about to paint the bike

Oh well, this one looks the best. Plus it's the fastest to boot

a while back I was thinking about the all sonic silver. The LE color is nice, but alot of people seem to have that color, no where I live but on the net. So its not really special to me anymore. The gray I am looking at now is a couple shades lighter so it will be different and not so mistaken for an LE and not mistaken for black awell. I think I will go with RED graphics to replace the stock emblems/kanji
hrmmm....I see. I plan on doing a custom job on my baby...when I can find a damn painter!

Best of luck on the decision, bro...
Hayaboosta: Did you get a price quote from a body shop? Are you takin it to a custom car body shop or a bike shop? I plan on painting mine all Black. For the 05 it would be Pearl Nebular Black. I want the Kanji logo traced, painted on but without "Hayabusa" in the middle of it.
here you go aljanmay
email info@dynamicbikes.com
Website: dynamicbikes.com
Name: Tonk K
#: 818-360-4021
He will take care of you just let him know *Hybridcrx* sent you :-) Thank you for your interest.

Another post with the information on where to get the lights
Hayaboosta: Did you get a price quote from a body shop? Are you takin it to a custom car body shop or a bike shop? I plan on painting mine all Black. For the 05 it would be Pearl Nebular Black. I want the Kanji logo traced, painted on but without "Hayabusa" in the middle of it.
sounds like a sweet setup. If I went with painted on, I maybe would like min 2-3 times larger across the side fairings I dunno the possibilities. I dont have prices yet. I have another member from sh.org give me the color codes but I will ask him about price too. I have a friend here that paints really good. its a car body shop self owned by 2 people. They have a sponsor now so they get paint for free and low cost and they were given a suburban to do up for a demo! Nice but he will paint it for me and if good prices I might get the paint from him.