red, hemi orange, neon green(ala ghostriders naked turbobusa).
street racer mentioned solid colors. I'd like to see the Busa minus the all the stickers(just kanji) from the factory. Maybe a school bus yellow, candy blue, viper red, hemi orange, neon green(ala ghostriders naked turbobusa).

I dunno...I kinda like the '09 Canadian black & gold...just wish it had a gold front rim, then it would be:bowdown: still would like to see a blue & silver combo to bring back the awesomeness and to look good parked beside my '00:whistle: