2024 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa



A sense of déjà vu swept over me as we pulled into Big Basin Redwoods SP.
The second motorcycle tour I ever led, 21 years ago, we met in Saratoga in the South Bay, and rode to Big Basin Redwoods SP. It was a group of ten, but our small group was swelled with the addition of several local riders from the South Bay Riders, a discussion based motorcycle forum led by local rider Andy Bajka (which is still going strong). We rode up and over the Santa Cruz Mountain Range, 21 years ago, into Big Basin Redwoods SP. Hung out in the parking lot, kicked tires, got to know each other. Fast Forward two decades, surrounded by Pashnit Tours Alumni, and we're parked in the same place, still surrounded in motorcycles & redwood trees.
Some things shouldn't change when they're this good.
And I'm still on a Hayabusa.

Original tour pics from 2004:
Pashnit guided tour pictures 06/11/04

21 years ago.... meeting at the same coffee shop as today


21 years ago, parked in the very same spot as today... in Big Basin Redwoods SP



This was the second motorcycle tour I had ever led, I've since led another 224 organized motorcycle tours since this photo in 2004.
A much younger me too! :laugh:

My buddy Laurent with one of the burnt redwoods from the August 2020 wildfire that swept through the park. The redwoods are still alive and growing back.


Karen and her FZ09 she calls The Fuzz


They're growing back, but the wildfire burnt down all the buildings in the park


Same spot - August 2020 - see the stairs in the two shots?
