Mr Brown
Keep reading.....Just want to play devil's advocate about open/concealed carry. Just because a state allows it, doesn't necessarily mean that someone is going to be there with a tool on them to stop the threat. Think of how many people you encounter on a daily basis who don't have a gun on them, or have never even touched a gun. I live in a rural area so it's a bit different here. Lot's of hunters, but they're almost all fud's. They care about their hunting rifles/shotguns and that's about it.
I know a lot of people WAY more into guns than I am that never carry. I know a few people who only own one handgun, and it goes with them everywhere. I'm somewhere in between. I only own weapons that could possibly serve a purpose to me if I needed them to.
I carry every single day, everywhere I go, unless it's a *sigh* gun free zone. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed. The AR is usually with me as well.
To me it's more about saving me and mine, than stopping a mass murderer. If someone attacks me or my loved ones, I do not have time to wait for the cops. It's all about taking your life in your own hands and getting the job done. That being said, if I happened to be in a place where a shooting was taking place I would absolutely step in and to to stop it, without a second thought. I think if more people had this mentality and actually strapped up every day and made good habits to practice, things could be a lot different.
Just my .02 cents.