2020 Pashnit Touring

Every once in awhile I like to let the group go on ahead while I'll sweep the group and take pics to use later in California Motorcycle Roads site.

Already wrote the article for this stretch of road, but you can never have too many photos of your favorite stretch of road.

Plus once in the redwood forest, you don't notice the smoke. There will be no scenery shots on this tour.



I had this odd idea to just take pics of all the 15mph signs, but your mind daydreams, it was an odd idea. There are a lot. Once came up on this exact corner and there was a Harley crashed into the guard rail. These corners come up fast and sudden.

Always harping on this:

Sternly encouraging a Delayed Late Apex technique to the riders, setting up your line correctly when you're entering a corner and setting the speed at the entry, Set up on the outside, brake till the mid-point and power out in the second half. Get to practice this hundreds of times over in a stretch like this.

Always harping on this:

Sternly encouraging a Delayed Late Apex technique to the riders, setting up your line correctly when you're entering a corner and setting the speed at the entry, Set up on the outside, brake till the mid-point and power out in the second half. Get to practice this hundreds of times over in a stretch like this.

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Most of the gravel kicked up by vehicles is right where the apex arrow is...at least around here.

I'm real cautious when it comes to doing any aggressive apexing here.

If I know t road real well I might do a little but all it takes is one car to go off the inside of a corner to spit gravel..
Wondering where this stretch is? Likely one of the twistiest stretches of road in the state and much-loved by riders.

Next day there is no way to escape the smoke, all you can do is ride through it. Good news is minimal traffic and the roads are just a twisty as always.



There are fires to the north and south of us, we're in the middle of it.



Realizing I've done so much riding, I've worn the leather through on my Icon Ti-Max gloves.


I like these armored gloves so much, five years back I bought a spare second pair for when this day would come.

Buddy of mine (riding 30 years) recently was in a wreck on the freeway at 70mph in Los Angeles while commuting to work. Driver shifted lanes and never even looked left and said while sliding down the freeway, he actually ground off his armored knuckles, and straight through his knee & shoulder leather down to the armor. Had his leathers repaired and he was completely unscathed other than broken hand. When he stopped sliding, said the bike was on top of him. Destroyed his full face helmet. Armor is good.


When new...!!

Reaching Highway 36, we're about 40 miles from the wildfire and it's raining ash.



We're about 100 miles from the ocean, and since all the scenic overlooks have nothing to view, we did the 100 miles to the ocean in a dead run non-stop on Highway 36.
