middle east job offer.

Specific location with the level of security is a big factor. As Blanca mentioned, some places are OK to be in, others are not. The scope of work and the area of responsibility you would have to cover as an employee would be a concern as well.

Will you be flying into a hardened military base and staying there the entire 6 months? Would you be trucked into a forward operating base and responsible for traveling with convoys or remote sites?

These are some things to think about.
Deployed with RCT-1 (DEC'07 - JAN '09), 1st half in Fallujah then other half in Ramadi. I was actually "scared" the first time I rode in one of the shuttles driven by TCNs...got so used to 25 mph MAX on NTVs.

Just remembered, it is also winter over there :whistle: so bundle up and be safe, man!

thanks bro, this place has been a ghost town since the draw down
on my second civilian tour out here in Afghanistan.. after 2 tours in Iraq as a Marine there aren't many bases I haven't been to between here and Iraq, so let us know where the job is at and who it's with and I can hopefully give you some information.
Id finnish the degree , 80k isnt much coin, you can burn throught that pretty fast. We have two aerospace plants in Ohio that are looking for machinists. They say they can't find anyone. its not small parts All large complex parts. Same continent anyway.
:bowdown: thank you all! i can't begin to tell you how much help you have been.
the e-mail i receved was from E&R interconsult inc., the job location was Baghdad.

i talked to my wife about it this morning. she was not too suprised, but in more than a couple words she told me, im NOT going. she reminded me of the 8 months i spent flagging in muddy gap wyoming, population - me. i lived in a popup trailer, and it sucked. i would still give anything to have that time back with my family. it wasnt long after that job ended that my daughter passed away. my wife has a hard enough time being a single parent while im on the road, riding (about a month and a half a year).
i think i'll just go back to school. i get to spend alot of time with my son nowdays, and i love it. i don't think any amount of $$ is worth not getting to be with my family.

it really did sound like a good idea when i applied. but the more i talk to yall and other friends, ??? its not sounding so good.

this was a big one for me, i really do thank yall for your input. it made me think of things i hadn't thought about.
but in the end, my wife has final say.:rulez::laugh:

thanks again.

Russ, fully understand and support your decision. During the 23 years I have been in the Navy, I have never made a career decision without consulting my wife first. A happy wife brings a happy life! :cheerleader:
Can you Weld Underwater ? if So there are Better Oportunities out there than this...........

Death on a stick if they somehow get to you! You can't even keep military personal safe from Muslim jihaddists here in Texas...way too risky for my temperment. One of my budies who was on an airbase in Saudi told me about the palpable hatred in men's eyes for foreigners...just sayin..
i wouldnt do it if i was you. You have a family that needs you? do you have kids? Add me to the list of former travelers who ended up divorced. Its bad. Also if you love your kids it is the roughest thing in the world. You dont realize just how much you will miss in 6 months. Yes i know the money sounds nice. But as was stated earlier the taxes on it will beat ya. You will lose 30% at least maybe more. It is dangerous. If you havent had any formal training ex. military, you will feel like a fish out of water.

*** good decision!!! Sorry i missed some of the posts:) that will teach me to read a thread compleely
i have been looking at jobs. put out a few apps. well i got an offer from a company in irac for a welder/mechineist job. 6 month contract, 86k. i havent talked to my wife about it at all! she has no idea. i want to gather some info before i even think really serious about it. so heres the skinny.
i am not a poor fella, but not "set for life" by any means. i don't work much at the moment. i work in motorcycle rights, and play with motorcycles. neither pays much, maybe $500 a month. i feel my family could use the $$. the job offer pays well, but i'd have to work my butt off 7/24 for 6 months. i can do it! but do i want to?? i have had jobs that have taken me away from home before, and i hated it, but i earned 24k a yr. but it just might be worth it to go for 6 months and pull in 3 times that. i do have $$$ hobbies. tour riding aint cheep. i might need another simester to get my welding asso. and maybe 2 to finish up my mechineing asso. not that the employer cares much, it would just mean a 2k pay diff.
its tempting, 80k is a new bike and alot of gas $$. but......

i need some advice my brothers and sisters. wtf should i do?? take it, as it is?? work twards my degree? or funk it all and keep surfin the easy life??
i don't know weither im looking for someone to scare me away or push me forward:argue:

thanks for the help my friends.


I hope your on the airplane heading over to this job while your writing this! If your not please send me the application as I will quit my job today
Red congrats on sorting out the problem, wives are a tough cookies to deal with sometimes...I am looking to score a contract like noooow...I haz no wife so i am lucky in that aspect
that's twice what i make in a year, and you clear that in six months? same place. more soldiers die in traffic accidents than in iraq or afghanistan.