A Black man for McCain...

I agree with you, you do not see this out of a church that is predominantly white. The point I addressed was how can someone call themselves a christian then vote for someone who favors homosexuality and abortion. More and more churches are teaching that these things, especially homosexuality are ok. I suppose many of them have never read or choose to overlook many passages in the bible. A couple of my favorites as quoted from the New King James Version:

1 Corinthians 6:9,10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

You do know that McCain is an adulterer. So given your bibical tenacity how could you possibly vote for an adulterer?

To answer your question pertaining to homosexuality and abortion. I would say that you are confused about the issue. Should not every American be aloud equal rights as long as the exercissing of those rights doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights? Why should someone be denied rights because of who they choose to be in a relationship with? In terms of abortion it is a matter of reproductive rights, I personally don't think the government has a role.

In both issues I am confident that God will judge homosexuals and abortionists. Jesus was far more concerned with the poor and down trodden than homosexuals, I think I will follow his example.

Luke 18:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Luke 18:22 Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."
I like the point about the role models and values they project... the "rappers" tend to push some of the finest things about being an American huh? funny how much money they make pushing sex/drugs/promiscuity and gang banging... All hail Ludicris :)

Like free speech?
They have also avoided gun control and the right to bear arms.

Also remember, the single most powerful thing a president can do is to appoint a justice to the US Supreme Court. This in itself is the one thing that can affect each and every one of us at a very personal level. Ask yourself two questions.

1 what issues are important to you?
2 what kind of individual would your candidate appoint to the supreme court and what effect would that have on those issues that are important to you?

The constitution is important to me and the protection of those rights garanteed in the constitution.

I don't necessarly think a liberal or a conservative justice will do a better job protecting those rights. A coservative would limit some of those rights as quickly as liberal, just different ones. I would like a justice that would work toward granting or protecting rights rather than limiting them. Label that how you like.
You do know that McCain is an adulterer. So given your bibical tenacity how could you possibly vote for an adulterer?

To answer your question pertaining to homosexuality and abortion. I would say that you are confused about the issue. Should not every American be aloud equal rights as long as the exercissing of those rights doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights? Why should someone be denied rights because of who they choose to be in a relationship with? In terms of abortion it is a matter of reproductive rights, I personally don't think the government has a role.

In both issues I am confident that God will judge homosexuals and abortionists. Jesus was far more concerned with the poor and down trodden than homosexuals, I think I will follow his example.

Luke 18:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Luke 18:22 Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."

Only one man has walked this earth and been perfect and he died on the cross over 2000 years ago. In doing so he made a provision for forgiveness of those sins.

So what you are telling me is that because McCain made a decision and left one woman THEN married another that I should not vote for him but instead should vote for Obama who has voted in a way that has allowed the killing of innocent unborn and sometimes born children.

And the two verses you quote are correct, however, it isn't money, but rather the love of money, that leads to evil. The point with these two verses where Jesus is speaking to a rich young ruler was not so much that he was rich but instead it was his unwillingness to give up his riches to follow christ.
You do know that McCain is an adulterer. So given your bibical tenacity how could you possibly vote for an adulterer?

To answer your question pertaining to homosexuality and abortion. I would say that you are confused about the issue. Should not every American be aloud equal rights as long as the exercissing of those rights doesn't infringe upon anyone else's rights? Why should someone be denied rights because of who they choose to be in a relationship with? In terms of abortion it is a matter of reproductive rights, I personally don't think the government has a role.

In both issues I am confident that God will judge homosexuals and abortionists. Jesus was far more concerned with the poor and down trodden than homosexuals, I think I will follow his example.

Luke 18:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Luke 18:22 Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."

Jesus's point was to put him FIRST before even money.
Only one man has walked this earth and been perfect and he died on the cross over 2000 years ago. In doing so he made a provision for forgiveness of those sins.

So what you are telling me is that because McCain made a decision and left one woman THEN married another that I should not vote for him but instead should vote for Obama who has voted in a way that has allowed the killing of innocent unborn and sometimes born children.

And the two verses you quote are correct, however, it isn't money, but rather the love of money, that leads to evil. The point with these two verses where Jesus is speaking to a rich young ruler was not so much that he was rich but instead it was his unwillingness to give up his riches to follow christ.

McCain has had multiple affairs so it is not a matter of leaving one to go to another. He was still married when he began courting his current wife.

You are the only one who can decided whether or not one sin is worse than the other.

Thousands of children die of starvation every day all over the world but you would elect a president that wishes to stop or reduce aid to improvished countries. Is that not also killing innocent children?

I would rather not go down a path of limiting an individuals rights, but make sure that a pregnant mother has so much support that abortion is not a option.

The word of God needs no intpretation to me I'll take them at face value rather that intpret them to justify my political position.
Like free speech?
Yep and you should have the responsibility to promote things other than "how many ho's you got" , the drugs you sell, the guys you have capped, and all the "angry black man syndrome" you can stomach..

Sometimes the "right to free speech" carries the "responsibility of what you have to say" You want to keep pushing the "black American" to the fringe, you just keep telling him what is the "cool" way to live..

You may not want to hear any of this but if you think it will have no impact on how people are perceived, well, I think you are wrong..

And before you go off on the "black" guy part... I am an equal opportunity basher... There is plenty of white trailer trash out there too.. but I do not know many of them that are filthy rich from "highlighting" a life of crime and immoral activity.. they are too busy smokin dope...
Yep and you should have the responsibility to promote things other than "how many ho's you got" , the drugs you sell, the guys you have capped, and all the "angry black man syndrome" you can stomach..

Sometimes the "right to free speech" carries the "responsibility of what you have to say" You want to keep pushing the "black American" to the fringe, you just keep telling him what is the "cool" way to live..

You may not want to hear any of this but if you think it will have no impact on how people are perceived, well, I think you are wrong..

And before you go off on the "black" guy part... I am an equal opportunity basher... There is plenty of white trailer trash out there too.. but I do not know many of them that are filthy rich from "highlighting" a life of crime and immoral activity.. they are too busy smokin dope...

I actually agree with your point and I do see a lack of responsibility that comes along with the right to free speech exhibited through certain music, however that being the case I still support exercising that right.
Yep and you should have the responsibility to promote things other than "how many ho's you got" , the drugs you sell, the guys you have capped, and all the "angry black man syndrome" you can stomach..

Sometimes the "right to free speech" carries the "responsibility of what you have to say" You want to keep pushing the "black American" to the fringe, you just keep telling him what is the "cool" way to live..

You may not want to hear any of this but if you think it will have no impact on how people are perceived, well, I think you are wrong..

And before you go off on the "black" guy part... I am an equal opportunity basher... There is plenty of white trailer trash out there too.. but I do not know many of them that are filthy rich from "highlighting" a life of crime and immoral activity.. they are too busy smokin dope...

Thank you for acknowledging that ignorance no longer has a color. Likewise the word ni&&er no longer is just a black. Strange how the use of that term has grown in ALL other communities. Hip Hop society does need to take a serious reality check on the message it is sending.

The message seems to be all about fast $$ and even faster women. These videos make it seem as if it ain't cool to work 40-60 hours a week anymore and live within your means.

Trust me I used to and still listen to my share of hip hop, however I maintain my independence to think for myself & live within my means. Also, I have a mother & a sister, so I am carfeul about respecting women.
+1 on stupidity doesn't have a color. Cheap white trash are low on my esteem list too.

Comes back to who wants a hand out or a hand up?
We need to stop expecting a party or a person to speak up for us as a nation, and start standing up on our own two feet, cause waiting for either one to "save" you, you would be one dead MF.

I agree competely, however I think the larger group of liberals do not feel this way. The "what is in it for me" attitude is what has gotten us in the situation we are in now.

I don't ever see a predominatly white church picking up busloads of their parishoners and carrying them to the voting locations, and I've never heard a pastor in a predominately white church even MENTION politics, let alone make a public statement one way or the other - not even in the the most conservative white churches (I think they let Pat Robertson do it for them on TV)

My preacher actually has brought up politics but not directed anyone to either party, he has brought up the issue that we are a society of blamers and no matter what happens, one side is going to blame the other and we need to take some accountability for our own actions and stop blaming others and stand as a nation and get the problems delt with together and start bringing god into out lives and stop waiting for god to fix our problems and take action.

We are a society that worships the all mighty Dollar and this was destined to happen no matter if Bush was President or someone else. Do you think we would have been better off with Kerry???
I would rather not go down a path of limiting an individuals rights

Agreed. And as per the tenth amendment "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
I do not understand why abortion and marriage are not left to the states. But if that were the case then states would have 2 recognize the marriage from other states.

Here is an idea. Take all the money, time, energy, and manpower used to ban abortion and use it toward safe sex, sex education, abstinance, and prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Its a win win.

Alot of the people that are pro life are also for the death penalty. This blows me away. I understand that the people on death row are adults (but whats an adult) and have commited some crime BUT you are playing god either way.
I will never understand this
I do not understand why abortion and marriage are not left to the states. But if that were the case then states would have 2 recognize the marriage from other states.

Here is an idea. Take all the money, time, energy, and manpower used to ban abortion and use it toward safe sex, sex education, abstinance, and prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Its a win win.

Alot of the people that are pro life are also for the death penalty. This blows me away. I understand that the people on death row are adults (but whats an adult) and have commited some crime BUT you are playing god either way.
I will never understand this

With the death penalty it's easy. It's a punishment for killing someone else. An eye for an eye.
It may be easy for you to say that for to type it but no, it is not that easy. Involuntary manslaughter, manslaughter, murder, self defense, fighting for what you believe in or killing someone for some cause so worthy or whaever, war, etc. etc.

who are you to say who lives and who dies? or who do you feel good about handing that power over to?

perspectives change constantly as do social structures
A spoof of starwars/matrix with the same guy:

(sorry, I am new and not sure how the direct link is put in)
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