I told you to watch out, Rod! now he wants home videos of you!
*better make sure you close the curtains at night*
-although....he'll prolly spend more time peeking in your garage, wishing he could just sit on a badazz bike just oncelease:
hey-we're all allowed to dream...just dont hate in tha process, junior
actually-I was using yours after u passed out last night in the recliner again, w/ur hand down ur pants tryn to remember what it like to have b@lls when you rode a Busa
actually-I was using yours after u passed out last night in the recliner again, w/ur hand down ur pants tryn to remember what it like to have b@lls when you rode a Busa
please little boy...call me when you can a bike that can hang.
please DONT call me-pick up a book on the english language and grammar structure-THEN READ IT...then figure out what the heck you were trying to say and write it out PROPERLY
you cant insult someone if you cant even spell "f**k off" correctly
BUT-we're all very aware of your lack of intellect, as evidenced by the fact that you hang on a BUSA forum, whilst riding a itty-witty-bitty-bike that you had to throw BOOST at just to make it keep pace with the BIG DOGS
obviously u were tired of seein this view of Busas....but dont worry, if we ever hook up at a M & G for a ride, i'll gladly let you whiz by me, so you can feel better "being in front of the Busa-dudes"
'sides...Im not sure I want you staring at my @ss....you want videos of Rod's butt already thats just weird man
please little boy...call me when you can a bike that can hang.
OR-keep tryin to talk chit w/Big D n get yourself embarassed when I pick you up & tickle you till you pee at Bike Night
Then you'll have to ride home with your buds calling you "Pee-Pants McGee the Gixxer Boy"
and that dont sound like a cool name to get stuck with....not even HALF as cool as "Aquaman" But you'd havta be a sooper-good rider to get a nick-name like THAT
This is classic man this guy 4life is so funy... I bet he doesn't have a bike
yep...probably right
check the classifieds section