911... Why it is what it is in the minds of Millions



Part 1: Preface and Introduction​

Frances T. Shure, M.A., L.P.C. November 24, 2013
Editor’s Note: Frances Shure, M.A., L.P.C., has performed an in-depth analysis addressing a key issue of our time: “Why Do Good People Become Silent — or Worse — About 9/11?” The resulting essay, being presented here as a series, is a synthesis of both academic research and clinical observations.
Please note that because Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is dedicated to researching and disseminating scientific information about the destruction of three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, and does not speculate as to the identity or motives of the perpetrators, any reference to names or motives of the attackers in this series of articles, made by either the author or the individuals she quotes, is a personal opinion and not the viewpoint of AE911Truth.


The following essay is not meant to persuade anyone of the theory that elements within our government were responsible for the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001. Rather, this paper is addressed primarily to the 45% of Americans1 — and those people in other parts of the world — who already believe a new investigation is needed, as well as those who simply have had their doubts about the official account of 9/11 but have not explored the issue further. This paper is also is addressed to psychology professionals and social scientists who may wish to consider the question in the title in greater depth.
Furthermore, this essay should be helpful to anyone who encounters resistance to anyparadigm-shifting idea about which he or she may be communicating, since the same dynamics and research would apply in most such cases.
This work was not crafted entirely alone. I am grateful to members of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth writing team who suggested I write an article in the first place — thus the seed was planted. Once the seed began germinating, it developed from an article to a very long essay. This work was nurtured by substantial suggestions from Marti Hopper, Ph.D.; Sheila Fabricant Linn, M.Div.; Dennis Linn, M.Div.; Daniel K. Sage, Ph.D.; Dorothy Lorig, M.A.; Earl Staelin, J.D.; Joseph Karuna; Gregg Roberts; John Freedom, C.E.H.P.; Danielle Duperret, Ph.D.; Paul W. Rea, Ph.D.; Tim Gale; Sonia Skakich-Scrima, M.A.; Barrie Zwicker; David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.; Kevin Barrett, Ph.D.; Barbara Honegger; James Braun, B.C.E.; Ken Jenkins; and Richard Forer. I also received invaluable editing help from Dennis McMahon, J.D., and journalist Susan Clay, as well as proofreading assistance from David Laing, M.A., and Nancy Hall. I am profoundly indebted and grateful for their enthusiastic help.
In addition, this work could not have been written without the contributions of numerous people named and quoted in these pages — specifically, their research and their in-depth thought. I have drawn from wherever I found research, credible observations, or inspiration that seemed to apply. Because September 11, 2001, was a major turning point in our nation and our world, with its aftermath resulting (as of this writing) in the murder of nearly two million innocent Muslims and over 9,000 U.S. troops, and the unprecedented loss of civil rights in the U.S. as well as in other countries, I hope others will become inspired to add to this synthesis of research and clinical observation with the aim of furthering awareness of ourselves and our human condition.
If we are alive to the adventure of life, we naturally open our minds while maintaining our ability to keenly discriminate. We learn more about ourselves, we change, we grow, and we become more aware. We gain the courage to say “no” to those who lie, who are deceptive, who would have us cower in fear, and who would have us remain silent on issues of great importance. We then do our part to raise consciousness in others, with the goal of helping further the human dream of creating more free, peaceful, sustainable, and equitable human communities on our beautiful planet.
I hope you enjoy the journey through the ensuing essay parts, a journey toward a heightened awareness of our human proclivities and toward a heightened awareness in answering the question, “Why Do Good People Become Silent — or Worse — About 9/11?”


“If what you are saying is true, I don’t want to know!” exclaimed a young male visitor at our 9/11 Truth booth at the Denver People’s Fair. He was referring to the evidence of controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center (WTC) skyscrapers on September 11, 2001.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because if what you are saying is true, I would become very negative. Psychologically, I would go downhill.”
With gratitude, I responded, “Thank you!”
Surprised, he asked, “Why are you thanking me?”
“Because it’s rare to hear such raw truth. Thank you for being so honest.”
Softened by our exchange, the young man chatted with me a while longer before taking his leave. I have never forgotten him; he has likely never forgotten me. We both felt it. Paradoxically, deep truth had been shared.
We who work to educate the public about 9/11 — and about false flag operations,2 — are puzzled by the often forceful resistance from our listeners. Yet, many of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement also once vigorously resisted this challenging evidence. We have our own stories to document this.
What drives these antagonistic reactions?
Before attempting to answer that question, I would like to clarify that people who balk at evidence pointing to 9/11 as a false flag are no more mentally healthy or unhealthy than those of us who question the official account. Both groups consist of individuals who span the mental health spectrum.
So, there is no need to pathologize those who currently do not see what is now so clear to us, just as those of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement should not be dismissed and maligned as “conspiracy theorists” — the latter being an obvious defense and a not-so-obvious offense.3
The psychology professionals interviewed in the documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out (ESO) by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth talk about the humantendency toward denial in order to avoid the discomfort of cognitive dissonance. They speak compassionately about all of us. They indulge in no sophisticated name-calling (a.k.a. diagnosing) — too often a common occurrence among members of this profession. This is indeed refreshing.
In this spirit, and in the spirit of beginning a conversation — for we humans are complicated creatures — I will share my thinking as to why many of us defend ourselves from information that is troubling.
History tells us that even scientists, whom we stereotypically view as persons who objectively and open-mindedly look at data rather than at belief to determine reality, often vigorously resist paradigm shifts. Gregor Mendel’s experiments and resulting theory of genetic inheritance, for example, was resisted by scientists from the time of its announcement in 1865, and was only rediscovered in 1900 by three other European scientists. In other words, resistance to information that substantially challenges our worldview is, we find, the rule rather than the exception.4 Fortunately, change does occur, consensus reality does shift, sometimes rapidly, sometimes excruciatingly slowly.
To reiterate what I said when interviewed for the film 9/11: Experts Speak Out: Fear is the emotion that underlies most of the negative reactions toward the facts that 9/11 skeptics bring to light: Fear of receiving information that will turn our world upside down. Fear of being overwhelmed by our own emotions. Fear of psychological deterioration. Fear that our life will have to change. Fear that we’ll discover that the world is not a safe place. Fear that our professional reputation will be tarnished, which may cause us to lose our job or a promotion. Fear of being shunned, even banished, by friends and family. Fear that we can no longer trust our “leaders.” And fear of looking like a fool for having bought the official account so thoroughly.
This last reason may be true especially for intellectuals who identify strongly with their intellect. None of us, however, like to feel duped. Realizing we have been fooled often threatens our very identity and causes us to feel betrayed.
Carl Sagan knew this when he said,
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.5
Social psychologist and scholar Laurie Manwell remembers a professor who summed up human behavior with this statement: “People liked to be liked, they like to be right, and they like to be free — in that order.” Thus, most people will give up their need to be right or free if their need to be liked is threatened.6
Why is this?
The fear of banishment is surely among the greatest fears we humans harbor, albeit often unconsciously.7 We are social creatures. We need others in order to survive, and we need to have a sense of belonging. To have some sense of wholeness and well-being, we need to feel connected to others, to love and to be loved. This is the reason that ridicule and shaming are such potent strategies used — consciously or unconsciously — to censure those with views that diverge from a culture’s sacred mythology.
A “sacred myth” is a special story, found in every culture that, whether true, untrue, or partially true, tells us who we are and why we are doing what we are doing.8 What is our American sacred mythology? Currently, it goes something like this:
We are a truly exceptional nation with exceptional forefathers. We rebelled against tyranny and established a democratic republic, a model that the world has largely accepted and imitated. Our country is the purveyor of individual rights and freedoms around the world and our interventions in other countries are benevolent actions. On September 11, 2001, we were caught off-guard when al Qaeda terrorists, in a sneak attack, similar to that at Pearl Harbor, succeeded in flying commercial airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the most significant wound to our homeland to date. However, true to the American spirit, we immediately rose to the challenge to militarily smite the terrorists, who hate us because of our freedoms. This is why we have an unending Global War on Terror.
Even if we manage to set aside this belief in our current sacred mythology, look at the evidence, and recognize that 9/11 was a false flag event, we may then have to face the fear that, if we dare speak out, we could be the target of severe repercussions from corrupt authorities. As one person told me, “I appreciate everything you all are doing with this 9/11 issue, but I hope you understand, I have children; I can’t get involved with this.”
Fear is an integral part of the human condition; and yet, if we are committed to psycho-spiritual growth, we do not let fear dictate what we do — or do not do. We can be aware of the fear while not letting it rule our lives.
Most of us were traumatized9 by watching the horrifying destruction of the Twin Towers, knowing there were thousands of our fellow humans beings killed in that moment. Some of us were deeply shaken once again when we discovered evidence suggesting that 9/11 might be a false flag operation.
Why do some of us embrace the evidence and its implications and become active, while others feel powerless or apathetic in the face of this evidence? And why do still others become defensive and stay defensive — sometimes vehemently?
Why, indeed, upon hearing the facts that contradict the official account of 9/11, do good people become silent, or worse?
What is the difference? How, for example, can some people watch World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7)10 implode and collapse into its own footprint and not see what is right in front of them — even when they learn about its near-free-fall acceleration and the other characteristics of controlled demolition? These people may feel compelled to intensify their resistance with intellectually contorted measures to convince themselves and others that this building was not rigged to implode.
Then there are those who content themselves with shaming anyone who dares investigate the data and look into the testimony that disproves the official sacred myth.
There is a worldview that is being seriously challenged here. What is it? In essence, it was described well by a journalist whom I met at a street action: “I am aware that our government does bad things, but not this! Not those towers! They would not be that evil.”
So we assume our government — which is supposed to protect us but sometimes does bad things — would never commit acts this heinous. A man said to me during a public presentation, “I find your statement that our government orchestrated 9/11 very disturbing and offensive.”
“I believe I said the evidence trail leads to elements within our government, not thegovernment,” I replied. He retorted, with great seriousness, “It makes no difference. There is no way you can state this that is going to make me feel any better!”
Many of us unconsciously relate to our government leaders as parental figures on whom we project our (often unmet) needs for a protective parent. We even agree culturally to the term “our founding fathers.”
The disciplines of Western psychology and anthropology have much to offer toward understanding human behavior, but we must remember that these disciplines, as impressive as they are, are ultimately disciplines that belong to our Western culture only. In the East and in some tribal societies, for example, people may call upon the philosophy of the transmigration of souls to explain human behavior; and the Sufis, the mystical branch of Islam, use the nine personality types of the Enneagram to explain our disparate human propensities.
Remember the proverbial five blind men, each touching one part of an elephant? Each man draws a different conclusion as to what the object is, depending on which part he is touching. The result? Five partial and laughably inaccurate descriptions of reality.
The more lenses we look through, therefore, the greater is our capacity to see a clearer — and more multi-dimensional — picture of our human tendencies.
Nonetheless, within the overlapping viewpoints of the rich disciplines of Western psychology, anthropology, brain research, and history, we can find several lenses that shed much light on the conundrum of why information that contradicts our worldview is so difficult for us to accept.
Specifically, through the lenses of anthropology, literature, history, and social psychology we will find helpful information in the sections entitled “Diffusion of Innovations,” “Obeying and Believing Authority,” “Doublethink,” “Denial and Cognitive Dissonance,” “Conformity,” “Groupthink,” “Terror Management Theory,” “Systems Justification Theory,” “Signal Detection Theory,” and “Prior Knowledge of State Crimes Against Democracy and Deep Politics.”
Through the lens of clinical psychology we will explore viewpoints described in the sections entitled “Learned Helplessness,” “The Abuse Syndrome,” “Dissociation,” and “Excessive Identification with the U.S.A.”
The two sections on Brain Research provide us with astonishing insights into our human nature.
The sections entitled “American Exceptionalism and Nationalist Faith,” “Government Manipulation and the Big Lie,” “Those Who Lack Conscience and Empathy,” and “The Role of the Media” contain valuable information from an amalgam of the disciplines of history, social psychology, clinical psychology, and brain research.
The last few sections address how we can communicate about 9/11 evidence more effectively and how we can fulfill our human need for awareness and healing.
Finally, this essay ends with the lament and inspiration of poet Langston Hughes as he asks “Is America Possible?”
Let me emphasize that this paper will be a synthesis of reports on academic research as well as clinical observations. None of the sections will fall neatly into one category or another, but will overlap each other, as is often the case with any rich and complicated subject.
Let’s begin our journey with an anthropological study.


1“Zogby Poll Finds Over 70 Million Voting Age Americans Support New 9/11 Investigation,” http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060522022041421; and “Less Than Half of Americans Satisfied with 9/11 Investigations,” http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Less_than_half_of_Americans_satisfied_0523.html.
2See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag_operation.
3Lance deHaven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America (University of Texas Press, 2013). DeHaven-Smith analyzes the history of the development of the derogatory nature of the term “conspiracy theory,” tracing it to a CIA memo known as “CIA Dispatch 1035-960,” a propaganda campaign designed to discredit doubters of the Warren Commission’s report. The use of the term “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative subsequently skyrocketed in the media as a way to defame, smear, and ridicule anyone who would dare speak of any crime allegedly committed by the state, intelligence or military services, or speak in contradiction of an official explanation of an important event. In this light, the use of this pejorative term is an offensive tactic to shame and censure, and thus censor the speech of, those who dare question official government accounts. Unfortunately, this propaganda campaign has been exceedingly successful.
4Earl Staelin, J.D., “Resistance to Scientific Innovation: Its Causes and How to Overcome It,” a paper delivered at the Intercept 2001 Conference, July 6–9, 2001, Laughlin, Nevada, sponsored by the Kronia Group. A further insight from Earl Staelin is that most of us also experience psychological inertia when presented with a new theory that we firmly believe is not true, and we must be convinced that it is worth our time to be open to the new theory.

Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary Edition (University of Chicago Press, 2012).

See also Resistance by Scientists To Scientific Discovery (Barber, 1961) | PDF | Scientist | Theory.
5Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (Random House Publishing Group, 1996).
6From Laurie Manwell’s presentation at the Toronto Hearings, Ryerson University, 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_5ZwCpN1jg.
7This is personal observation and interpretation, but is supported by historical accounts. See that even sages of long ago were warned to heed their words in the second paragraph of this article: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0003_0_01976.html.
8David Ray Griffin, Ph.D., “9/11: The Myth and the Reality,” http://www.amazon.com/9-11-The-Myth-Reality/dp/B000O0YV7O and http://davidraygriffin.com/articles/911-the-myth-and-the-reality.
9In this context “trauma” is defined as extreme upset or having one’s internal resources overwhelmed, at least temporarily.
10“Solving the Mystery of WTC7,” (with Ed Asner): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZEvA8BCoBw.
More propaganda from the educated conspiracy theorists....you lost me at the line where it states and I quote " in the murder of nearly two million innocent Muslims and over 9,000 U.S. troops, and the unprecedented loss of civil rights in the U.S. as well as in other countries, "

As soon as I read that one single line, I knew this entire writing to be utter and complete crap. Drivel such as this has no place in any historical data.

By the way, 9-11 became a world issue, there were other nations sons and daughters who fought and died in Afghanistan stopping the tide of terror.
More propaganda from the educated conspiracy theorists....you lost me at the line where it states and I quote " in the murder of nearly two million innocent Muslims and over 9,000 U.S. troops, and the unprecedented loss of civil rights in the U.S. as well as in other countries, "

As soon as I read that one single line, I knew this entire writing to be utter and complete crap. Drivel such as this has no place in any historical data.

By the way, 9-11 became a world issue, there were other nations sons and daughters who fought and died in Afghanistan stopping the tide of terror.
Everyone and every group contains a bias of some sort... when your personal bias conflicts with some other entities bias... that translates into non acceptance... that translates into a mind that is already made up about the distant reality ( or close up as it is with the participants in actual warfare ) that cannot be controlled by the observer.

This writing is simply for consideration of other viewpoints... it is not the end all be all for the details surrounding 9-11. It is mostly about how our world view can be manipulated internally and externally.

One thing we know for certain... a self governing nation is much more successful long term than a country ruled by a dictator. This has been proven repeatedly throughout history.

So... you either believe some thug in a cave half way around the world recruited 19 gang members and orchestrated the most deadly attack on the USA in recent history by defeating multibillion dollar groups of national and international security organizations... or... you don't.

Until you are part of the inner groups that control much of what passes for geo political control of this country and this world... you, me, and most of other 7 billion people on the planet are not really in the flow from a forward looking point that is an agenda unfolding before us.

Yes... 9-11 is a world issue... that was the point of 9-11.

If you were ever to open your mind to one hour of extensive research into the history that was set into motion well before 9-11 that has been documented.... and that you will most like not have much of any doubt about... then... you will see the possibility of 9-11 being an inside job as a possibility... Until then... Its Bin Laden and 19 thugs defeating the biggest security operations that monitor the worlds communication systems being defeated by a cave man.

The story of 9-11 is on a level that is reminiscent of the single bullet theory with JFK in a way.... the worlds trickiest shot ever to have successfully happened from a substandard rifle and a questionable shooter.

I already posted 9-11 trillions, follow the money from YT... so... no need to post it again.
Jim Corbett has reported on plenty of other events throughout history... he isn't a one hit wonder.
Everyone and every group contains a bias of some sort... when your personal bias conflicts with some other entities bias... that translates into non acceptance... that translates into a mind that is already made up about the distant reality ( or close up as it is with the participants in actual warfare ) that cannot be controlled by the observer.

This writing is simply for consideration of other viewpoints... it is not the end all be all for the details surrounding 9-11. It is mostly about how our world view can be manipulated internally and externally.

One thing we know for certain... a self governing nation is much more successful long term than a country ruled by a dictator. This has been proven repeatedly throughout history.

So... you either believe some thug in a cave half way around the world recruited 19 gang members and orchestrated the most deadly attack on the USA in recent history by defeating multibillion dollar groups of national and international security organizations... or... you don't.

Until you are part of the inner groups that control much of what passes for geo political control of this country and this world... you, me, and most of other 7 billion people on the planet are not really in the flow from a forward looking point that is an agenda unfolding before us.

Yes... 9-11 is a world issue... that was the point of 9-11.

If you were ever to open your mind to one hour of extensive research into the history that was set into motion well before 9-11 that has been documented.... and that you will most like not have much of any doubt about... then... you will see the possibility of 9-11 being an inside job as a possibility... Until then... Its Bin Laden and 19 thugs defeating the biggest security operations that monitor the worlds communication systems being defeated by a cave man.

Its on a level that is reminiscent of the single bullet theory with JFK in a way.... the worlds trickiest shot ever to have successfully happened from a substandard rifle and a questionable shooter.

I already posted 9-11 trillions, follow the money from YT... so... no need to post it again.
Jim Corbett has reported on plenty of other events throughout history... he isn't a one hit wonder.
Bin Laden was a wealthy, educated in the US and was a Saudi citizen, he wasn't in a cave nor did he have only 19 people at his disposal. 9-11 was well planned and orchestrated but not by the US government. The US government was tracking Bin Laden but the terrorists he implanted into the system were people with zero criminal records or could be traced to his operation. They took flight schools at different times in different states as to not draw any attention.

Before 9-11 cockpits doors were not armored or locked or even closed in many cases, the chances of a terrorist gaining access and control of an aircraft was very good in those days, it has happened in many, many cases before this event.

I fought those "cave men" and they were very capable and careful planners as they have had years and years in which to hone their skills. Our biggest downfall was to underestimate them, the Soviets fell into this trap before and yet we walked blindly into the same trap.

Anyone who firmly believes his/her own government would be so capable as to kill thousands of their own people and destroy two iconic symbols of western power, there are far more issues than we think.

There was zero gain for a government to do such a thing, we did not go to war with the Taliban and Afghanistan, we went to war against terrorists (El Qaeda), the Taliban were asked (told) to give up Bin Laden and his El Qaeda network and they didn't so we declared hostilities toward them.

If the US really wanted Bin Laden prior to 9-11, they had the means and capability to covertly eliminate him.
More propaganda from the educated conspiracy theorists....you lost me at the line where it states and I quote " in the murder of nearly two million innocent Muslims and over 9,000 U.S. troops, and the unprecedented loss of civil rights in the U.S. as well as in other countries, "

As soon as I read that one single line, I knew this entire writing to be utter and complete crap. Drivel such as this has no place in any historical data.

By the way, 9-11 became a world issue, there were other nations sons and daughters who fought and died in Afghanistan stopping the tide of terror.
Bill, If you had only carried on reading a few lines later you would have read this...

"If we are alive to the adventure of life, we naturally open our minds while maintaining our ability to keenly discriminate. We learn more about ourselves, we change, we grow, and we become more aware. We gain the courage to say “no” to those who lie, who are deceptive, who would have us cower in fear, and who would have us remain silent on issues of great importance. We then do our part to raise consciousness in others, with the goal of helping further the human dream of creating more free, peaceful, sustainable, and equitable human communities on our beautiful planet."

Wasn't that beautiful?
Bill, If you had only carried on reading a few lines later you would have read this...

"If we are alive to the adventure of life, we naturally open our minds while maintaining our ability to keenly discriminate. We learn more about ourselves, we change, we grow, and we become more aware. We gain the courage to say “no” to those who lie, who are deceptive, who would have us cower in fear, and who would have us remain silent on issues of great importance. We then do our part to raise consciousness in others, with the goal of helping further the human dream of creating more free, peaceful, sustainable, and equitable human communities on our beautiful planet."

Wasn't that beautiful?
I have a tear in my eye as I type....
Bin Laden was a wealthy, educated in the US and was a Saudi citizen, he wasn't in a cave nor did he have only 19 people at his disposal. 9-11 was well planned and orchestrated but not by the US government. The US government was tracking Bin Laden but the terrorists he implanted into the system were people with zero criminal records or could be traced to his operation. They took flight schools at different times in different states as to not draw any attention.

Before 9-11 cockpits doors were not armored or locked or even closed in many cases, the chances of a terrorist gaining access and control of an aircraft was very good in those days, it has happened in many, many cases before this event.

I fought those "cave men" and they were very capable and careful planners as they have had years and years in which to hone their skills. Our biggest downfall was to underestimate them, the Soviets fell into this trap before and yet we walked blindly into the same trap.

Anyone who firmly believes his/her own government would be so capable as to kill thousands of their own people and destroy two iconic symbols of western power, there are far more issues than we think.

There was zero gain for a government to do such a thing, we did not go to war with the Taliban and Afghanistan, we went to war against terrorists (El Qaeda), the Taliban were asked (told) to give up Bin Laden and his El Qaeda network and they didn't so we declared hostilities toward them.

If the US really wanted Bin Laden prior to 9-11, they had the means and capability to covertly eliminate him.
Explain why Bin Laden being a Saudi citizen has anything to do with this... the guy was hiding in the caves of Afghanistan for how long? What, he had dual citizenship? He didn't overstay his visa and get picked up for passport violations? lol ! I know, I know... Bin Laden came from a wealthy construction family and had the perks reserved for special people with wealth and power. Many ME people considered him a cult star... They said he is a terrorist... they said it like it was just another occupation some middle aged man would have. Clinton could have had Bin Laden picked up in the 90s when he went to a hospital for health issues... Clinton declined to act even though Osama was on the radar as a terrorist and a threat.

What is your verified and provable beyond all doubt non criminal history with the 19 thugs of which a number of them were said to be Saudi nationals? It has been said some of those hijackers were found to be alive well while living normal lives after the attacks and back living In ME. Do I know if its true? No... because like most people... I don't have the resources or connections to plunge into records like a good computer hacker does.

Skills with box cutters? Multiple entries into cockpits by unauthorized people? Yes, it happens... but it never happened very often. The crew working on flights have contingency plans for the prevention of such events during air travel. Seldom does a 1st class section at the front of the plane not only have one, but two trained people ready and willing to stop some SINGLE unruly passenger that wants to get into the cockpit.

The Russians had dreams of massive wealth from the mineral wealth trapped in the mountains just like any other demented leader with an army does... China is now giddy with the golden opportunity to deal with the Taliban directly and get the minerals they crave like a drug addict after a load of meth.
Hell, the Taliban are having street sales of US arms on the sidewalks in Kabul right now thanks to Joe and the team that tells him what to do.

Governments are the largest killers of human beings on this planet This government doesn't have issues with people getting killed. Yes, they pretend to care, Yes, they preserve the Human Resources that they want to keep around to develop better weapon systems and networks of propaganda. Who in the USA really watches CNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC to get the news these days? The US media is trash. The news they broadcast is designed and filtered to create fear, doubt, and lack of confidence inside this country, Today our founding fathers would be considered terrorist for resisting the tyrannical power of the British Crown. The more things change the more they stay the same.

It appears to me we are getting closer to a reset of sorts.

Our government is capable of doing nasty things if it is left to those whom have little oversight... Operation Northwoods ring a bell?

How about Ortega in Panama? Better get in line if you want the USA by your side.

Have you ever read the life story by John Perkins titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man?

The Gulf of Tonkin incident has now been proven to be a lie told to LBJ by Robert McNamara whom was the Secretary of Defense... its all out there now because of FOIA. 58,000 dead and about 200,000 wounded... for what? So we could quit a war we couldn't win?

What do you know about the 2 to 3 weeks weeks leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

What did Henry Kissenger, our former Secretary of State say about men in the Military? I would tell you but it not my intention to piss you off.

Americas mistakes are buried, not headlined.

9-11 was allowed to be executed... everything was staged and thought out years in advance by those that had much to gain. In 2006 it finally came out that foreign intelligence agencies were warning us of the 9-11 attacks.... what did we do? Did we beef up airport security? No... Did we have an Air Force exercise called Northern Vigilance that was specifically designed to prevent any kind of air attack on 9-11? Yes, we did... hmmm? How come that was totally ineffective? Were the people in charge told to stand down?
Are your tactics that of posting a reply a mile long in hopes nobody will take the time to read it?

One good thing I was taught in the military was brevity, if your point isn't made in a short reply, nobody will read the entire reply...

If you for one second actually and truthfully believe your own government could be involved and encouraging an attack on your own people, you are in the wrong country....but given your ideology, no country would suffice as in short order, you'd believe the same thing from that country's government.

I recall flying all over the place in the late '90s and early 2000s and many times the cockpit door would be open and security was lax on board the aircraft, I could have easily gained access to the cockpit if so desired......by your beliefs, not only was the government allowing this but the airlines and flight crew as well, maybe the passengers on the aircraft as well.......that sure was/is a lot of moving parts to support your conspiracy theory.

If you look into the terrorists who took control of the aircraft, they were sanitized with no criminal history and imbedded into the US and had been there for quite some time. There are most likely hundreds of domestic terrorists in the US who align themselves with various groups and will act on commands. There are also lots of lone wolf terrorists who idolize these nuts.
Bill, If you had only carried on reading a few lines later you would have read this...

"If we are alive to the adventure of life, we naturally open our minds while maintaining our ability to keenly discriminate. We learn more about ourselves, we change, we grow, and we become more aware. We gain the courage to say “no” to those who lie, who are deceptive, who would have us cower in fear, and who would have us remain silent on issues of great importance. We then do our part to raise consciousness in others, with the goal of helping further the human dream of creating more free, peaceful, sustainable, and equitable human communities on our beautiful planet."

Wasn't that beautiful?
This shows us the intent of the author and those people that supported that author in composing this narrative.

What we are working on here is the mental health aspect of all of humanity.

We live in a world where certain people believe it is their duty to rule over the rest of us collectively. This is where people like George Soros and other like minded lost souls come from.

It is our duty to see them for who they are and call them out. It is not a time to condemn anyone for the desires they have to manipulate the masses... we simply expose them and move on. Liars will always be seen as weak by those that know the truth. The truth will always win in the end though many battles might be lost along the way.

A prime example of that is what happened in Czechoslovakia when the tyrannical ways of the government were rejected by the citizens and a republic was reborn for a short period of time until other political splits in governance became the new rule and recognized by the UN.

A brief summary from Wikipedia.

Democratic Czechoslovakia (1989–1992)[edit]​

Main articles: History of Czechoslovakia (1989–92) and Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
A coalition government, in which the Communist Party had a minority of ministerial positions, was formed in December 1989. The first free elections in Czechoslovakia since 1946 took place in June 1990 without incident and with more than 95% of the population voting. As anticipated, Civic Forum and Public Against Violence won landslide victories in their respective republics and gained a comfortable majority in the federal parliament. The parliament undertook substantial steps toward securing the democratic evolution of Czechoslovakia. It successfully moved toward fair local elections in November 1990, ensuring fundamental change at the county and town level.

Civic Forum found, however, that although it had successfully completed its primary objective—the overthrow of the communist regime—it was ineffectual as a governing party. The demise of Civic Forum was viewed by most as necessary and inevitable.

By the end of 1990, unofficial parliamentary "clubs" had evolved with distinct political agendas. Most influential was the Civic Democratic Party, headed by Václav Klaus. Other notable parties that came into being after the split were the Czech Social Democratic Party, Civic Movement, and Civic Democratic Alliance.

Dissolution of Czechoslovakia[edit]​

Main article: Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
By 1992, Slovak calls for greater autonomy effectively blocked the daily functioning of the federal government. In the election of June 1992, Klaus's Civic Democratic Party won handily in the Czech lands on a platform of economic reform. Vladimír Mečiar's Movement for a Democratic Slovakia emerged as the leading party in Slovakia, basing its appeal on fairness to Slovak demands for autonomy. Federalists, like Havel, were unable to contain the trend toward the split. In July 1992, President Havel resigned. In the latter half of 1992, Klaus and Mečiar hammered out an agreement that the two republics would go their separate ways by the end of the year.

Members of Czechoslovakia's parliament (the Federal Assembly), divided along national lines, barely cooperated enough to pass the law officially separating the two nations in late 1992. On 1 January 1993, the Czech Republic and Slovakiawere simultaneously and peacefully established as independent states.

Relationships between the two states, despite occasional disputes about the division of federal property and the governing of the border, have been peaceful. Both states attained immediate recognition from the US and their European neighbors.

This is where we are now in the USA... do we reject or obey those that want to rule over us?
Are your tactics that of posting a reply a mile long in hopes nobody will take the time to read it?

One good thing I was taught in the military was brevity, if your point isn't made in a short reply, nobody will read the entire reply...

If you for one second actually and truthfully believe your own government could be involved and encouraging an attack on your own people, you are in the wrong country....but given your ideology, no country would suffice as in short order, you'd believe the same thing from that country's government.

I recall flying all over the place in the late '90s and early 2000s and many times the cockpit door would be open and security was lax on board the aircraft, I could have easily gained access to the cockpit if so desired......by your beliefs, not only was the government allowing this but the airlines and flight crew as well, maybe the passengers on the aircraft as well.......that sure was/is a lot of moving parts to support your conspiracy theory.

If you look into the terrorists who took control of the aircraft, they were sanitized with no criminal history and imbedded into the US and had been there for quite some time. There are most likely hundreds of domestic terrorists in the US who align themselves with various groups and will act on commands. There are also lots of lone wolf terrorists who idolize these nuts.
I like the points you made.... however... sometimes the explanation of how humanity will save itself from itself takes a good bit of words to explain and drill down to the level where clarity is assured by people whom have mastery of language. Those that lack language skills are slow to realize what is happening and even though they know they prefer freedom over slavery they are easily conditioned to be fearful.... and therefor will not react accordingly to preserve their freedoms. These people will obey the rules of tyrants. Some of the other more educated types will also obey for they have too much to lose if the government decides to make an example of them. Those people also live in fear... nobody wants to sacrifice a good part of what they have worked for all their lives for to simply watch it all be lost to some mindless power group of idiots. Where do you think the cliche "jack booted thugs" came from?

I had to laugh when Willy Nelson was watching the IRS agents haul away expensive belongings from his property to offset a delinquent tax bill he owed. One of his associates asked Willy as they stood there watching the agents and then asked him.... doesn't this piss you off? Willy replied... its just stuff... I can get more after they leave.

As far as airplane security goes.... I think its fair to say we lived in a world where people were much less likely to take hostile actions in a commercial plane as compared to these days. The overall threshold level for rouge operators to abandon civility by attempting to breach cockpit doors has dropped. Just look at the fisticuffs happening often in terminals before people even get on the plane!

As far as a government acting out in ways considered hostile to its own citizens... history shows us repeatedly that this isn't an uncommon event especially in the 20th century.
You can only hear this now... 1-6-25.... Unless you are a member of Caravan to Midnight.
We are at war right now.
Gaaaah still a troll. Opens a thread 20 years after the tragedy, posts 6 times and today, 3 years after his last post he adds this. He’s gonna be one of these guys with a discovered manifesto after his own personal tragedy.

Sheesh, might as well roll out the audio tapes and start on the Kennedy assassination. It's all ancient history and no one learns from history anyway. It's why there is so many dead ukrainians, every time they side with some other nation against Russia they get dealt the genocide card.

What side was Ukraine on in WW1? 3.5 million fought with the Imperial Russian Army, while 250,000 fought for the Austro-Hungarian Army. Many Ukrainians thus ended up fighting each other. Also, many Ukrainian civilians suffered as armies shot and killed them after accusing them of collaborating with opposing armies.

WWII? Ukrainian collaboration with Nazi Germany took place during the occupation of Poland. Some Ukrainians chose to resist and fight the German occupation forces and either joined the Red Army or the irregular partisan units conducting guerrilla warfare against the Germans. Most Ukrainians, especially in western Ukraine, had little to no loyalty toward the Soviet Union, which had been repressively occupying eastern Ukraine in the interwar years and had overseen a famine in the early 1930s called the Holodomor.

So there has always been Two ukraines, one siding with Russia, the other not, East and West. Nothing will ever change that I'll wager, it's just part of life on earth. Like the current UK government allowing it's anglo citizens to be exploited by the immigrants from the middle east. Why would they do that? Well there are reasons, the same reasons why the US government allowed their nation to be flooded by southern immigrants, why the Canadian government allowed in all theirs. Add all the Euro nations to that list too! And Australia to a lesser degree. The average citizen looks at that and says, "Our government was stupid, we have to vote them out!" Like it was all an accident and shouldn't have happened. But it wasn't an accident, it wasn't an act of stupidity, it was well planned and it's happened countless times before over the ages and the masses never find out why it happens and never learns from the lessons of the past.
More propaganda from the educated conspiracy theorists....you lost me at the line where it states and I quote " in the murder of nearly two million innocent Muslims and over 9,000 U.S. troops, and the unprecedented loss of civil rights in the U.S. as well as in other countries, "

As soon as I read that one single line, I knew this entire writing to be utter and complete crap. Drivel such as this has no place in any historical data.

By the way, 9-11 became a world issue, there were other nations sons and daughters who fought and died in Afghanistan stopping the tide of terror.
You seem to think governments have issues with killing people. They don't.
Gaaaah still a troll. Opens a thread 20 years after the tragedy, posts 6 times and today, 3 years after his last post he adds this. He’s gonna be one of these guys with a discovered manifesto after his own personal tragedy.

View attachment 1692295
It is amazing how little it takes to trigger you guys about recent events in history. You forget we re still living with that particular stain in our collective conciseness that is born out of the desires certain people have to rule over others for their own pleasure, amusement, power and profit.
You also forget time as we commonly know it... time is really an illusion. How many of you remember events that seemed like they happened yesterday? or have heard people say a similar thing?

So... villainize me all you like... I don't care... we are experiencing mans inhumanity to man much to often... and to not call out the injustices means you have resigned yourself to accepting it.... which emboldens the people that do it.

Many of you believe Jan 6th was an insurrection... well... its the only insurrection is recent history that I know of where the so called insurrectionist forgot to bring their guns... and yet, you believed everything the MSM said it was... you believed every lie told to the Jan 6th wrecking crew headed up by Liz Cheney....
So, there it is... something else to bitch about because I said it and it was so long ago.

As far as JFK goes... the world embarked on a different path moving forward from that day onward... it went from cruel murder staged in front of of hundreds of people in broad daylight to tens of thousands of American troops dying in a futile war with a clever enemy while we had one hand tied behind our collective backs on the battlefield.

Yeah... we shouldn't talk about the past... just accept every draconian and tyrannical law, policy or tax that comes from the political body and move along... nothing to see there either.
Sheesh, might as well roll out the audio tapes and start on the Kennedy assassination. It's all ancient history and no one learns from history anyway. It's why there is so many dead ukrainians, every time they side with some other nation against Russia they get dealt the genocide card.

So there has always been Two ukraines, one siding with Russia, the other not, East and West. Nothing will ever change that I'll wager, it's just part of life on earth. Like the current UK government allowing it's anglo citizens to be exploited by the immigrants from the middle east. Why would they do that? Well there are reasons, the same reasons why the US government allowed their nation to be flooded by southern immigrants, why the Canadian government allowed in all theirs. Add all the Euro nations to that list too! And Australia to a lesser degree. The average citizen looks at that and says, "Our government was stupid, we have to vote them out!" Like it was all an accident and shouldn't have happened. But it wasn't an accident, it wasn't an act of stupidity, it was well planned and it's happened countless times before over the ages and the masses never find out why it happens and never learns from the lessons of the past.
We saw it coming... we complained about it... and we still got steam rolled by the actions of a bunch of traitors that should be charged and convicted of their crimes... to listen to Myorkis is truly to experience the mind of a diabolical madman that has no conscious about anything he has done... and the same goes for Fauci... that guy is sick beyond words.