2nd Pres. Debate is outta control

I dont think the town hall style does us any good as far as getting the candidates to debate the issues with each other. The mod should not have interjected her opinion and made herself part of the story. I thought it was more of a mess than anything and didnt change many minds.
This was my girlfriends first presidential debate and she was appalled at both candidates behavior. She asked, "Are all debates like this?" I told her no the moderator will pull them back in line. Boy was I wrong the moderator just sat and watched with the both of us.

I was disappointed with Rommine's first answer to the job question. All he did was say how bleak the out look for new kids graduating college.
I was most upset with the fact that both candidates think that fully automatic "assault" weapons kill people.
Evidently all by themselves...
I was most upset with the fact that both candidates think that fully automatic "assault" weapons kill people.
Evidently all by themselves...

Maybe u missed it, but Romney did say that he supported the laws already on the books about "fully automatic" weapons and believes the laws on the books are sufficient. The President stated he wants an assault weapons ban. Makes a clear choice if that is your key issue. Romney missed a chance to ask the President how Chicago was doing with a strick gun law that restricts legal citizens from owning said firearms. I believe it was a trick question placed by the moderator: It and several other questions were obviously land mines for Romney, and he handled them pretty well - how about the question about "why are you different than GWB?" What question was nothing BUT a set up.
The questions were definitely skewed more in favor of Obama over Romney and when you have a moderator that gets to decide the questions it leaves biases in play. They should have been drawn out of a hat and she should have kept her mouth shut instead of interjecting a "fact"
Maybe u missed it, but Romney did say that he supported the laws already on the books about "fully automatic" weapons and believes the laws on the books are sufficient. The President stated he wants an assault weapons ban. Makes a clear choice if that is your key issue. Romney missed a chance to ask the President how Chicago was doing with a strick gun law that restricts legal citizens from owning said firearms. I believe it was a trick question placed by the moderator: It and several other questions were obviously land mines for Romney, and he handled them pretty well - how about the question about "why are you different than GWB?" What question was nothing BUT a set up.

Romney said automatic weapons are already illegal and we don't need anymore laws.
He's an idiot and doesn't know they are not illegal and in fact legal in over 30 states.
Both are closet gun grabbers. Obama let slip he'd like to see another assault weapon ban.
Romney said automatic weapons are already illegal and we don't need anymore laws.
He's an idiot and doesn't know they are not illegal and in fact legal in over 30 states.
Both are closet gun grabbers. Obama let slip he'd like to see another assault weapon ban.

I didn't read it that way, more that he oversimplified. He DOES have the NRAs endorsement (by default). He's right we don't need anymore laws.

That's why I say the question was a trick question: It was expected Romney would immediatly say he supported the 2nd amendment and any attempt to further degrade it - and would immediately labeled a baby killer because he thought AK47's were ok - yet, he managed to dance around the question fairly well IMHO. It was a straw-man setup and he didn't fall for it.
I do however like the fact that Mittens wants to make sure my wife is home in time from work to make dinner... :poke:
I don't completely trust any of them, either, but it doesn't effect my vote in this election.
Im glad he didnt get into details about the national firearms act. Its bad enough that people who have no clue what a assault weapon is besides its color or what a "heavy caliber" is besides what gun shoots it make the laws deciding which are legal or not. The fact that I can own a fully automatic weapon as long as its grandfathered before 86 and I have a tax stamp would drive most anti gun morons bananas. Just from Obamas statement on a new ban if it looks even remotely close that he's going to win powder, primers, high cap mags and semi auto prices are going to go through the roof again.
I always LOL when I hear candidates talk about assault weapons. most assault weapons are less powerful than hunting rifles...??? there certainly not the choice of weapons among gangs or criminals in general.

they make up like less the 1% of all violent crimes....:whistle:

and anyone who thinks an assaust weapon by definition can be easily converted to fully automatic doesnt know chit about guns.

the majority of mass murders come from bombs and arson NOT assault weapons.
Its a known fact that when Barbara Boxer was deciding which weapons would be included in the AWB in 94 she looked in a gun catalog and chose them by color, heat shields, flash suppressors, magazine capacity and anything that "looked" dangerous.
Its a known fact that when Barbara Boxer was deciding which weapons would be included in the AWB in 94 she looked in a gun catalog and chose them by color, heat shields, flash suppressors, magazine capacity and anything that "looked" dangerous.

To me, this:

is more dangerous looking than this:

To me, this:

is more dangerous looking than this:

lol.... x2. alcohol related vehicle death FAR outweigh assault weapon deaths. I use to tell my buddys that I am far more likely to be killed driving home tonite from work by a DRUNK then I was by an assault weapon while working in the housing projects tonight. thats a FACT!