A Black man for McCain...

Well that made my day.... here is a direct play link..

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I would hate to be black and know how in the bag I'm supposed to be. Sad but true the Democrats get near 90% of the black vote in presidential elections, no matter who runs.
Democrats think it is the:rulez:
I would hate to be black and know how in the bag I'm supposed to be. Sad but true the Democrats get near 90% of the black vote in presidential elections, no matter who runs.
Democrats think it is the:rulez:
I was around in the 60's (sort of) and the democrats have done more counter productive stuff for blacks than anyone will ever admit (not PC)..

Dang, it was the dems that fought hook, tooth and nail against integration, voter rights, and a dozens of other laws that left blacks under a different set of rules than whites... (George McGovern ring any bells)

the south is decidedly democrat and look at the poverty, racial and other issues they have...

I just dont get it myself, I would want change alright...
the south is decidedly democrat

Not all of it; in fact, several southern states have consistently voted Republican in the past few elections. Tennessee (even with a solid Democratic city of Memphis) even voted for GB over Al Gore a native!
Okay, you have extremists on every side. This cat has a big chip on his shoulder cause he is a black republican and he has take some heat for it. He made some decent points, but he could have gotten them across better in a more serious format and lloking the part more appropriately. He raised some good issues, but what do we know about this fellow. What is he doing to solve the problem and not perpetuate it?

Again, I know most of you label me as a left-winger all the way. Again, you're dead wrong.

You really have to be careful with guys like this, cause he is talking alot, but is he actually living what he is discussing or trying to be a token outsider.

This ain't about race. There are plenty of videos that could be titled, "A White Man for Obama", etc. But I sure love how people forget that Barack Obama is as white as he is black.

I have never forgotten that the Democratic Party was not originally the party of and about the black agenda. However, times change and people dayum sure do.

Right about now, I could find a busload of politicans on BOTH sides of all races that are pure fukwads (for lack of a better term). Tom Delay, William Jefferson are two that come to mind. One Dem & One Republican, that have served nothing but their own interests and pockets.

We need to stop expecting a party or a person to speak up for us as a nation, and start standing up on our own two feet, cause waiting for either one to "save" you, you would be one dead MF.

I can take this dude on the video with a grain of salt just like all of the others.
Southside Playa, you have a valid point, but it was an unusual video, given the majority of the retoric.

The problem is, for alot of people it IS about race; we'd be fools to deny it. I would have voted for Colin Powell in a heartbeat, but what I personally CANNOT vote for is the radical liberal agenda propagated by Nancy Pelosi, MoveOn.org, and Obama.

My wife was down at the library yesterday, next door to the early voting station. While she was there, a church bus pulled up from a black church (I say that because the entire busload of people on it where black) who proceeded to the line chanting "Obama". For us to deny that for some people it IS about race would be the Emporers new clothes.

There are good and bad eggs in both parties, and both races - that I CAN agree on.
i could be wrong but it seems Christians are more apt to vote republican and non Christians vote democrat.
i could be wrong but it seems Christians are more apt to vote republican and non Christians vote democrat.

Maybe because most Christians lean towards thinking homosexuality is a sin, and abortion is an abomination?

I'd say the statistics bear out your observation
With his stance on partial birth abortion and homosexuality, I wonder how some of these black churchs can overlook it and publicly endorse the vote for Obama, except for the obvious.
With his stance on partial birth abortion and homosexuality, I wonder how some of these black churchs can overlook it and publicly endorse the vote for Obama, except for the obvious.

very good question. makes you wonder what THIER priorities are???
How can any church overlook it?

I don't ever see a predominatly white church picking up busloads of their parishoners and carrying them to the voting locations, and I've never heard a pastor in a predominately white church even MENTION politics, let alone make a public statement one way or the other - not even in the the most conservative white churches (I think they let Pat Robertson do it for them on TV)