A few things I'd like to point out, while yes white men have historically oppressed people of color, given the disproportionate way in which they have help power, that is to be expected.
Your statement implies that if people of color are armed, this oppression is less likely to occur and that is a fantasy. Oppression and victimization occur with the click of a key or stroke of a pen, firearm ownership will do nothing to prevent the cultural, industrial and financial setbacks suffered by communities of color from repeating.
Far from being predators, radicalized white males are the victims of propaganda. They have been taught that minorities and women have jumped in line ahead of them and plundered the bounty of the country, bounty that was rightfully theirs. They have become an extension of the extremely successful divide and conquer strategy employed by the true elite in this country since the time of slavery. You can hear echoes of this in today's political rhetoric, wealthy white men (access to power provided by wealth being key, not race) recognize that in order to keep control of the lower classes they must continue to pit us against each other. No amount of firearm ownership is going to change that.