As a Loan Officer, knowing how the models are factored, a person that keeps his/her debt at or below the 30% mark is going to have the best credit score. So in other words if you have a high limit of $10,000, 30% would be $3000.00 on balance,, and no more to score best. It used to be higher, but the three bureaus have recently remodeled and reset debt/high limit protocols.
A high scores can also have other points that would seize credit worthiness.
Some could be;
13 - Time since Delinquency Is Too Recent Or Unknown
38 - Public Records or Collection Filed
20 - Time Since Derogatory Public Record Or Collection Is Too Short
and one main killer is;
08 - Too Many Inquires Last 12 Months
Money is a lot tighter than before. Lenders are now looking at ways to NOT give it away, regardless of how much we know or think they have been infused.