A Black man for McCain...

The link won't play here at work but I doubt any credible infomation comes from "dirty harry's place." But i could be wrong i have never heard of it.

Anyway I am a firm believer that individuals should think about every issue. I mean really THINK. Not only about themselves but others as well. This is difficult and it is much easier to just associate with dem or rep and let them do it for you. And anyone that knows the history of this country can tell you how drastically both parties have changed since their early establishment. I hope noone ever votes for someone just for their party affiliation but unfortunately this happens.
But I sure love how people forget that Barack Obama is as white as he is black.

great point. I suppose his skin color is a master status for some. Very sad
I don't hear anybody talking about potentially "The first mixed President"..I'd say he's pretty much defined himself as a black candidate...

But like i've said before, I'd vote for Colin Powell; I just won't vote for Obama or his parties' platform..
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Well who do you listen to? Senator Obama has addressed his race several times and every time I have heard it he says he is black and white. Raised in a white family in Kansas and you know the rest
I don't ever see a predominatly white church picking up busloads of their parishoners and carrying them to the voting locations, and I've never heard a pastor in a predominately white church even MENTION politics, let alone make a public statement one way or the other - not even in the the most conservative white churches (I think they let Pat Robertson do it for them on TV)

I agree with you, you do not see this out of a church that is predominantly white. The point I addressed was how can someone call themselves a christian then vote for someone who favors homosexuality and abortion. More and more churches are teaching that these things, especially homosexuality are ok. I suppose many of them have never read or choose to overlook many passages in the bible. A couple of my favorites as quoted from the New King James Version:

1 Corinthians 6:9,10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
I agree with you, you do not see this out of a church that is predominantly white. The point I addressed was how can someone call themselves a christian then vote for someone who favors homosexuality and abortion. More and more churches are teaching that these things, especially homosexuality are ok. I suppose many of them have never read or choose to overlook many passages in the bible. A couple of my favorites as quoted from the New King James Version:

1 Corinthians 6:9,10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

:agree: two verses I have used more than once.
I like the point about the role models and values they project... the "rappers" tend to push some of the finest things about being an American huh? funny how much money they make pushing sex/drugs/promiscuity and gang banging... All hail Ludicris :)
It's NEVER Been a Racial Issue !!!!!!!!!!!!

McCain is the Better Applicant for the Job !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got a feeling the abortion issue is going to start getting louder.. Really is sad that he is for abortion..
Got a feeling the abortion issue is going to start getting louder.. Really is sad that he is for abortion..

I've wondered when it was gonna become a topic. Seems they all stay away from it. People seem to be for it or against it. Not many seem to be "on the fence". I think both sides are afraid of loosing voters over it.
yea tough call... is it ok to kill unborn babies or isnt it... what I love about politicians... I will tell you what you want to hear....
You will always have a mix of race in anything. Hell there were even slaves that thought they were on the same level as Massa. Untill that rope slipped around their neck and tightend up. Just hard facts, can't go by one view. I just can see McCain is another term of Bush Bull. So I will not mind casting my vote for Obama. There may be black voters that will vote for Obama because he is part black and white voters out there voting for McCain because he's white oh yeah what about it. One group is tired of the same old Bull and the other is scared the Bull is about to end.lol
They have also avoided gun control and the right to bear arms.

Also remember, the single most powerful thing a president can do is to appoint a justice to the US Supreme Court. This in itself is the one thing that can affect each and every one of us at a very personal level. Ask yourself two questions.

1 what issues are important to you?
2 what kind of individual would your candidate appoint to the supreme court and what effect would that have on those issues that are important to you?
They have also avoided gun control and the right to bear arms.

Also remember, the single most powerful thing a president can do is to appoint a justice to the US Supreme Court. This in itself is the one thing that can affect each and every one of us at a very personal level. Ask yourself two questions.

1 what issues are important to you?
2 what kind of individual would your candidate appoint to the supreme court and what effect would that have on those issues that are important to you?

I have resently realized that. I already knew who I was voting for so it didnt matter.

I did not think about gun control. SHOOT I didn't even know there was states against the right to bear arms. Isn't it a no brainer right.?
I have resently realized that. I already knew who I was voting for so it didnt matter.

I did not think about gun control. SHOOT I didn't even know there was states against the right to bear arms. Isn't it a no brainer right.?

Only two states in the US of A that do NOT have a provision for concealed carry. Illinois and Wisconsin.

Yep Illinois, Obama's home state. Obama is so anti gun that he makes Bill Clinton look like an NRA life member. And who has endorsed Obama? yep you guessed it, Jim Brady.

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
GREAT. You can take my guns away after you break down my doors.

Are all the fricken crack heads, thieves, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, ect..... GONNA GIVE UP THIER GUNS?


rant off
**** heller v the district of columbia.

All you fellas can keep your guns and buy bigger locks for your front door, no worries.

Yes appointing s. c. justices is a very big deal and I am against just 'appointing' them. I think they should be elected and I am also against judicial activism.

NOONE is for abortion.
**** heller v the district of columbia.

All you fellas can keep your guns and buy bigger locks for your front door, no worries.

Yes appointing s. c. justices is a very big deal and I am against just 'appointing' them. I think they should be elected and I am also against judicial activism.

NOONE is for abortion.

I can see this one both ways. I don't like the idea that they are there until they retire or die. It would have been nice had it been set up as it is but also with a time limit of say 15 years or 25 years. On the other hand I see how politicians are and don't like the idea of someone doing "what is going to get them reelected" instead of doing "what is right". Because the justices of the court do not have to worrry about elections we don't have to worry about them caving to outside pressures, especially at election time.