I never agreed with the liquer laws so I wouldn't agree with this kind of a restriction either.
Point is a 35 y/o rider is less likely to be running 120 toward her, and will have had more opportunity to become a careful rider. I don't think there should be age restrictions, but I think licenses in general should be harder to get. Cages and bikes alike, there are far too many people on the road who have no business being there.everyone uses the soccer mom pulls out in front of u excuse as to why a teenager shouldnt have a hayabusa, but a soccer mom is just as likley to pull out in front of someone 35 years old person. chances are shes not going to look down the road and think in her head " O look at that, a 19 year old kid on a busa i think i should pull out in front of him. but if he was 30 i wouldnt pull out". its all a mater of chance.
Let Darwin do his job.
Let Darwin do his job.
The only problem with letting Darwin do his job is that it raises insurance rates for the rest of us sport bike riders and new riders need to learn how to ride---and that takes time
no but it usually means you do not have enough experience to keep your own tail out of trouble.. Especially today where all the "soccer mom kids" are running wild... never had to wipe their own noses and now they are driving cars... egads man....
Is it worth some kids life to find out you can only hold the throttle WFO for 4 seconds down this street and not 4.3 seconds?
stupid or not, dead kids are a drag..
No.Do you think there should be age limits for motorcycles based on engine size?
Last time I checked this was supposed to be a free country. My first bike was a GS1150E and I was 18 years old. I am now in my 40s and I have never been down. I know people who are in their 60s and are stupid. Either someone can pass the test for all motorcycles or no motorcycles.