Accepted a LEO job offer!

congrats on your new career.:beerchug: the psych test is a riot and yes you will feel like you are nuts when you walk out of that shrinks office. :laugh:
Are you crazy :laugh:

Been awhile brother. Glad to see you posting. Any pix of hotdogs for us :poke:

Best of luck :thumbsup:

Sorry, I eat too fast to get any pics. I have been busy working two jobs, going to the gym and being a husband/dad. Doesn't leave much time for anything else. :beerchug:
CONGRATS!:beerchug: pull up on the Busa, would be a FAIL! goodluck and be Safe! remember the little people....on big bikes!:thumbsup:
Good Luck with the psych-eval. Mine took over two hours and was really strange. It has always been debated, do you get hired be cause you fail it or pass it? Be safe out there.

Every time people offered me doughnuts I would always tell them we have changed to bagels and espressos. Some times it helps to break the tension.
Good luck, and look the other way if you ever see a white busa flying by your area, Im just trying to go home fast.:laugh:
2.5 years!! That's awesome, you go boy! :thumbsup: Congrats on setting a goal and making it happen!
Congratulations on landing the job, and I hope it`s everything you expected. Take care/be safe, don`t let your guard down.