Airbox mod from a different Perspective


Gixx, I am not doubting you dude, I am just saying all dynos read different from each other, you can get consistant results on each dyno but some may consistantly read low numbers, some may consistantly read high. I unfortunately can find one down here(houston)that reads high, I wish I could :) Guess mines a turd with only 156.4 hp :wink:
Maybe Nuts, but mine only did 156.45 hp (brake hp) WITH a pipe, TMH Box and a remap(several, 0,+5,0 being the strongest)
As Mr Motorhead will say we got something wrong with the fuelling system.

I'm going to pull the injectors and checked the diddy filters in the tops. This is where i think the problem a sleeping schmuck!!

Nuts :wink:
Hey Nuts, here is an interesting site with a LOT of info on dynos and TRUE Rear wheel Horsepower numbers

Anyone interested in dyno tuning and real, repeatable, consistant dyno numbers, Check this site out!!! Many different bikes true rwhl HP is posted.

I learned a lot from this site.
I dynoed on the EC997a two weeks ago, this site shows how they work. The same dyno ALL WSB teams are using.

[This message has been edited by ZXALAN (edited 12 July 2000).]
I dont have the Motorhead airbox mod because I did the modification myself.I did some subtle differences when I modded my box.The first airbox that I gutted was back in 1996 in a 96 GSXR 750.Extensive Dynoing was done and the 750 responded with a 8 horsepower increase when the box was modded.My 1300 picked up 7.5 horsepower and 4 mph in the 1/4 mile so the damn airbox mod does works(but maybe not on some bikes).Before you do the airbox mod you might want to check your cam degree to insure they are correct.From what I was told by Suzuki mechanics 106 intake and 99 exhaust is what the factory have the cams set.When I did the airbox mod on my 1300 I installed a thermal barrier under the airbox to keep the air intake as cool as possible and coated the interior of the airbox with Glyptal paint to smooth out the airflow as much as possible.I tries all long stacks and lost 2 horsepower so mixed stacks work best for my bike.The 007Harv map was a little lean for my bike so I had to re-adjust the mapping for the Harv mapping.Does the airbox mod work?It did in my case.
What mods are on your bike? pipe,gearing,height,weight?
How much HP on the dyno and what type of dyno?

What do you weigh?

How does your bike run at the track?
Average ET and Mph?

Best ever ET and MPH?

Not being nosey, just interested in how you bike performs with you performance gains :)
The mods on my bike are the Akrapovic exhaust,Airbox mod,PC2 and 16thooth front sprocket.When my bike was stock it had 162 hp on a dynojet 150.We have dynoed 13 different Busas on this dyno and dynoed 3 others on the same day that I dynoed mine so it's pretty accurate.I weigh 230lbs without leathers.When my bike was completely stock I went 10.17 at 140 mph.Since my Mods my best time was 9.79 at 144 mph.I'm going to the track tonight since I have done some remapping.My average time is 9.80s at 142 mph.I dont have the clutch mod yet and that should drop my time by a tenth or 2.I will also be redyoing tomorrow and friday and will give horsepower figures at that time.
Gixx, stock at 162 HP? Come on! No way dude!
I dynoed my stock 2000 when it had 2300 miles on it and got a respectable 150.6

The dyno operator showed me a bunch of other saved dyno runs from other busas. None came anywhere close to 162.
Gixx, your bike is bad, 162 hp stock, that means you probably around 173 or 4 now. with a lighter rider your bike would run easy 40's or 50's at 147+mph. What kind of 60's and 1/8mi numbers are you getting? Nice work, must be nice to have easy access to a dyno!! Good Luck tonight!! Post how you do ok!!


[This message has been edited by ZXALAN (edited 12 July 2000).]

we have established that dyno figures are only 'accurate' for each bike and operator and machine, in those specific conditions, to use as reference points to determine if mods improve bike or not.
If it says 162 stock, so be it!
all we can deduce is that by adding "blah blah" we get to (say) 180, thus the effect of this mod is + 18hp
You cant compare dyno for dyno accurately, unless same machine, same operator, same conditions etc.

MABUSA, I also recently dynoed mine on an EDDY CURRENT brake dyno(Ecc997a), this dyno reads much lower the DJ 150 due to the fact it actually loads the motor with a brake. Probably a truer reflection of actual horsepower but anyway they read a lot lower numbers but heres what the tuner said. Mine did 156.45, Highest he has seen yet out of a stocker with Duplex and aibox.91 degrees 74% hum. Peaked with a 0,+5,0 map, believe it or not. Didnt get lean, had EGT hooked up but the EGT was separate from the dyno software so it didnt print, we just watched it throughout the run.

The next highest he has had was a 99 with a akro pipe but stock airbox with BMC. 154.13
84 degrees, 40% hum
He said the average HP with either the Muzzy,Akro or Duplex with a stock airbox is about 153hp. He showed me the saved runs on his hard drive and even printed me a couple of the other bikes charts.

He said that the BONE STOCKERS are getting between 143- 146hp. Keep in mind this is true, corrected, brake horsepower. Not spin a big heavy drum and count it horsepower.

He said the ZX 12 are about 1.5-2 hp less stock but pick up a little more then the Busa with pipe, average 12 with a Muzzy or Akro 155 hp.
For those non believers here is Coco's(Felix)
Photopoint website.At the bottom you will see the Dyno charts listed and dated.Yes my Busa had 162 horsepower completely stock.We Dyno 4 Busas that morning one right after the other to get the most accurate runs as possible.When I first dynoed my bike at 600 miles it had 155 hp.I dynoed again at 1200 miles and the horsepower increased a little.When we all dynoed on 1/15/2000 it has 162hp.I have dynoed several times since then and that dyno run was correct.
gixxer, i believe you. my buddy has a 2000 and his dynoed at 162 hp also. that is a real good base number to start with. take your bike to the track and run it. that will back up your hp number. good luck,
I believe him, I dynoed my 99 stock and got 165.5 rwhp out of it, the tuner said it was the most he had ever seen in a stock bike.
yea sucked onl got 2 pases ran a 985 and a 980 sucked big time.went 147.7 and 148.3 and foot shiftin blows too.i am rusty and not acclimated to the 2000 with the clutch releases different than the 99 did.had a lousy 177 180 60 ft i'm pissed .i need saddle time at least say 6 or 7 in 1 night and i'll find the groove.heck i realy should not worry about it though .the turbo will be here in a few days.its on the way now.heck with this little stuff.i'm lookin forward to runnin 170mph in the 1/4 mile more greasy kids stuff.
The DynoJet isn't a real dyno, it's an accelerometer, I read this on a thread on Anyway the one I've been on is a 200 and it's stingy too. Some are some aren't.
You are Correct lanta!! Dyno vs. Accelerometer? It really doesnt matter as long as you use the same one to judge you HP gains but the EC997a dyno is a more real world number producing dyno. Includes rider weight, road friction, and exact torque and HP readings taken at every 1000 rpms. Exact tachometer too. Ex. mine did 156.45@9495 rpms and 90.89 lbs of torque @ 8220 rpms. Weird readings huh?