2012 Eureka Springs June 1-3

Is there a place to load and unload a Busa on and off a f 150 up there?

yes there is, we can do it right in the motel parking lot in front of the office where there is a nice slope perfect for it...hopefully, someone will show up with ramps as that makes it even easier :beerchug:
I have been to a couple meets with the 1130cc furom, is there anything we need to do to help with the meet just getting a heads up thanks

no, just make sure to bring the key for your bike and be ready to do a little riding and make some new friends :beerchug:
Uh oh, looks like work may be getting in the way, will know more by the weekend. I may have to cancel this one.
Uh oh, looks like work may be getting in the way, will know more by the weekend. I may have to cancel this one.

Where is the "DISLIKE" button? I understand though, I just started a new job not to long ago so I may need to re-arrange my schedule a little, I was originally planning on being there Friday thru Monday.But I may have to leave Sunday.
This will be the 5th Eureka M'nG since I've had my bike. Work and weather have shot down the last 4, fingers crossed that the 5th time may be the charm. Even if it's just 1 day.:please:
james.... i worked my but off to make it this year..... hope you can make it wont be the same with out you
just received a message from the motel that they had one room open if anyone wanted it...if everyone has one that wants one, they are going to let it go to another group