I would say that it happens on more than a third of all pages (when viewing the site from my IPad). It seems to be worse with posts where there is not a ton of text (shorter posts).
Refreshing the page doesn't solve the issue.
I have noticed that it sometimes affects posts later on the page inspite of the fact that the first post is formatted properly.
I'm going to start looking at the Ads to see if it seems to always be the same content that is causing it; maybe there is some content that isn't formatted properly.
I know I'm new here, but I really enjoy the forum -- is there a way to contribute $$$ or labor to the support of the site?
Finally, I hope I'm not coming across as a whiner, I really just want to provide enough info so that the issue can be resolved.
When we design and work on the site we test on multiple systems. I have an IPAD and the site loads fine on it. Every once in awhile I get a double ad on my PC but if I just refresh the screen it goes away. There are so many combinations of tablets, PC's and browsers it makes testing unrealistic in most cases... We test the big ones, if using safari isnt getting you what you need you might try the mobile version of the site, it free!