Hey guys the LAST thing I was trying to do is flame the Busa....or troll. I just wanted some honest feedback on your first adjustments to the Busa from your other rides. I've been riding streetbikes for almost 24 years....although I've been a little late to the new hyper-bike class. If you read my post you'll see I NEVER said it was slow...I said it FELT slower than I EXPECTED. Would I say that it walked away from my buddy's modded 95 1100 on 3/4 throttle under 8 grand and call it slow? Heeelll nooooo...in fact I wasn't even TRYING to pull him....he told me later he was grabbing gears WFO trying to keep up..LOL...... What I expected was to have my arms ripped off....be pulled off the back...scream in terror..lol....you know..the usual over-expectations. And yes I DO realize that I haven't had it much over 8 grand yet. I was lead to believe that it made most of the power around 8....so if I'm wrong correct me please.
As WWJD said: bounce it off 10,500 in all gears a few hundred times and get back to me
I came from a Ninja 1000r myself with similar mods and I remember thinking that exact same thing for a breif while. Once I got it past break in, and really started using it, I find ALL roads too small! You will to. My busa [or me] is getting FASTER with age.
Now that was the kinda info I was looking for....several other posters said roughly the same thing. I used this board for all my pre-purchase info and will continue to use it.....I just wanted to find out if the first impressions I got from my bike were normal or not.
And for your info...most all the bikes I've ridden at this elevation have felt kinda muted......and I agree that I need to run her hard to redline before I make any final judgements...
Here's what PaceMaster wrote: Sheez..be nice now...and ofcourse..we don't know if the person has a Busa...Maybe he does....I also live at 5000'----------Once in a while i get the feeling she's not that fast...But it Is!!! Even at altitude , there are no uphills..even at 8000' where i ride often...Iv'e gone 176 on the GPS @ 5000' feet in 02....in 5th!!
...But man o man when i get down to sea level as last week...I do not understand
why to mod it to the moon...ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE..When full throttle is applied..
Busa at the redzone...rocks my world..so there !!!
And yes I DO live at 5000 feet and yes I DO own a Red Limited Busa....now thats the kinda info I was hoping to get from my Busa brothers....and thats what I would give on a topic I had knowledge on. Not the "he's knockin' my bike so I'll knock him. I'm gonna break her in a bit more then I'm gonna ride her like I ride all my bikes
...then I'll REALLY tell you what I think
A bike can BE fast without feeling fast......I had an 83 Seca 650 Turbo that I cranked the boost up on.....it only made 85 ponies stock...so you know even with my boost increase it prolly wasn't making more than my 1000R...but it still felt like the fastest bike I've ever ridden....just because it went from NO acceleration to a SH*Tload all at once. EVERYbody knows (including every non-rider I've come across) that the Busa is KIng....and believe me I'm not gonna try to discredit every test/drag race/magazine over the last 5 years.....so please try and keep it real and back off the attacks would ya?.......btw I still call you Busa Brothers...lets just not take any warm showers together eh?