250 Mile review


Dis in my way!
Staff member
The temperature was 72 and my dad had asked me to go on a ride with him and 6 of his friends on wings and cruisers... You know me I just want to ride.... I put the gear on and we we headed out, no wind perfect weather.... Here are some things that I noticed

1. There just isnt any wind in the cockpit... I cant explain it but its so quiet and calm.
2. The mirrors have to be wider, professor picked up on this the other night when he rode it, I verified this today, you can actually see past your elbows
3. The brakes do grab better !
4. The pull is crazy hard
5. They say the seat is thicker, my butt still is sore.
6. I had people ask me if that was the new busa at two gas stations today, people know its out there.

It just feels good to be back in the saddle.. I rode in the very back and my dad in the very front leading, he didnt want to follow me anymore since he watched me crash in July.

I had to work today, but the weather was perfect here too. Lots of bikes out. Sounds like the 08 has made quite an impression on you cap.
I have 350 on mine and agree with all your stuff..:) although my butt dont get sore, my back does a little(Im 6'3" tall).. I get alot of looks...

have you had any cars egging to run you?? usually 1 a day for me at least...yesterday had a 300 ZX trying to be bad..I let him go,lol..;)
Ya know Hal I tried not to get caught up in the Hype and performance reviews from the magazines but man I just cant tell ya the difference in the Gen I and Gen II.

I am very pleased thus far....

Nice little write up, Cap; especially interesting observation about the cockpit. Any pics?

Glad you're back in the saddle!
Good to hear your enjoying your seat time! I got a small ride in today myself during a toys for tots run.
Glad you're enjoying the ridin', Doug. Like Hal said, the weather was great and I was glad I was able to get out for a few minutes. Keep us updated on your impressions.
Great to hear Doug, glad you are back in the saddle. I know from talking to your dad that he never wants to see what happened to you, happen again. Juli and I were Christmas shopping today, but I think we are going to meet Goodluck tomorrow and enjoy a nice ride. My local dealer has 3 new busas on the floor, one of each color. The color you chose looks so much better in person. Props brother!
Just turned over 1000 miles on my orange 08. I just love all that torque....yummy! Can't wait to do some extra long rides next year
Just turned over 1000 miles on my orange 08.  I just love all that torque....yummy! Can't wait to do some extra long rides next year
Is the 08 your first busa or did you have another before? If you did have one before how would you compare them?
Just turned over 1000 miles on my orange 08. I just love all that torque....yummy! Can't wait to do some extra long rides next year
Is the 08 your first busa or did you have another before? If you did have one before how would you compare them?
I have never road the old Busa but I can sure say I am enjoying the 08. I've owned many sport bikes over the years (r1, gsxr-750, cbr900 ect) and I currently own an 06 GSXR 1k too. The smooth ride and solid feel combined with the massive power has made the Busa a big favorite of mine already. It just seems to have the right balance for me.
Oh yea, I have an 02 Honda VFR that I really need to sell. A nice bike except the DOGGISH performance of the engine. Not enough grunt for me and the mileage is nothing to brag about either. Needless to say the Busa has solved that problem!!
I have 148 on mine in two days it fells good want full yosh. when I get my cash back up! I think it fells great in the twisties! I had my 01 Busa for 5 years sold it to buy the new one and it didn't come out last year. I bought a 06 GSXR1000 and it was good but you see I have the 08 Busa now! Don't look back love the 08 Busa