A little dissapointed.....

mine is three years old. pc11, m4 pipe, lowered 1.5", 16 sprocket. Everytime I hit the throttle this thing has the demon dragons of hell come right out of the engine and destroy anything in it's wake.Simatanously it lifts the front end and keeps its copsure very well while whooping azz.
 I don't know why there are so many post about wheelies or lack of power. But, I'm not that high above sea level either.

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Feels slow
The reason for that is its soooooooooooooo smooth. The problem with it is you're gonna have to convince your local policeperson that when they give you a ticket for "say" doing 110 in a 55... "Officer it felt so slow...its not like my old 1000 i use to be able to feel when it was going fast."

Yep thats the same thing i tried to convince the policeman when i "knew" i was doing the speed limit because the bike was so smooth at high speeds... (The speed limits have been changed to protect the innocent in the telling in this story)
Guys I have to apologize.....I shouldn't have posted till I rode my Busa like the rest of my bikes....to redline through as many of the gears as I have room for
I was under the impression I'd feel a huge power hit at 7-8 grand on the tach....the truth is I've been letting off before I actually got to the meat of the power....sorry....a rookie move on my part  
BUT....any bike that can walk a modded/geared 1100 while being short-shifted I'm sure is gonna make me plenty happy the first time I run to redline through the gears  
You know tho, I'm glad you guys are sharing your speed stories...its some cool reading...thanks
and I'm gonna watch the way I title my posts from now on....it did sound a little harsh...sorry  

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And BTW when I told my buddy with the 1100 that I thought the Busa felt a little slow at 8 grand and 3/4 throttle he looked at me like I was crazy and said DAMN!! you were walking away from me bigtime...what the hell do you expect?!...lol. I wonder what he's gonna say at full throttle/redline
I guess I gotta stand by what I said. Ride it like you rode yer 1000. Try a really twistie road between 7-10K & you might just take a bit outta that seat.

Well guys, in the interest of science
I decided to try a little experiment tonight
Keep in mind that this is my first new bike and since its kinda my baby (as I think you guys can understand
 ) I've been trying to break it in kinda like the manual suggests. Since it has 657 miles on it I'm still limited to 8 grand or under on the tach. But I thought I would go ahead and run her up farther like you guys suggested. So on the way up this nice steep hill tonight I rolled the loud handle to the stop in 2nd or 3rd...not sure...and held it there to somewhere around or beyond 9 grand on the tach...then did the same in the next gear......And now all I can say is.............HOLY SH*T
thats the kinda freaky ass rush I was looking for
 this sombitch started pulling so hard I actually lost track of my horizon and had to chop the throttle cuase' I wasn't exactly sure how fast stuff was approaching. It felt just like a jet take off only faster lol...if it pulls even harder than that closer to the redline I'm gonna be in heaven!! And my buddy on his 1100 just didn't fade in the mirror...he vanished. I have no idea what speed I was going...looking away from the road was the last thing I was gonna do..  Thanks again for the info guys....as someone said my prob was I was backing off the throttle just as the power was starting to peak. I can't begin to imagine how its gonna feel at sea level  

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now THATSSSSSS what I'm tawkin about.
welcome to our secret club.
and Twisties?? No problem. Put a 180 on the rear and get out yer knee pucks *

* PSA Don't forget! Track knee draggers are on controlled surfaces running 30 PSI on super sticky race grade tires. Ride Safe
Heh, you ain't felt anything yet... the crazy sick part of it is that the pull you felt NEVER, EVER stops till you hit the limiter in 6th.... IT just keeps building...
04 congrates on your LE if ya got any questions about mods just ask and dont mind thrasher cause hes a PUNK!!!!! did you notice how well everyone was getting along untill he opened his big ignorant mouth? if anyone is the "troll" its his ass! The amount of post that people have doesnt show how much they know about the busa! but I do respect guys like the Captain, Ninja Eater ( who has the baddest screen name) STUNNAH, AND WWJD. Everyone in this forum are good people and very informative and helpful and thanx to them helped me find my mods that i wanted! Unfortunetly there allways has got to be one ####### to ruin it for everyone! But this is the best forum I have been on you can count on that!

Really glad you finally saw the light with your bike! Just be careful bro! and make sure you stay under 8,ooo from now on! of course what the piss do I know I am just an ignorant newbie!
For ANY person to Say that the Busa just isn't fast enough then they are frickin foolin themselves.

You go 120 dive into a 30 mph corner and get on it hard and if you aren't having skiddies in your shorts then your bike hasn't been through it's first factory tuneup?

Sync the bodies fix the timing and take it to 10 then see if you are alive or just like the rest of us Respectful to the baddest of them All

The Nation
When I first gave the throttle a good twist on mine, after coming off another quick bike, I felt a little dissapointed,

Then I looked at the speedo,

I wasn't so dissapointed anymore.

It's fast, yes, but sneaky fast. It just wants to keep pulling hard, and it almost seems that the faster you go, the harder it wants to pull.

This thing does the best launches from speed,
80 feels like walking,
and it launches from 80 up so hard it is surprising.

I find I constantly have to watch my speed, becuse everyone else is going sooooooooooooo slow!

It dosn't feel as quick as my last bike, but it is quicker, and much faster
Yes, I'm happy with it

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Thats okay Ill just keep staring a pictures of cecils bike!!!!
Sure seems like there have been a lot of new "supposed" busa riders on this board slamming Busa's

To me, anyone with under 100 posts slamming a Busa or saying they are disappointed just seems to be a troll to me.

Just seems like these people are trying to start crap.. It just doesn’t make any sense why you would have a Busa and then criticize it.. just don’t fit

And then the guy doesn’t post again, like all the others

I mean, has anyone seen any more posts from that gay bike rider who doesn’t have a bike? Came on here, posted what would be noticeable a controversial post, a bunch of stuff flies and you only had a few more posts from the guy.

I will soon be so desensitized I wont even be posting this troll warning lol
Hey Thrasher, the "gay" guy actually moved his interest somewhat to the 'Turbo' forum. I perouse (sp?) it every now and then and I noticed him over there asking some questions about turblows....er...uhh... I mean "TURBO'S!!"

On a side note guys...I was at the drags last night and my buddy on his 02 GSXR-1000 raced a Busa...both bikes were equally modded. The Busa got a horrible launch, stopped and started a couple time before he got moving....but when he did man what a sight it was......the 1000 went screaming down the strip like a big bumble bee...running through the gears.....the busa sounded like a V-8....I think he barely got into 3rd before he shut down....and he wasn't used to the bike yet and was hitting the rev limiter in every gear trying to run it like his 600. But still, the way he gained on the 1000 made the liter bike look slow  
 It was obvious to everyone (including my buddy)
that if they would have launched evenly with equal riders the Busa woulda smoked the 1000. Mines not broke in enough yet for the drags but man was it awesome to see the machine you own look soooo damn fast on the dragstrip
 I still can't believe how he pulled the 1000....we bought ourselves the ultimate velvet sledgehammers. How the hell can a bike feel so smooth and controlled and yet twist the very fabric of space and time...its kinda like you twist the throttle and suddenly everything changes around you...no fuss...everything just distorts...then your thinking...how the hell did I get HERE?? Kinda like our own personal Star Trek style transporters eh?...lol I aint' complaining anymore
now that you guys helped me cure my case of throttlefearitis ( <----Rev comes up with the funniest damn stuff...:laugh: )

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Glad you got to feel the accleration, and weren't dissapointed.
Be careful, have fun.


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