A cure for cancer. Please pass this one on

This really pisses me off. Where are our bought and paid for so called leaders.

The FDA should be brought down to its knees and its head chopped off.

Shame on the United States Government for its lies, and attemps to help the people of the country and the world. SHAME on you.
Always fallow the money , its leads to greed & corruption at all levels. Also you should check out a film called " the living matrix" ( if you want to see new healing techniques) ..
I guess no more pollock jokes for me:)
I know, myself included did not even realize I had been watching for 1 3/4 hrs until I got a call and had to pause it. Just so intriguing to me I guess from my recent experience.
And people wonder why there are normal every day people that snap and go postal or end up being an american terrorist( or whatever you choose to politically call them)shoot and blow **** up hurting innocent people when look what the good ole american government and the companies that are funded and were established to help people do for the good old dollar and screw whoever gets in the way.
It may sound harsh but I can look at it from both sides and see how they would look at it and think they were just trying to get back at the company or ones in charge of the wrong doing without seeing the damage they are doing to the innocents involved because they are just seeing thru rage filled glasses. I in no way condone it but in some way can see it. Because I sit back now I think you know, if it weren't for just these terrorists in general(which is really all you can call them since they kill thousands a year holding back cures, to make more money, just legally I guess) I could possibly still have had my wife with me for the past almost 2 years, maybe not. But who could've known. And lots of other's loved ones, since he came up with this in what the 70's? or 60's? can't recall now. Hell there's probably been a cure for a lot longer than that, just isn't profitable enough to produce it.
Because I can say for a fact that just in our case that between surgeries, hospital & prescriptions/treatments our 9 month ordeal totaled nearly $3m. Thank god for insurance. Yeah that may not sound like too much when you break it up but when you look at when she was taking the radiation 5/2 along with Temador(pill chemo)7/7 and there was 2 a day and cash price on those were $400 & $800 a pill then, who's being rewarded from that? Surely not the patient because even at best they said that any of the scripts/treatment were only to try and control it as it was incurable and nothing could be done. And that's just 1 person, look at the thousands doing the same exact thing every day, maybe different scripts but I bet same or more $$. And then switched to intravenous chemo but had this been an available option maybe she could still be here and god forbid there may have been 1 less Benz rolling around MD/DC/VA. But hey, that's the good ole US goverment at work. Hell the guy said even a tyrant dictator from Romania didn't stop doctors from helping/healing people.

Just like this war, could have been done a long time ago. Just too many people making money to cure it.

We can argue all day....what strikes me on this thread is the strength you show in carrying on after having lost someone you loved so deeply...I don't know..I cant watch the vid cause Im here at work, but I just felt compelled to say to you that Im sorry for your loss..no matter how long ago it may have been....you shouldn't and she shouldn't and many others shouldn't have had to go, or should go, through this...I'm sorry.

I think you are finding a growing problem these days and that is sensationalism and the reporting of misleading statistics. While I am sure that red meat is not as healthy for you as white meat, I doubt it is truly THE causative factor in heart disease and/or cancer.

Agreed. Note that I was making the point that meat is LINKED to those issues, not designated as THE cause. However, there is an overwhelming consensus in the medical community, based on large body of data and analysis, that MANY of our common health issues are either directly or indirectly related to our consumption of meat.

To sum up with that, a great book to read that may help you understand what I mean is called "The Nun Study" by David Snowdon. This guy does a great job in documenting his efforts in creating the most extensive study on Alzheimer's disease epidemiology, which includes some of the reasons it is so hard to develop epidemiologic studies on humans. Not to mention the difficulties in finding a true cause and effect relationship.

I get the Nun Study concept and understand that "troubleshooting" our health and biology is hardly a simple or straightforward endeavor. That said, when you find that heart disease and cholesterol are so very closely linked and that the only way to consume cholesterol is through the consumption of animal products, it makes sense that our best "guess" is to reduce or eliminate that consumption. There are similar issues related to our massive use/consumption of salt, alcohol and sugar, to name a few. Yet our government has a vested financial interest from the continued sale and use in ALL of these. While the overall issues may be complex, it's safe to say that our government and big business has a financial interest to act CONTRARY to the best interest of the people in these matters.

I do wonder though, what killed the electric car - however, watching a single and strongly biased video is not a great basis to form a conclusion. I've heard stories however, I can only hope they are not true.

Agreed. I assume you're referencing the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car?". While certainly condemning in many ways (I mean, c'mon, they wouldn't even let the users keep the vehicle under ANY circumstances...they forced everyone to give up those vehicle and then destroyed them), it's not the only evidence on the matter. My grandmother has always lamented how here brother worked for one of the big American car makers as an engineer and helped develop electric cars...everything about them were shelved. In all likelihood due to the much cheaper gasoline available at the time, understandable. But the fact is, we have a history of electric vehicles that have been ignored and/or suppressed. If ya consider the threat to oil profits might be a big part of that, then, IMHO, you're seeing the world through some mighty fine rose colored glasses.

While it's difficult, if not impossible, in this world of billions of people, for anyone to know, for certain, everything about anything, it is still a simple matter to recognize the base personality traits that can be found in any given human being and that while there plenty of good folks around, there are also plenty of people in the world that are more than willing to sacrifice the health and well being of anyone in order to achieve their own personal goals. This is nothing new, it's part of the human legacy and to suggest that it's not a signficant part of the world that we live in today is to suggest that humanity has somehow, inexplicably, resolved all the issues of evil that have plagued us from the beginning of time. And the evidence for such transcendancy simply doesn't exist.
As a cancer patient, from my research there is probably no one cure for cancer because every cancer "works" differently. The treatment for my cancer doesn't work for most other types of cancer. I have thyroid cancer and there are 4 main types of thyroid cancer - all of which act differently and have slightly different treatments. The most severe type is so fast growing, it kills faster than pancreatic cancer in most cases. Just because it's cancer, doesn't mean it's all got the same cure - cancer doesn't work that way from the research I've done.

Cancer is like the flu and the common cold. Flu symptoms are similar, regardkess if the strain, and they're all caused by a virus, but all of those viruses act and react differently. Giving someone with bone cancer the same I-131 iodine that I had would do nothing but kill their thyroid giving the patient one more health problem. And vice versa, giving me their chemo would be just as deterimental.

Personally, I'm good with the testing required for drugs here in the US. When they get pushed through more people die. Can anyone say Fen/Phen?

As for the electric car? We want them now, but we whine when they only got 50 mph and have the power of a lawnmower.
I agree Diana, but I think what really bugs me, having watched my stepfather with cancer for 5 years, and now my father's battle, is that they force patients to exhaust everything they can before allowing things they know will work better. Sure, some are fortunate and chemo works, radiation helps, but from the get-go, I hear doctors telling my Dad (and this is a recurring theme for far to many cancer patients) that "chemo isn't ideal for *this* cancer, but we have to try it anyway..." Two years later, after they've put him through so many other treatments, forced his body to endure so much other crap, then he's told "Well, we're out of options, so now we're going to allow you to try something that's proven to work REALLY well for your type of cancer".

Insurance companies drive that train and that is what pisses me off so much. This isn't unique to my father's case; this happens to nearly every cancer patient. They are forced down the road of chemo, radiation, this and that, more chemo, blah blah blah...look at how much money is being made and by whom all the while. And at what ultimate cost to the patient? I know for my father, the cost has been more cancer, spreading...the "experimental treatment" has stopped the cancer, but he had to wait 2+ years to start this. Had he been exposed to that from the get-go, where would he be now? Where would others be if they could go straight to that option? How many do you know that hear about those far off options for their particular cancers, but they are told "oh, you can try that AFTER you try A-Z"? There's no other reason for that kind of process beyond the almighty dollar, and until patients and their families get pissed about that and demand better, I don't see it changing. We are all victims of bad legislation, greedy lawyers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, and it's all to make a buck. I have to believe that good doctors are only caught up in this because they have no choice. They want better for patients and can't give it. They hate it as much as we do. It's a sad situation for those that only want to help and those that deserve to get better.
My heart goes out to you and your family, Michelle. I can imagine how hard it is for you.

There are so many moving parts and people/companies involved in health care - good and bad. Personally, I can only do what I can do and research, question my doctors and get a good rapport with them. I've been on the patient side of an under-tested drug...or my son was...due to a doctor who wanted to get the drug approved. We were lucky and he didn't develop the side effect and we changed medications.

As freaked out as I get with each doctor appointment and test, it's 1000x worse watching my family deal with the situation. And I think that's pretty standard for most patients.
My heart goes out to you and your family, Michelle. I can imagine how hard it is for you.

There are so many moving parts and people/companies involved in health care - good and bad. Personally, I can only do what I can do and research, question my doctors and get a good rapport with them. I've been on the patient side of an under-tested drug...or my son was...due to a doctor who wanted to get the drug approved. We were lucky and he didn't develop the side effect and we changed medications.

As freaked out as I get with each doctor appointment and test, it's 1000x worse watching my family deal with the situation. And I think that's pretty standard for most patients.

Oh Diana, don't for a moment think I was making it about me...it's about the patients, like you, like my father. I hate watching patients be told "This treatment isn't ideal, but we have to try it because insurance won't allow steps 2-5 until we do" that really get me going...with my Dad, if they would have allowed him to go to step 5, perhaps his cancer would not have spread. He's not alone in this and doctors know that. They're caught up in what insurance companies cover and allow too, and at the heart of that is what pharmaceutical companies have in their cases for treatments. It's all a long train of treatments that may or may not help (I know it does help some, but you have to realize keeping others sick and moving along this "train" of treatment is a money making business) and once you've reached the end of that train, THEN patients can move to what is considered "experimental" or "trial treatments" that are actually working. This isn't new to anyone who takes medications of any kind. Shoot, I have migraines and suffered for years with them before my insurance company would ALLOW me to try the medications that my doctors know work. I have to exhaust A, B & C first before they're let me try D. It's a racket and throughout that ride the patient suffers, the pharmaceutical companies make billions from our suffering and we are stuck in the health care system.

If anything, I feel for patients, and didn't mean to make it sound like I'm feeling sorry for the families. I want cancer patients to get THE BEST OPTIONS for their cancers FIRST, but legislation, lawyers and insurance companies are all making sure that doesn't happen and at what cost?

Thank goodness my Dad's had amazing doctors, and I trust you've had the same Diana. That does help in all of this, but I know they are just as frustrated at the system as we are and if they had their way, they'd love to get their patients the care and treatment they feel is best and would work over all the treatments insurance dictates.
Oh Diana, don't for a moment think I was making it about me...it's about the patients, like you, like my father. I hate watching patients be told "This treatment isn't ideal, but we have to try it because insurance won't allow steps 2-5 until we do" that really get me going...with my Dad, if they would have allowed him to go to step 5, perhaps his cancer would not have spread. He's not alone in this and doctors know that. They're caught up in what insurance companies cover and allow too, and at the heart of that is what pharmaceutical companies have in their cases for treatments. It's all a long train of treatments that may or may not help (I know it does help some, but you have to realize keeping others sick and moving along this "train" of treatment is a money making business) and once you've reached the end of that train, THEN patients can move to what is considered "experimental" or "trial treatments" that are actually working. This isn't new to anyone who takes medications of any kind. Shoot, I have migraines and suffered for years with them before my insurance company would ALLOW me to try the medications that my doctors know work. I have to exhaust A, B & C first before they're let me try D. It's a racket and throughout that ride the patient suffers, the pharmaceutical companies make billions from our suffering and we are stuck in the health care system.

If anything, I feel for patients, and didn't mean to make it sound like I'm feeling sorry for the families. I want cancer patients to get THE BEST OPTIONS for their cancers FIRST, but legislation, lawyers and insurance companies are all making sure that doesn't happen and at what cost?

Thank goodness my Dad's had amazing doctors, and I trust you've had the same Diana. That does help in all of this, but I know they are just as frustrated at the system as we are and if they had their way, they'd love to get their patients the care and treatment they feel is best and would work over all the treatments insurance dictates.

I think you are forgetting the very large role that litigation plays in all of this. There will be large lawsuits for any drug or treatment not thoroughly tested. Even if they have a great cure for cancer, the company can be sued for unforeseen side-effects that take place 10 years down the road.

It is a lot easier legally to defend the stance: "Well, we tried traditional treatments and they didn't work, so we moved on to some cutting edge experimental trials."

It is much harder to defend the stance: "Well, we had high hopes from initial testing on this experimental drug so we bypassed traditional treatment protocols."

For goodness sake idiot lawyers are attempting to sue pharmaceutical companies for the misuse/abuse of tylenol.
Michelle, I never thought you were making it about you. Honest. I know you better than that. :thumbsup:
I think you are forgetting the very large role that litigation plays in all of this. There will be large lawsuits for any drug or treatment not thoroughly tested. Even if they have a great cure for cancer, the company can be sued for unforeseen side-effects that take place 10 years down the road.

It is a lot easier legally to defend the stance: "Well, we tried traditional treatments and they didn't work, so we moved on to some cutting edge experimental trials."

It is much harder to defend the stance: "Well, we had high hopes from initial testing on this experimental drug so we bypassed traditional treatment protocols."

For goodness sake idiot lawyers are attempting to sue pharmaceutical companies for the misuse/abuse of tylenol.

Hey, I can agree with the lawyer aspect and say to you this: there are doctors out there that KNOW certain cancer treatments DO NOT treat certain cancers, yet they are pretty much forced to use them on their patients anyway. They cannot go straight to the options they'd like. Insurance companies won't allow it, pharmaceutical companies are behind it all with their lawyers and law is in place to assure that patients get the slow and painful way to treatment that works. You will not argue your way out of that point with me having witnessed it and lost loved ones to the current system in place, and I know I'm not alone having talked at great length about this very subject with many in my lifetime. Until enough of us give a sh*t about that, we will all continue to be victims to the almighty $ and all those that are living the high life keeping so much of America sick.
Im going to add a different spin to this, partly due to my beliefs (brought on by a very very near fatal car accident). I think people feed these companies cubic acres of money because people are afraid to die. We, everyone on this board, every living person, animal and plant is living on a finite time frame. I know that if I get sick with terminal cancer, there will be NO chemo, NO radiation, No experimental treatments. Im goin to live my life right up til the end and then bow out gracefully. I think that until you have truly stared death in its eyes, you are terrified. I know Im going to go sooner than later, I just hope people will remember me when I pass.

And before anyone flames me for this, I lost my grandmother to whom I was extremely close to from lung cancer. I guess I just see it as when its your time to go, its time.
I dont want to be cured of something, live on, be cured again, and live on til my body is so old and decrepid that I am a complete and total burden
Everyone should share this- this is going to my wife's & my Facebook now. Amazing how this is all swept under the rug... I hope people like Trump & Gates get behind this guy.
Thanks for sharing this-Well worth the 2hr watch:please:
Remember, DRUG COMPANIES are NOT in the Business to cure ANYTHING. They ONLY make money if they TREAT the problem, NOT CURE IT. And our Government Pays BIG BUCKS for research into TREATMENT, NOT CURES :rulez:

A Sad Fact, but True :beerchug:
didnt watch the vid but did notice posts saying it delt with turn genes on and off, which am pretty sure is illegal in the U.S.A.

beyond that the government is for cures to anything that can kill citizens because dead people dont pay taxes; so there is huge incentive to keep you alive and paying taxes, fines, fees, buying cheap stuff from china, voteing, ect.

as far as BIG BUSINESS there are more people with heart burn then cancer though they are entirelly different costs for them, they make more from treating heart burn then cancer. Ench pharmicactical companies dont care about anyone with cancer cure, treatment, or otherwise cancer doesn't pay like the little things that almost everyone gets multply times a year.

as far as any cures for cancer, dont expect the government or big business to take a really proactive step to solve it unless they all get cancer.
I am truly saddened by the board actually believing that we in medicine and health care wish to keep people sick and not actually help people. It also shows the lack of knowledge in what we are actually capable of. It shows the prevalent ignorance in the entirety of the healthcare process. Though I must say, I do see it quite often, those that believe that we can cure anything and say "What do you mean you can't fix my virus? I have to actually endure this sickness?" :rolleyes:
I am truly saddened by the board actually believing that we in medicine and health care wish to keep people sick and not actually help people. It also shows the lack of knowledge in what we are actually capable of. It shows the prevalent ignorance in the entirety of the healthcare process. Though I must say, I do see it quite often, those that believe that we can cure anything and say "What do you mean you can't fix my virus? I have to actually endure this sickness?" :rolleyes:

Actually, you're mistaken S4L. Docs and nurses WANT to help, it's the lawyers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that make billions that keep America sick. You are the one that's quite in the dark if you think for one moment that patients aren't FORCED down a long path of treatments doctors and nurses KNOW don't work for their particular cancers, all because insurance companies won't cover the treatments that would be preferred by health care providers FIRST. Insurance companies work so closely with the puppetmasters at these huge pharmaceutical companies, their lawyers, the special interest groups on capital hill having more and more legislation passed to "protect" their ongoing right to make more money at the expense of patients.

I don't think for one moment anyone here blames the medical professionals. Most here seem to be blaming those that aren't actually WORKING in the system at all, just the ones that make sweeping decisions from behind a desk and earn the paycheck while patients are stuck spending months, years going through treatments that aren't ideal for their cancers.

As for my thinking on those that rush off hoping to have someone fix their *sniffles*? I think I said my peace on that topic as well a while back :laugh:
I am truly saddened by the board actually believing that we in medicine and health care wish to keep people sick and not actually help people. It also shows the lack of knowledge in what we are actually capable of. It shows the prevalent ignorance in the entirety of the healthcare process. Though I must say, I do see it quite often, those that believe that we can cure anything and say "What do you mean you can't fix my virus? I have to actually endure this sickness?" :rolleyes:

I know before in this thread I stated I was done with it, but as I keep reading and ALL you seem to be doing is defending no one but the pharmacological companies and the ones making money off these illness's. And then in no discreet way at all trying to justify it trying to stand in the medical healthcare field. So I guess the good question would be. What company has your vested interest? Or Which companies offer you the best perks for using their product? And DO NOT say that doesn't happen and Health Care providers do not participate in unethical practices like that cause then I will straight out call you a liar. Seen it & witnessed it with my own eyes so yes I know it's a fact. And not just one peticular profession either, all the way across the board. Besides I do not remember reading anywhere in this thread of anyone directly blaming a doctor,nurse or anyone in direct contact with any patient's healthcare being the one's at fault here. But for some reason you still seem to be seeing that way thru those glasses your wearing.

You are the one that's quite in the dark if you think for one moment that patients aren't FORCED down a long path of treatments doctors and nurses KNOW don't work for their particular cancers, all because insurance companies won't cover the treatments that would be preferred by health care providers FIRST.

And yes VAB that is so true. As my wife and I were straight out told by our first oncologist that he and a few other consulting Dr's that the best thing for us would be go straight to Avastin treatments because they had showed very positive results in shrinking and treating GBM tumors but due to insurance,politics and whatever else bull could not be done until chemo/rad was done first. Grant it yes, a GBM is not curable per say(at least with medicines allowed now and are profitable) but is put in the class as controllable to a point. Which with what is available the outcome would still be inevitably the same. But who know's? Maybe if we could've went the way the Dr's would have like to have gone if allowed maybe she could have been around for more than just 9 months from diagnosis at least just got to have that one more christmas she wanted. That was her most favorite time of the year just like her mom, I can guarantee you it was gonna be the biggest best one she would have ever had or could have hoped for, because if she wanted it she would have gotten it someway somehow I would have found a way.

But as far as there being no cure yet but they are trying. That is total F****** B******* (I added the asterisks so the page wouldn't have to)

I am truly saddened by the board actually believing that we in medicine and health care wish to keep people sick and not actually help people. It also shows the lack of knowledge in what we are actually capable of.

As far as that statement, well I guess most of us on this board aren't the only ignorant(I guess since we aren't in the "medical" field) people that see it the way it really is.

It shows the prevalent ignorance in the entirety of the healthcare process.

Sorry, healthcare and pharmaceutical company/big buisness profits should be in two different categories and not combined together the way it is being discussed here. Because there are many many healthcare professionals(doctors,nurses etc.) that see it the same way by trying to help the patient and not just looking at the year end or quarterly bonus's.

Besides Burzynski here's DCA

- ‪DCA - Cancer Cure Discovered - But YOU can't have it....‬‏[/url]

Even the good ole hemp debate:

- ‪CANCER - The Forbidden Cures - TRAILER‬‏[/url]

- ‪RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version‬‏[/url]

This guy/gal seems to hit the nail pretty good to: (oh sorry it's another bike forum, must be another ignorant person also)


This one has some interesting points also:

PRESS Core - Evidentiary News » The cancer cure research scam. The pharmaceutical industry survives and thrives by perpetually searching for The Cure but intentionally never finding it.

And you can go on and on finding different articles/video's of lot's more besides these.

Pretty much all same the same thing no matter who you listen to "A Cure Is Not Profitable" bottom line, unless their high up in the money making scam.

And if that isn't enough than why don't we put some redneck hillbillies in the labs since the smartest brightest people the world supposedly has haven't been able to do it for a 100 years with billions and billions of dollars to do it with. Hell,give them some corn,water and a pot and they can whip up some good moonshine that'll cure a lot of stuff in no time.