I just learned how to screen shot my iPhone!
Now how do paste the picture in this message?
Now how do paste the picture in this message?
For those folks that see this double banner or formatting problem please post up your browser type and version...
I have a MAcBook and have not had an issue yet. I think it has to do with helping the Org financially. Not sure but seems I read something about it somewhere. I would like to know how to save a screen shot on my Macbook as well. I didn't know you could do thatWhy do the ads appear anyway?--didn't used to......
The other issue, besides the difficult text, is that any photos posted are reduced to mini size. I just put up a trip summary with pictures and they all look the size of postage stamps.
I don't see the point of posting pictures if nobody can enjoy them. I do not plan to put up any more photos on this newly revised thread-web-page-with-ad's format.
I'm having the same problem and it can make this otherwise wonderful forum quite painful to read. FWIW I couldn't figure out how to attach the image from my Ipad, so I had to log on from a buddy's computer to get this done. Hopefully the picture will attach from here.
This happens fairly regularly, but not all the time. I hope it helps.
If I could, I'd try to get the source for you, but I have no idea how to do that from an Ipad.
This is happening for me on an Ipad 2 in Safari -- latest IOS/browser version
^^^ yeah what he said. Makes it really difficult on a phone when it's like that.
LOL Wow that is pretty bad
Makes me feel better for just having the ads blocked.
It looks fine to me.... .
I am seeing full size pics of the ones you posted. They were good pictures btw.
How do I block the ads? I looked in the settings, did not see anything.....
Regards, John
OK, what am I doing wrong?
The pictures I see are barely 3"x5" (the width of the post area minus the width of the ad). I've tried IE8 and Google Chrome (on a regular full sized PC with a 17" monitor). Based on other pics I've posted and other pics I can see in other threads, the pics should be at least 7"x9" or so for linked in pictures. The pics I see are roughly 25% the size they should be.