900 miles in 2 days

Thanks for sharing the pics. Had to be an awesome ride. Tobin can help you out with the seat problem.
Awesome pics. We don't have anything like that at all here in Chicagoland
I lived in Wyoming for awhile and need to take a trip out there on the bike.
Thanks everyone....it was alot of fun but honstly i really think i will stick to the busa for those longer hauls...i have made the trip over to oregon many times and always taken the busa...i dont even think a tobin or corbin for the 1000 would even come close to the comfort the busa offers...the buzzy bars also got old and and made my hands feel a bit more wore out than when i take the busa....but the fun factor on the twisties couldent be matched, the 1000 is a blast ripp'in thru the turns....

Folks who dont ride will never understand what their missing...i was thinking the whole time i was rolling that i was living a dream...six weeks off work, two great bikes to ride and a pocket full of cash for gas&food, and just ride, ride, ride...

Thanks for the pics, I love the mountains...wonder why the heck I live in Florida everyday...Oh yeah, kids are here.
I was there a few weeks ago, just days after it opened all the way over, took photos I think from the same spots, great ride!

Just a little more snow, remember this lake, it was great after the heat wave getting up there.

yo rob you back. nice pics i dont know how you rode that thing so far. i went to san fran last week my ass hurt after 200 miles last sunday.
I was there a few weeks ago, just days after it opened all the way over, took photos I think from the same spots, great ride!

Just a little more snow, remember this lake, it was great after the heat wave getting up there.
arent the roads thru ther just fantastic?!!!.....i missed a couple off shots i wished i would of taken now...did you see the red snow to?...and the sulfer vents?...man, it smelled like sulfer on the southwest side strong...
oh ya, here is one more i forgot about...dont make a mistake here or its along way down
