2nd Pres. Debate is outta control

I need some leaves raked up. Any Obama supporters out there actually looking for work??
What do you have to back that statement up?

A pretty thorough understanding of the US and the world economy, especially what happens when money supply freezes over due to wrong policies and misregulation. A good understanding about exactly why Greece, Spain, France and Italy are where they are, why Germany is reluctant to help and why it is rediculous for anyone who understands global currency to compare the US to Greece.

Hey, but I still don't like Kawasaki and remain an independant.
I wouldn't compare the US to Greece - YET...but we are headed in that direction if we don't get our stuff in order. We still have the largest economy in the world, and the most solid currency, but we sure as heck don't wanna go there. We get our fiscal house in order, other countries will follow suit. Our debt is not sustainable.
A pretty thorough understanding of the US and the world economy, especially what happens when money supply freezes over due to wrong policies and misregulation. A good understanding about exactly why Greece, Spain, France and Italy are where they are, why Germany is reluctant to help and why it is rediculous for anyone who understands global currency to compare the US to Greece.

Hey, but I still don't like Kawasaki and remain an independant.

Does that thorough understanding include the fact that not only the wrong policies but the non stop inundation of wrong policies and over regulation of some of our most important industries including coal, oil shale, off shore drilling, private mining, lumber harvest and the general shutdown of access to our public lands is inflicting enormous harm on our industries and private small businesses? I live in Oregon and have never seen so many gates blocking access to myself and others hunting grounds and its all happened in the last 4 years. The private gold miners are facing withering frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt them and therefor shut down all access to their mining areas. We are losing our access to our lands here at a rapid pace and even though these gates are supposed to be approved by the congress they have been put in by the USFS at a price of $11000 per gate in defiance of any congressional approval. When the government over regulates from a partisan standpoint we all lose our rites. The thing i have noticed about liberals including myself before I woke up is how much they didnt pay attention. When you pay attention to whats going on and if your at all interested in the freedom we all have been used to you can not believe in the liberal / progressive view that their leading us in to. DO YOUR RESEARCH!
I missed it too (on purpose), but my best friend watched because her 12 year old daughter had to take notes for a class in school. She said the entire thing was very unprofessional, like 2 children fighting...I said "So politics as usual?" :banghead:

What class? Wait, lemme guess:

Political lying and why it's OK?
Psychology of a bully?
Mudslinging 101?
How to leave your manners at the table?
Setting a BAD example - The essence of politics?
How to choose between caviar and escargot without acknowledgeing that your considering eating something that you wouldn't want on the bottom of your shoe?

Oh, I guess MAYBE she might be studying Poly-Sci. Yes? :laugh:
Does that thorough understanding include the fact that not only the wrong policies but the non stop inundation of wrong policies and over regulation of some of our most important industries including coal, oil shale, off shore drilling, private mining, lumber harvest and the general shutdown of access to our public lands is inflicting enormous harm on our industries and private small businesses? I live in Oregon and have never seen so many gates blocking access to myself and others hunting grounds and its all happened in the last 4 years. The private gold miners are facing withering frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt them and therefor shut down all access to their mining areas. We are losing our access to our lands here at a rapid pace and even though these gates are supposed to be approved by the congress they have been put in by the USFS at a price of $11000 per gate in defiance of any congressional approval. When the government over regulates from a partisan standpoint we all lose our rites. The thing i have noticed about liberals including myself before I woke up is how much they didnt pay attention. When you pay attention to whats going on and if your at all interested in the freedom we all have been used to you can not believe in the liberal / progressive view that their leading us in to. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Hang on, let me go consult with Bernie Madoff and I'll be right back.

Just jokin, I leave the serious debate between Obama and Romney, one left to go, not getting into a who is right or wrong discussion here. :laugh:
Romney appears more confident in himself. appearence is just as important as brains in politics. Obama is simply out classed by a smarter and better politician.

its amazing how lost Obama is when he doesnt have a teleprompter to read from.....:whistle:

Romney smarter than Obama, nah...Romney is a salesman aka "the closer", like the car sales man that will tell you what he thinks you want to hear to get you in the deal, he has a memorized line for everything and that's what he is excellent and confident at; making up stuff then actually believing that it's true, a confident liar is still a liar and this guy does it blatantly and often.

Why does his position on so many things change, depending on the reason or the season? How do you know what he really wants to do, just Google "Romney position" on anything and you will see how it changes, from his on words, you don't even have to go that far back because he has been doing it all year.

A couple of the things that I thought was funny about the debate was when he tells people how bad the Health Care Reform Act aka "Obama Care" is because that's what they wanted to hear and how he will get rid of it but then in closing of the debate he takes credit for insuring 98% of the people in Mass under the plan that the "Health care reform act" was modeled after ??? The other thing is his magical tax plan that keeps changing, that he said will add up because he is a business man :rofl: well even with the new formula he came up with at the debate once the math was worked out it was over 4 trillion short :laugh: like they keep saying there is no way he can do what he is throwing out there as a fix and not tax the middle class. Mitt Romney is a great salesman and business man but would be a horrible president.
Romney smarter than Obama, nah...Romney is a salesman aka "the closer", like the car sales man that will tell you what he thinks you want to hear to get you in the deal, he has a memorized line for everything and that's what he is excellent and confident at; making up stuff then actually believing that it's true, a confident liar is still a liar and this guy does it blatantly and often.

Why does his position on so many things change, depending on the reason or the season? How do you know what he really wants to do, just Google "Romney position" on anything and you will see how it changes, from his on words, you don't even have to go that far back because he has been doing it all year.

A couple of the things that I thought was funny about the debate was when he tells people how bad the Health Care Reform Act aka "Obama Care" is because that's what they wanted to hear and how he will get rid of it but then in closing of the debate he takes credit for insuring 98% of the people in Mass under the plan that the "Health care reform act" was modeled after ??? The other thing is his magical tax plan that keeps changing, that he said will add up because he is a business man :rofl: well even with the new formula he came up with at the debate once the math was worked out it was over 4 trillion short :laugh: like they keep saying there is no way he can do what he is throwing out there as a fix and not tax the middle class. Mitt Romney is a great salesman and business man but would be a horrible president.

What happened to the good old days, when politics were politics, but both parties pulled together on matters that were important. How did our nation move from "It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country", to a place where we blame the president for those who don't want to get employment.
Romney smarter than Obama, nah...Romney is a salesman aka "the closer", like the car sales man that will tell you what he thinks you want to hear to get you in the deal,

PLEASE don't compare anyone to a car salesman.. They are the WORST!

Right Blanca?? :dunno: :poke:
Romney smarter than Obama, nah...Romney is a salesman aka "the closer", like the car sales man that will tell you what he thinks you want to hear to get you in the deal, he has a memorized line for everything and that's what he is excellent and confident at; making up stuff then actually believing that it's true, a confident liar is still a liar and this guy does it blatantly and often.

Why does his position on so many things change, depending on the reason or the season? How do you know what he really wants to do, just Google "Romney position" on anything and you will see how it changes, from his on words, you don't even have to go that far back because he has been doing it all year.

A couple of the things that I thought was funny about the debate was when he tells people how bad the Health Care Reform Act aka "Obama Care" is because that's what they wanted to hear and how he will get rid of it but then in closing of the debate he takes credit for insuring 98% of the people in Mass under the plan that the "Health care reform act" was modeled after ??? The other thing is his magical tax plan that keeps changing, that he said will add up because he is a business man :rofl: well even with the new formula he came up with at the debate once the math was worked out it was over 4 trillion short :laugh: like they keep saying there is no way he can do what he is throwing out there as a fix and not tax the middle class. Mitt Romney is a great salesman and business man but would be a horrible president.

The ENORMOUS difference between Romneycare and Obamacare (and it's a huge one), is that Romneycare was a STATE Program, and Obamacare is a FEDERAL program....
Romney smarter than Obama, nah...Romney is a salesman aka "the closer", like the car sales man that will tell you what he thinks you want to hear to get you in the deal, he has a memorized line for everything and that's what he is excellent and confident at; making up stuff then actually believing that it's true, a confident liar is still a liar and this guy does it blatantly and often.

Why does his position on so many things change, depending on the reason or the season? How do you know what he really wants to do, just Google "Romney position" on anything and you will see how it changes, from his on words, you don't even have to go that far back because he has been doing it all year.

A couple of the things that I thought was funny about the debate was when he tells people how bad the Health Care Reform Act aka "Obama Care" is because that's what they wanted to hear and how he will get rid of it but then in closing of the debate he takes credit for insuring 98% of the people in Mass under the plan that the "Health care reform act" was modeled after ??? The other thing is his magical tax plan that keeps changing, that he said will add up because he is a business man :rofl: well even with the new formula he came up with at the debate once the math was worked out it was over 4 trillion short :laugh: like they keep saying there is no way he can do what he is throwing out there as a fix and not tax the middle class. Mitt Romney is a great salesman and business man but would be a horrible president.

New polls out this morning with Romney 50 - Obama 46. There has never been a sitting president in history re-elected at this point when he was this far behind.

The first debate when the president showed up in an empty suit was the turning of the tide. Not even the president whom many have described as the smartest man who ever lived can "Un-ring" a bell :dunno:

So I'd suggest getting use to the title "President Mitt Romney"!
Tuf could be right. I think that reality hit Obama in the face during the 2nd debate and we part of the reason he was so agitated. He could see his grasp on the office slipping away and eloquent half truths and finger pointing don't seem to be changing things. But keep in mind, reality could be quite different than what the media is portraying. I trust CNN and fox like I trust politicians, I don't . They are the ones that can say hey O is rocking and rolling or he's stumbling. Then the masses will follow their lead. Media spin is incredible.

This is all gonna be tied to the Mayan end of the world prophecy with the next election being the fuse, one month or so later 12/21 BOOM!

Here's something pretty interesting that has never made it into the debate (and SHOULD):

First off, that the President currently has a bigger state and federally funded PENSION than Romney.

Second, and the biggest shocker, Romney DID NOT TAKE A SALARY FOR HIS TERM AS GOVERNOR...that's right, NO PAY..THAT somehow needs to get brought out, as it would REALLY resonate with voters....

Pension Envy: Who Has More