A little dissapointed.....

Sure seems like there have been a lot of new "supposed" busa riders on this board slamming Busa's

To me, anyone with under 100 posts slamming a Busa or saying they are disappointed just seems to be a troll to me.

Just seems like these people are trying to start crap.. It just doesn’t make any sense why you would have a Busa and then criticize it.. just don’t fit

And then the guy doesn’t post again, like all the others

I mean, has anyone seen any more posts from that gay bike rider who doesn’t have a bike? Came on here, posted what would be noticeable a controversial post, a bunch of stuff flies and you only had a few more posts from the guy.

I will soon be so desensitized I wont even be posting this troll warning lol

your're wrong but I still believe that he doesn't have a busa.

he probably has a tamiya hayabusass stuck at the choco factory
Sheez..be nice now...and ofcourse..we don't know if the person has a Busa...Maybe he does....I also live at 5000'----------Once in a while i get the feeling she's not that fast...But it Is!!! Even at altitude , there are no uphills..even at 8000' where i ride often...Iv'e gone 176 on the GPS @ 5000' feet in 02....in 5th!!
...But man o man when i get down to sea level as last week...I do not understand
why to mod it to the moon...ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE..When full throttle is applied..
Busa at the redzone...rocks my world..so there !!!
hey now, in this guy's defense, I too had a Ninja 1000r modded up and it was scarey fast. the mechanics that worked on it were also impressed with that bike. so.... when she was done, I needed something as good but was hoping for even better and I bought a busa EXPECTING it to feel tice as fast as my ninja, and seem as light as a 600... just cuz I'm an idiot. Well, I got it and started doign my breakin junk, but I'd hammer it right up to the breakin limit here and there wanting to fell the power and it was JUST BARELY any more than my Ninja was. BARELY! I did not complain, I knew it was a fast bike. I simply figured "well, there is nothing better and it IS new technology, and my old bike was all modded, so this is fine".

In other words I understand EXACTLY what he's talking about. I was there. Same feeling. But I grew out of it later and I still swear this bike gets faster with age. And 51 posts is a lot more than your normal 3-9 poster troll

He will soon feel the truth and it will set him free.
Hey guys the LAST thing I was trying to do is flame the Busa....or troll. I just wanted some honest feedback on your first adjustments to the Busa from your other rides. I've been riding streetbikes for almost 24 years....although I've been a little late to the new hyper-bike class. If you read my post you'll see I NEVER said it was slow...I said it FELT slower than I EXPECTED. Would I say that it walked away from my buddy's modded 95 1100 on 3/4 throttle under 8 grand and call it slow? Heeelll nooooo...in fact I wasn't even TRYING to pull him....he told me later he was grabbing gears WFO trying to keep up..LOL...... What I expected was to have my arms ripped off....be pulled off the back...scream in terror..lol....you know..the usual over-expectations. And yes I DO realize that I haven't had it much over 8 grand yet. I was lead to believe that it made most of the power around 8....so if I'm wrong correct me please.

As WWJD said: bounce it off 10,500 in all gears a few hundred times and get back to me  
I came from a Ninja 1000r myself with similar mods and I remember thinking that exact same thing for a breif while.  Once I got it past break in, and really started using it, I find ALL roads too small!  You will to.  My busa [or me] is getting FASTER with age.

Now that was the kinda info I was looking for....several other posters said roughly the same thing. I used this board for all my pre-purchase info and will continue to use it.....I just wanted to find out if the first impressions I got from my bike were normal or not.

And for your info...most all the bikes I've ridden at this elevation have felt kinda muted......and I agree that I need to run her hard to redline before I make any final judgements...

Here's what PaceMaster wrote: Sheez..be nice now...and ofcourse..we don't know if the person has a Busa...Maybe he does....I also live at 5000'----------Once in a while i get the feeling she's not that fast...But it Is!!! Even at altitude , there are no uphills..even at 8000' where i ride often...Iv'e gone 176 on the GPS @ 5000' feet in 02....in 5th!!
...But man o man when i get down to sea level as last week...I do not understand
why to mod it to the moon...ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE..When full throttle is applied..
Busa at the redzone...rocks my world..so there !!!

And yes I DO live at 5000 feet and yes I DO own a Red Limited Busa....now thats the kinda info I was hoping to get from my Busa brothers....and thats what I would give on a topic I had knowledge on. Not the "he's knockin' my bike so I'll knock him. I'm gonna break her in a bit more then I'm gonna ride her like I ride all my bikes  
...then I'll REALLY tell you what I think  

 A bike can BE fast without feeling fast......I had an 83 Seca 650 Turbo that I cranked the boost up on.....it only made 85 ponies stock...so you know even with my boost increase it prolly wasn't making more than my 1000R...but it still felt like the fastest bike I've ever ridden....just because it went from NO acceleration to a SH*Tload all at once. EVERYbody knows (including every non-rider I've come across) that the Busa is KIng....and believe me I'm not gonna try to discredit every test/drag race/magazine over the last 5 years.....so please try and keep it real and back off the attacks would ya?.......btw I still call you Busa Brothers...lets just not take any warm showers together eh?  

Now THIS sums it up EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!...................thanks WWJD  

WWJD wrote:hey now, in this guy's defense, I too had a Ninja 1000r modded up and it was scarey fast.  the mechanics that worked on it were also impressed with that bike.  so.... when she was done, I needed something as good but was hoping for even better and I bought a busa EXPECTING it to feel tice as fast as my ninja, and seem as light as a 600... just cuz I'm an idiot.  Well, I got it and started doign my breakin junk, but I'd hammer it right up to the breakin limit here and there wanting to fell the power and it was JUST BARELY any more than my Ninja was.  BARELY!  I did not complain, I knew it was a fast bike.  I simply figured "well, there is nothing better and it IS new technology, and my old bike was all modded, so this is fine".  

In other words I understand EXACTLY what he's talking about.  I was there.  Same feeling.  But I grew out of it later and I still swear this bike gets faster with age.   And 51 posts is a lot more than your normal 3-9 poster troll    

He will soon feel the truth and it will set him free.

Thanks again JD...that was EXACTLY what I needed to hear
somebody DOES understand..lol    

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Glad you posted..back..kinda tricky..bike feels fast or slow..it is true...hmmmm dont know why..But hey' Busa is FAST no matter where you are on the planet...And i buy the cheapest India 87 octane they have ..doesn't matter..Busa roars ..pure love..85 Ninja 900..40k Gsxr1100 1988,14k,.....Busa Rocks.
I'm with ya, man. And it's all good... from everyone. You gotta understand we all get a lil jumpy in here from trolls:

"Man, my 04 R1 can eat Busa's for Lunch!!"
"S#!T ain't fast.. My turbo harley.... now that's FAST!"

the Big Red One,
i have taken my bike to its full limit and not only that,
my bike has been dyno'd and custom mapped to use it's 100% potential
where as most bikes are mapped to maybe 85% of it's true potential.........

I don't know about elevation, but get on any other bike and it just don't have
the same power period..... remember I owned a 2004 R1 and it was nice around turns, but not anywhere near as mean and powerful.
even my cousins ZX10 isn't as fast. he thought it was until I spanked him by about 9 bike lengths.
the busa has 20lbs more torque than any litre bike out there.

it's the rider, yeh yeh yeh, but it's not very hard to go crazy fast on this bike.
To me, when i first got on my busa, all the hype of people telling me you can't keep the front tire on the ground....and other crap like that...I kinda felt the same way. Then I got back on a bike that I thought was fast before and kept saying "Come on bike, MOVE!". The thing is the busa's power is so smooth and it'll sneek up on ya! You just gotta give it a chance and Twist the freakin throttle!
Yeah THRASHER, 1127 TO 1299, Oracle, Mikey D... STFU! What the hell are you the Psychic fuggin friends or something?

Damn... My whole point is careful what you title threads. Cause they get wrapped up in the system....

That's why "Common Problems" pisses me off. Dumbest damn thing, Makes any little niggle sound like all Busa's have the same problem...

Here's a thought B.R.O.-- Smoke a fat bowl, then hit the Busa Full throttle till it stops pulling in sixth... I'll bet it will seem plenty fast then...
Line up with yer buddies 1100 again and redline it in every gear...right to top speed, then look behind you!!!!!!!!!....report back again!!!
Welcome aboard!!
...I mean, has anyone seen any more posts from that gay bike rider who doesn’t have a bike? Came on here, posted what would be noticeable a controversial post, a bunch of stuff flies and you only had a few more posts from the guy...
I saw Lovestuds posting on the "thinking about a busa for my first bike" I recommended he get a GS 500.

page 3
Yeah THRASHER, 1127 TO 1299, Oracle, Mikey D...  STFU!  What the hell are you the Psychic fuggin friends or something?

Damn...  My whole point is careful what you title threads.  Cause they get wrapped up in the system....

That's why "Common Problems" pisses me off.  Dumbest damn thing, Makes any little niggle sound like all Busa's have the same problem...

Here's a thought B.R.O.-- Smoke a fat bowl, then hit the Busa Full throttle till it stops pulling in sixth...  I'll bet it will seem plenty fast then...
OK, I'm sorry.

But hey, Thrasher made me say it!

It's Thrasher's fault!

Blame it on him!

Welcome to the board BigRed!

And look out for that guy ThrasherFox. He likes to start shid!
Yeah THRASHER, 1127 TO 1299, Oracle, Mikey D... STFU! What the hell are you the Psychic fuggin friends or something?

Damn... My whole point is careful what you title threads. Cause they get wrapped up in the system....

That's why "Common Problems" pisses me off. Dumbest damn thing, Makes any little niggle sound like all Busa's have the same problem...

Here's a thought B.R.O.-- Smoke a fat bowl, then hit the Busa Full throttle till it stops pulling in sixth... I'll bet it will seem plenty fast then...

I don't get what you are trying to vomit.
I did not say it wasn't fast enough.


no problema with the busa






..perhaps it would make a nice post by itself, but WTF.. ..I'll just put it here..

..a couple of weeks ago, I went to my absolute first start-from-stoplight event.. ..to my surprise, there were only a few EXTREMELY COMPETENT riders that could deal with me and my '99 busa (all riding gixxers 1, 2 or 3K..) and one guy with a R1 04 that is a very competent motorcycle journalist.. ..I even spanked his a** one time, but not the gixxers - man, those boys could RACE! All the rest (zx-10's, r1's and gixxers) could read my license plate BIG TIME!

And they were NOT half-witted wannabes either - they "twisted the wrist" but not much can be done if there is no "juice" from the power plant..

I can picture the busa with the long drivetrain (like lots of you guys already have) and turbo.. ..well, try 'n catch that!.. (..through a very fast lense, only..

..this thread made me feel falling in love with turbo, again..

Sure seems like there have been a lot of new "supposed" busa riders on this board slamming Busa's

To me, anyone with under 100 posts slamming a Busa or saying they are disappointed just seems to be a troll to me.

Just seems like these people are trying to start crap.. It just doesn’t make any sense why you would have a Busa and then criticize it.. just don’t fit

And then the guy doesn’t post again, like all the others

I mean, has anyone seen any more posts from that gay bike rider who doesn’t have a bike? Came on here, posted what would be noticeable a controversial post, a bunch of stuff flies and you only had a few more posts from the guy.

I will soon be so desensitized I wont even be posting this troll warning lol
YEAH!!! .....opps I have under a hundred. Gotta go.

I bought mine cause I loved the look now I'm in love with the way it FLYSSSSSSS. (and all you see is my tail-light...)
I recently came back from Sturgis, and I was a little disappointed in the 'Busa's performance at those elevations when I was at 5000-6500ft (Colorado byway). I can understand feeling like the bike might not be all it's cracked up to be. I told my friend I was visitng that I was dissapointed about it. Then I rode his '03 ZX-9. The Kawasaki felt like a 500 to me. Point being, the Busa is all that... elevation plays a huge role in the feel of the power, ESPECIALLY if you are coming from 300ft above sea level like me.

Crack the throttle wide open in 4th or fith and let it get all the way to 10,700 and do the same (redline on the other bikke) and tall me which was faster.

Oh, don't worry about telling me, I already know.
Well my last bike was a 91 GSXR 750 that was piped and jetted. also had sprocket mods for more torque. The first time I really got on the busa throttle and the front lifted at about 9000 rpm in first. I quickly learned of its power. This was a stock 2004 busa and I weigh about 205. I had to actually work to get the 750 up. The busa has plenty of power, you just need to learn how to use it.
I think you should sell it.. of course you will take a little loss.. but thats just life ya know..

i'll do $6500 I guess for the old slow think.