A Very Proud Father


Dis in my way!
Staff member
I never pushed either of my boy's in sports and let them both choose the hobbies and paths that they showed interest and then supported them as much as I possibly could.

My oldest son graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University last year with a major in vocal music and is now in Kentucky completeing his Masters in Divinity with a minor in music at Southern Seminary. He was asked to be in a group that does some pretty amazing vocal work but on Sunday they released a video of several of the members of the group on acoustic guitars.

The lead guitarist I am told served 2 tours in Afghanistan, completed his training for a special unit but felt called to the ministry to when it was time to re-up he left the military and is now in the music program.

That same guitarist I am told composed this version...... My son is in the red shirt playing guitar.

This is why I sold my Busa.... to put him through college, worth every minute I don't ride!

That was certainly hauntingly beautiful , like a music score from an epic film , this was composed and performed with real depth and soul , stirring many emotions , thank you for sharing this Captain .
Wow! That’s pretty amazing! Any videos of them singing?
I wish my parents would’ve let me choose what I wanted or that they would’ve read “between the lines”. I used to pull all the pots and pans and start banging on them, which drove mom crazy, but when they decided to put me on music school it was to learn the piano. That’s what grandma wanted they said and boy, I hated it with a passion and made sure I did bad. Eventually mom got tired of me not wanting to do it and gave up. I was about 8 or 9 years old and didn’t know any better, but today I wish I would’ve learned the piano even if I hated it. Nowadays I spend some of my time trying to learn how to play an instrument called “tambora” which is used to play merengue, but I struggle with it at times since I just watch YouTube videos and try to learn from them.
I know you're so proud!!!! Incredible cap!! Thanks for sharing, and I cannot believe how much your oldest has grown...just amazing.

My oldest, Sam, has been teaching himself to play the guitar. Years of being in band as a saxophonist helps, and taking him to concerts since he was 6 enables the passion I suppose. He brought me to tears when he showed me his first song he'd learned, which was my favorite Pink Floyd song. He surprised me the other day by playing the Star Spangled Banner reminiscent of Jimi Hendrix...who knew our kids could bring out such emotions?
I know you're so proud!!!! Incredible cap!! Thanks for sharing, and I cannot believe how much your oldest has grown...just amazing.

My oldest, Sam, has been teaching himself to play the guitar. Years of being in band as a saxophonist helps, and taking him to concerts since he was 6 enables the passion I suppose. He brought me to tears when he showed me his first song he'd learned, which was my favorite Pink Floyd song. He surprised me the other day by playing the Star Spangled Banner reminiscent of Jimi Hendrix...who knew our kids could bring out such emotions?

Evan was self taught too Chelle! YouTube is great for that... I remember sitting for hours and hours trying to help him learn to strum... Down Down Down Up Up Up Down Up Down Up I said these words over and over and over and then Kristie would come in and tag me and she would do it for a few hours... Then one day, Just like on the movie the jerk he got it and he never slowed down and I can't get the rythym out of my head......
I absolutely love this song!! When I was a kid, we had a mime group in our church that used to perform to this song!!
Evan was self taught too Chelle! YouTube is great for that... I remember sitting for hours and hours trying to help him learn to strum... Down Down Down Up Up Up Down Up Down Up I said these words over and over and over and then Kristie would come in and tag me and she would do it for a few hours... Then one day, Just like on the movie the jerk he got it and he never slowed down and I can't get the rythym out of my head......

I'm sure that took patience, and I'm sure Evan appreciates it so much now.

Sam ended up teaching himself on a bass guitar that Omar won while in KS for work, from the dealership that Hal (gsxcite) worked at, given to him by Hal himself. Funny thing is that bass guitar sat and sat and sat for the longest time, no one even pulling it from the case, then one day Sam shows me he's been watching YouTube videos and can play songs I recognize.

I grabbed a guitar from a coworker, his first 6-string, and away he went, mostly practicing at his Dad's, I think to cope with some situations there he was having a tough time with, then he'd show up at our house and impress me to no end. He recently bought his first used acoustic that he picked out, and is getting in to adding pedals for effect.

Makes me wish I'd learned myself. I get with Daniel (flicka), compare guitar deals and share secret recordings I've made of Sam's playing.

Curious how much people from here are woven in, isn't it? ;)
That boy's fortunate to have such talent but I can tell you, he's more fortunate to have you for a Dad. At some point, all creative people cross the line from hobbyist to expert and at that point, they are not doing their work for themselves anymore. They need the support and recognition of a community and their family is #1. Good for you and your son. Continued success to him!