300 or 330 ???

@ least I can dance:banana:
whats this about man? at this point its obvious u sincerely hate everything Rod n I have had to say-Y? because you cant stand guys w/nicer bikes than yours? dont be pissd we keep our grovery-gettin Busas in the garage and clean then once n awhile, and take our FINEAZZ women out on'em and enjoy ourselves every minute of it:beerchug:
mebbe if you made some attitude adjustments, you'd meet someone who could keep u from bein such a miserable crab who runs around tryin to pick fights on internet forums...because obviously? You've got NOTHING better to do...which I find absolutely facinating-i do all my s**t-talkin while waiting in lines and running errands *yep- Im an errand-boy BTW:laugh:* from my celly...in between looking at pics of my bike:whistle: then thinkn about YOUR bike:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl
picked a fight? You made a statement, that you can carve a big tire equipped bike. No difference between this statement and any on any other thread that people can call b/s on. So I said I didn't believe the statement, You responded positively that you are willing to have your bike video taped in action. Then some guy making gay references and outlandish comments jumps into the conversation. Might want to re read the thread and see who commented to me first to start this fight. If it was between you and I, I would believe the statement. So far, you accepted my offer to video tape you in action and invited me to the ECHR ride.

Reality: If I offered to video your bike, it would be difficult if not impossible to do if you were "chasing" me through turns. If someone was talking about bets or contests, I would believe you actually thought this.

And as for why I would want to be on this site and gixxer.com, last I remember, you think "Mullet" is a gixxer. So why are you here?

WOW,.,,,I go to the gym and back and another hole page is up on this.
When the carving thing came up. IT was someone said the fatty cant carve....I said " maybe with them riding it". I carve to my best..not equal to others, but good for on a 330. THen you said about what carving is...and said TOO -SHAY, not what I ment then on the carving issue. Do I knee down in turns...not yet, but I go low for having a 330 stretched. I never said anything about being equal to the aggressive rider on stock...no matter what bike they are on.
The new staightment about following a 1000 thru a turn was not directed at chasing you in general. Just compairing a great twisty bike to the MULLET..thats all. VID of the MULLET is going to happen on the ECHR ride in June...may have offered to record. Im still planning a Summit Point road course track day this year...that will be very interresting.

THe MULLET is a GSX1300R...HAYABUSA. Witch I have always believed to be a gsxr ( gixxer grand daddy of them all. The Katana was never an "R", just gsx...maybe I missed something in the history of Suzuki models...and I told you that back then.

:banghead::banghead::banghead: Holly Crap....back to the topic...300 vs 330! Once you cross the 240 line....go big 330. IF crazy big is what you want go 360, but then you have crossed into another hole riding type.:please: LET this drama rest>>>>>>>>???
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:rofl::rofl: I cant stop laughing... :laugh: this guy won't stop. 4life, I will sell you my busa... seems like you want a fatty so bad! On second thought you dont deserve to ride a busa and from what I can tell can't handle a fatty...

Man you got to love it... As long as the haters keep hatin, we are going something right:thumbsup: I can't understand why this guy hates so much. If I don't like something I keep it to myself and move on. It's not my bike and I don't have to ride it so who cares.
Well spoken "D". Not to defend him, but the carver thing came about someone saying the fatties cant carve...with me responding that the rider may then not be able to carve. All I have been saying over and over again. " A fatty will NOT keep you from riding the style you have always road ". IF you did not KNEEDRAG before....you will not notice the fatty now. Yes it takes MORE effort to put it in a good turn, but WILL do it.

WHy a gixxer rider is here? DOnt know why on a gixxer now, maybe could not get a Busa to do what he likes to do on the GIXXER. HIS PREFERANCE, but take it back to the Gixxer race boards will ya.

"We love fat bikes".

I gotta ask...how does it ride? I am seriously considering this mod but I do like the twisties. I am not a canyon carvin, knee draggin pro..but I do have fun. :)

So....how does it effect the ride? I have an 06 arlen ness with a 300 in the rear and it shifts from over to understeer during turns and ins't that much fun to ride. i am thinking about selling it to fund the turbo project on the busa. I knew the pig was good for something!

Anyone want to buy a speedliner with a bad ass paint real flame paint job and all the goodies?
I agree with all the real members of this site! I have been on several bikes with stretched swingarms and wide tires. You can lean them just as good as a stock bike. It does take a little more work, but it can be done!!:beerchug:

it'd be pretty hard to turn a wide-tire bike using LEETLE GUUURRRLY-MAHN arms tho....hmmmmm, NOW I understand why 'hater4life' cant stand Wide-Tire Busas: they're too much work 4 his weetle beety arms:rofl:

mebbe if he spent more time :muscle: and less time hating other people's bikes, he'd make some friends that dont require $$by-the-hour:whistle:
I gotta ask...how does it ride? I am seriously considering this mod but I do like the twisties. I am not a canyon carvin, knee draggin pro..but I do have fun. :)

So....how does it effect the ride? I have an 06 arlen ness with a 300 in the rear and it shifts from over to understeer during turns and ins't that much fun to ride. i am thinking about selling it to fund the turbo project on the busa. I knew the pig was good for something!

Anyone want to buy a speedliner with a bad ass paint real flame paint job and all the goodies?

might not have tha $$, but we all pic hoes 'round here!:rulez: c'mon man, dont tease like that-if you want throw the pics in the "Posers Paradise thread" with all the other fatty-tire bikes...some retarded dude on here made the thread for all the bikes that look like chit and no one wants to ride one:whistle::laugh:
I gotta ask...how does it ride? I am seriously considering this mod but I do like the twisties. I am not a canyon carvin, knee draggin pro..but I do have fun. :)

So....how does it effect the ride? I have an 06 arlen ness with a 300 in the rear and it shifts from over to understeer during turns and ins't that much fun to ride. i am thinking about selling it to fund the turbo project on the busa. I knew the pig was good for something!

Anyone want to buy a speedliner with a bad ass paint real flame paint job and all the goodies?

Like IVe said before....I love it. When I ride, its not like I go looking for twisties, but there are those occations:whistle:. It like learning to ride all over again. You have to work it to make the twisties fun. With having air-ride, I can get the tail up higher than norm and it helps a lot with the turn ins.
rod ur bike is bein used in more aspects than alot of peoples are.. congrats to u.. ur bike is a daily driver, drag bike, show bike, and none the less soon to be a road track bike.. congrats may all the haters keep hatin cuz when they hate u know they will bring up ur bike and others..
can someone check to see if 'hater4life's name is really Eric Cartman??
just a wild theory of a friend:whistle: although its really scary to think there's TWO clowns out there that eat cheesey poofs n spend all day on their computer yellin "maaaahhhhm- i want sum pie!" from tha basement:laugh::rofl:
The only fatty this guy,4life can handle is the 300lb at chick he has to look at every night when he goes to bed. I have been reading this guys post for the last 3 days and he has proven the point that some people are just jealous little pricks!!!!:moon::laugh::poke::rofl::rofl::rofl::moon:
rod ur bike is bein used in more aspects than alot of peoples are.. congrats to u.. ur bike is a daily driver, drag bike, show bike, and none the less soon to be a road track bike.. congrats may all the haters keep hatin cuz when they hate u know they will bring up ur bike and others..

WHen this start elsewhere...I get called up. WHen I chose to enter into the FATTY zone...I honestly did not know what to expect riding it. ( you know all the myths from those that think they know but have never experienced). IT is nothing like they lead you to believe. So ventured out to say hey...it does not ride like that at all. Fatt tire does not mean trailer queen, for big shows I would ride it in if it was not for all the other crap that has to come allong. I get told all the time at the tracks that its to pertty to be riding it, expecialy at the track. Its NOT going to just sit in the garage....thats for sure.

Can the big tire bikes do it...YEP> street ride as I did before ( 95% of it yes), does it win shows..for sure, does it run the 1/4 turning good times...hell ya, does it handle? YES and looking for a road course track day to so how well it will hang,....now for stunting ( think thats the only style of riding left)...DOnt think that will be happening. Atleast not on the MY stretched fatty:laugh:

When a big tire bike shows up and a hate comment is made....oh yea they start "wait untill BIgRod see this thread:rofl:

FOr other issues......several pages of this drama is not needed. Sorry I had a good laugh and good time, but time to let it GO> There is some good info here and it could be lost to others seeking it by getting lost in the last 4 pages:laugh: The world goes round and the drama will to....like arguing with the WIFE.
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keep dancing ladies, you are entertaining me..

this is obviously the ONLY entertainment you get for FREE:poke::cheerleader:

I would know-worked Gentleman's Clubs for 3 years, and I had to shake hands w/guys like you 3 nights a week as I sat back n wondered "what do these losers DO the other 4 nights of the week when they're not in here giving their rent $$ to their psuedo-G.F.s:laugh:?"

NOW I know :thumbsup:
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i need another good laugh tonight-why dont you post up a pic of your face for us:laugh:
or better yet, the last the face of the last thing you kissed:moon::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: