A friend of mine went for a ride on the back of a bike and only put on a dome helmet which was probably the driver helmet. She said she felt the back of the bike fish tailing around 30mph and the bike went down. She is ok and getting better and she said she will never get on a bike again. From look at the photos her hair looks ok but her face, that another story. I told her to post one of her photos on ride2die.com. When she was on sport bike she always had a full helmet on but a Harley I guess it was not cool.
I totally agree.it is the person controlling the bike that is the hazard... you see guys get some pretty girl on the back and his ego goes through the roof and proceeds to get people hurt... Fool + Bike = bad outcome, this is a bike riders forum... I know you lost a kid to a bike crash, but ultimately, it was not the bikes fault..
I feel sorry for people that are victimized by riders that make lousy choices....
poor thing. i hope she gets better soon . i would like to meet the a hole that put her on the back of the bike without the proper gear. i would take that boy out behind the wood shed and jerk a knot in his tail
OMG, I'm so glad she is still with us, its just so important to wear gear, OMG girl friend, feel better.. prayers to you girl friend ... No more bike !! Listen to Busamomingrief.. No Bike.. Get a nice car,BMW or a nice Vet, no bike,its to dangerous..
it is the person controlling the bike that is the hazard... you see guys get some pretty girl on the back and his ego goes through the roof and proceeds to get people hurt... Fool + Bike = bad outcome, this is a bike riders forum... I know you lost a kid to a bike crash, but ultimately, it was not the bikes fault..
I feel sorry for people that are victimized by riders that make lousy choices....