Airbox mod from a different Perspective

I had a ZX 11, never dynoed it stock but after I put the Muzzy on and dyno tuned it had "only" 126 bhp. I was like, WTF, it is supposed to be 130 hp stock! The dyno was the same EC997a I just put the Busa on. The ZX-11 with "only" 126bhp would run 136 mph, with just the pipe, jets, and 2 up run rear. No other non stretched or lowered bike(besides the Busa of course and maybe piped,jetted XX's)could touch that thing on the strip with average riders. has True, Rear wheel, Brake HP #'s posted for many different bikes for those interested.

[This message has been edited by ZXALAN (edited 13 July 2000).]
Hey MHead, why dont you put the turbo on the 99, and keep playing with the 2000 the way it is, maybe some cams or some other bolt on testing? That fukker hauls A$$ for just a pipe and airbox and foot shifting, bike has a lot of potential naturally aspirated!!148.3 mph, $hit!! Since the 99 was near stock, its begging for the turbo!!! I am sure what ever you do will haul A$$ though! ON the 2000, did you use the PCII and 007 harv map?
yea i used the harve map.hey alan use a pc2 w this map w a good pipe and it will have a lot better street manners as wll as top end mixture.much better than the yoshes broad based mixing