Alex , Tucker and all the subjects you think are false...

Hi. If they can hide the facts on that what is hiden from us now. Harris wants change but she said everything Biden did she would not change. So what does Harris want to do different? She has flip floped on most of the things she ran on when she was running in 2020. She also said her values have not changed. So what does that mean? I sure would not want to be with Walz in a fire fight that is for sure.

Walz appears to be a lightweight eh? Not dependable? Dare I say…soft and wimpy? Read past the right wing headlines for once. He was a winning high school football coach before becoming governor. He took an 0 for 27 team record and ended up with an eight game winning streak and a State championship. Good coaches are driven souls. They teach most of the good attributes young people should know, organization, positivity, team spirit (working) team tactics, and mental and physical health. He could be on my fire team. I might even ask his advice.
Its funny how nobody commented on how Bill reacted to the crowd that attended his show when they laughed... I guess TDS isn't real either.
As a personal defense, you might notice I mentioned this in my post....

"As for the video, there are sick human beings out there.....ones who absolutely love other people's misery.......Trump may be a poor choice as a presidential candidate, but he still deserves to be protected and as such any American should be concerned this sort of thing can happen within your country"
What you and most people do not understand is an unsolved crime ( the truth never revealed ) tells us how evil and powerful the people in charge of influencing the people are that orchestrated it.

Essentially, this reduces us to Banana Republic status just like all the other nations that have had their leaders killed and the truth buried over the course of history.

None of you here will ever research anything connected to the JFK murder. Many people think its a "One and Done" deal... However, as time has passed that position has shifted considerably in the general publics opinion since that time.

The Feds and the MSM have spoken... so... go back to sleep and wait for the next unsolved crime to go down.

Jim Marrs was a well credentialed journalist that lived in Dallas when this event went down in the years afterward use to teach a university level course on the subject. I wonder if he found out anything controversial? Nah... just another whack job... right?

He wrote a book titled "Crossfire" and released it in 1988? I think. The book has been updated and revised a number of times. Keep in mind, this is just one book... dozens more have also been written about this event and have their own body of historical reference to examine.

Anyway... I read about 30 pages and put it down... it is simply to obvious to continue.

So, call me a whack job conspiracy theory... it doesn't matter... you either look for the truth or you don't and just accept whatever some talking head says... its your choice... you don't have to think, explore or consider anything... just know that shooting at presidents is a real evil act in and of itself. It will happen again just like it has recently... maybe next time they will simply shoot down his plane and say it was an accident....

We don't know how anybody to get away with sneaking a shoulder fired missile into this country and positioning themselves at the end of a airliner runway with a super tight borders we have now. ( sarcasm intended )

I understand why you would have nightmares Bee... just think of what Jackie experienced after watching her husbands head explode from a frangible bullet right in front of her face as she spoke to him. How do you get that image out of your head? Then she tries to pick up splattered brain matter off the truck lid of the Lincoln they were riding in as it sped away. She must have been thinking the doctors might find a way to fix his brain.

It is said on the day of the funeral the family had one more chance to see JFK's corpse. The lid was raised and about 10 family members were present. Jackie took one look and said... "that isn't Jack". ( Jack was his nickame that she used ) It was also said JFK use to joke around that the people that oppose him would try to kill him one day. Probably more conspiracy crap... right?

Why do I bring it up? Well... I think its an important part of our history... so... if the truth has been obscured... shouldn't the truth be revealed ?

It appears that is an unpopular point to make here... I mean... he was just a president... what would that matter?
A person can't live in a world of just isn't healthy.......after a while these people see a conspiracy behind every bush and around every just isn't a good place to be.....

The Kennedy assassination is an easy place to see conspiracies as it's not very often that a president gets killed and at the time the world was in a dark place with all the tensions between the US, Russia and Cuba....people were looking for some sort of conspiracy to justify the troubled relationships.......JFK made enemies....lots of the time riding around in an open car out on public streets was a bad idea....but how would they know?

There was an attempted assassination on Reagan where he got shot.....where is the conspiracy on that?

As for Jackie saying that about her husband.....sadly I've been to far too many funerals and memorials for comrades and some of the things their spouses said was not to be taken literally as they were very grief stricken which does weird things to people....

As for what caused my nightmares.......if you only knew......
A person can't live in a world of just isn't healthy.......after a while these people see a conspiracy behind every bush and around every just isn't a good place to be.....

The Kennedy assassination is an easy place to see conspiracies as it's not very often that a president gets killed and at the time the world was in a dark place with all the tensions between the US, Russia and Cuba....people were looking for some sort of conspiracy to justify the troubled relationships.......JFK made enemies....lots of the time riding around in an open car out on public streets was a bad idea....but how would they know?

There was an attempted assassination on Reagan where he got shot.....where is the conspiracy on that?

As for Jackie saying that about her husband.....sadly I've been to far too many funerals and memorials for comrades and some of the things their spouses said was not to be taken literally as they were very grief stricken which does weird things to people....

As for what caused my nightmares.......if you only knew......
Hi. We both have been down to deep in that rabit hole.
So, call me a whack job conspiracy theory... it doesn't matter... you either look for the truth or you don't and just accept whatever some talking head says... its your choice... you don't have to think, explore or consider anything... just know that shooting at presidents is a real evil act in and of itself
You don’t have the market cornered on seaking the truth, but you have some serious trust issues. Shooting at anyone that is not attacking you is evil. Trump obviously doesn’t deserve to die but he doesn’t deserve to be president either. There’s a world of possibilities in between.
What's funny is you're trying to make sense, when you're either too pig headed or just lack some understanding skills. It's a comedy show and comedy gives us a break from all this crap. Maher sounded sincere to me when he said the assassination attempts weren't funny, and it was awkward when the crowd laughed. It's his job to make them laugh. If you don't find it funny, you shouldn't find it funny that Trump said Obama was the founder of ISIS, that we should have slowed down the testing for Covid so the numbers wouldn't be so bad, that if elected he would be a dictator for a day...kidding, right? That's how I took it. My problem with Trump is not his sarcastic side. Comedy is how I take that Maher video, and Maher is a lot funnier than Trump.
Well... you know what is believed about opinions... however... that was a good deflection... I give you 3 points...

People being shot at isn't really a serious matter... is it?
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A person can't live in a world of just isn't healthy.......after a while these people see a conspiracy behind every bush and around every just isn't a good place to be.....

The Kennedy assassination is an easy place to see conspiracies as it's not very often that a president gets killed and at the time the world was in a dark place with all the tensions between the US, Russia and Cuba....people were looking for some sort of conspiracy to justify the troubled relationships.......JFK made enemies....lots of the time riding around in an open car out on public streets was a bad idea....but how would they know?

There was an attempted assassination on Reagan where he got shot.....where is the conspiracy on that?

As for Jackie saying that about her husband.....sadly I've been to far too many funerals and memorials for comrades and some of the things their spouses said was not to be taken literally as they were very grief stricken which does weird things to people....

As for what caused my nightmares.......if you only knew......
Well then... lets keep stepping over the dead horse in the living room... just hold your nose.

Like Reagan said... trust but verify... well... we ain't having any of the verification stuff are we? Heavy on documents with the black magic marker. Must be protecting some families legacy or some other nonsense to keep the truth a secret.

Just like Wray not answering questions about the whereabouts and activities of FBI agents on Jan 6th... can't trust people that know the truth but won't say it.

Don't know much about Reagan getting shot... most qualified shooters don't use a 22 caliber rim fire bullet.

When Jim Marrs released his book in 88 it stirred up a lot of suspicion. Eventually, Oliver Stone got involved and made the movie titled JFK to put the single bullet magic theory back to front and center.

Since then Stone has done some other significant story telling on film about the activities during that time period that paint a much bigger picture than what happened that day.

About being grief stricken. Yes, it does have an impact... like when somebody close to Jackie asked her if she was going to change clothes ( blood splatters were on the clothes she was wearing ) before the swearing in of LBJ on Air Force One that happened several hours later after the shooting. Guess what she said?

She said paraphrased... "let them see what they have done". This is hours later... not minutes...

Sorry to hear about the history of your life... I can only say you signed up for it while having an idea of how it might turn out, or, end prematurely for you personally. Vietnam caused me to pause as I didn't have a lot of ambition in 1972... Glad I am not that person anymore.
Just a copy and paste from Quora... it tells you what people think about.

Was the rifle used to kill JFK an Italian Mannlicher Carcano or an 1898 scoped Mauser?
Submission accepted by
Lynn Adams
See parent question
7 Answers

John Eremic

Studied the evidence extensively
· Updated 2y
Unfortunately, this is one of the many conflicting stories that people rely on as proof that either Oswald was the lone gunman or whether there was conspiracy that is really inconclusive. The rifle that was shown to the public was the 6.55 Carcano, the 3 shells found were 6.55mm. The bullets and bullet fragments found were from a 6.55mm. However, the Initial law enforcement officers claimed to have found a “Mauser” rifle on the 6th floor. The most common Mauser would be the Mauser98 which fires a 7.92 mm round. No Mauser rifles were ever displayed to the public. To my knowledge, there were no
… (more)

Profile photo for Exposing Kennedy's Killers

Exposing Kennedy's Killers
Support Worker (2021–present)
· 2y

PICTURE: Black and white newspaper photo that I lightened, enhanced and coloured showing something resembling a second rifle scope tucked into Lt. JC Day's trousers as he Carrie's Carcano rifle with telescopic scope attached.
Hard to tell, probably both and more rifles is my summation based on the actual extent of injuries upon the president's body.
Let's do a bit of a roll call, so many bullets, so many trajectories, varying degrees of injuries
At Parkland Memorial hospital no autopsy was allowed because the Secret Service stole the president's body from the hospital, Earl F. Rose, Dallas County
… (more)

Profile photo for Chad Nagle

Chad Nagle

Attorney and Communications Consultant
· 2y
There is no credible evidence to support the argument that a 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle fired the shot that killed President Kennedy. The evidence and crime scene were tampered with, and the autopsy was a sham. The kill shot to President Kennedy hit him in the head, and fragments identified as having been found inside his skull were insufficient to conclusively determine that only one type of ammo was located. X-rays were notoriously inadequate. There is evidence that other wounds suffered by JFK and Gov. Connally were caused by 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano ammo, but not Kennedy’s fatal wound.

Profile photo for Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison
Lived in Washington (1952–2018)
· 2y
It could have been a host of rifles, but it definitely wasn’t an Italian Mannlicher Carcano.
The fatal head shot came from the front. That said, one just has to look at the CE399 Pristine Bullet, which the Warren Commission claimed caused all the other non fatal wounds of the two men in the assassination limo. This Magic Bullet broke bones yet came out as if it had been fired in a FBI test lab.
Now the bullets according to Warren Commission were all fired from the same rifle with the same type of bullets, which were full metal jacketed.
The fatal head shot had a frangible bullet, essentially a bu
… (more)

Profile photo for Derek Mullings

Derek Mullings
researcher and associate creative director
· 2y
There were quite a few rifles trained on JFK in Dealey that afternoon. ‘William Seymour’ fired from somewhere in or from the roof of the School Book Depository using a Mauser. He may have hit the president in the back during the first volley of shooting, I forgot the name of the walkie-talkie radio control man. (Christman?)
It is my belief that ‘William Seymour’ was also involved in the murder of Tippett; drew attention to himself at the firing range and caused a disturbance at the car showroom (Oswald couldn’t drive).
Jack Lawrence fired the headshot during the second volley. I have no idea whi
… (more)

Profile photo for Phil Silverman

Phil Silverman
Former Producer / Host (1983–1995)
· 2y
By 2022, we should know it was a rifle w an explosive bullet , from his right front .
Oswald’s antique had a faulty scope and was a bolt - action . Not conducive to such an action

Profile photo for Bobby Hess

Bobby Hess
Lives in Kissimmee Florida
· 2y
From the available evidence, it was a Mannlicher Carcano of Italian manufacture.

View 12 other answers on parent question
Related questions

Do you think that teachers in government schools should stop telling children that Lee Oswald killed the late, great John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
How many eye witnesses claimed a shooter on the grassy knoll on November 22, 1963?
How should the Secret Service adapt their strategies in light of repeated assassination attempts on former U.S. presidents?
What evidence is there that Connally was struck by only one bullet?
Since the math says the Kennedy's, out of 50 states, were killed by conspiracy in their rivals politically controlled homestates, while Johnson was still President, as suspected in the 2000 Florida controversy, can their killings be laid to rest?
Why is a piece of the JFK assassination day film such a big deal when our government has many (they took from owners)?
Was the JFK assassination a coup d'état?
What was the Secret Service thinking as JFK was riding along a route with hundreds of people looking out of windows in tall buildings on 11-22-63? Wasn't anyone concerned?
Where is the throat wound bullet? I do believe it was a front shot, but would the velocity have produced an exit wound? Lastly where did it come from?
Did the assassination of President Lincoln have any effect on President Kennedy's assassination? Is there any evidence to that effect?
As an Australian, I was wondering if someone could explain to me something. Why is the Kennedy family so important in America?
Why is very little attention paid to the fact that Oswald had in his possession when arrested in the Dallas theater half a boxtop and half a dollar bill? He was also observed briefly sitting next to random patrons. The stuff of Spycraft.
How many Lee Harvey Oswald doubles/look-a-likes were out there on assassination day?
Do you remember when Americans were concerned because John F Kennedy was Catholic and they were afraid he would allow the Pope to rule the United States?
What did Thomas Jefferson mean by "all men are created equal" when slaves were only counted as 3/5ths of a person at the time?
Just a copy and paste from Quora... it tells you what people think about.

Was the rifle used to kill JFK an Italian Mannlicher Carcano or an 1898 scoped Mauser?
Submission accepted by
Lynn Adams
See parent question
7 Answers

John Eremic

Studied the evidence extensively
· Updated 2y
Unfortunately, this is one of the many conflicting stories that people rely on as proof that either Oswald was the lone gunman or whether there was conspiracy that is really inconclusive. The rifle that was shown to the public was the 6.55 Carcano, the 3 shells found were 6.55mm. The bullets and bullet fragments found were from a 6.55mm. However, the Initial law enforcement officers claimed to have found a “Mauser” rifle on the 6th floor. The most common Mauser would be the Mauser98 which fires a 7.92 mm round. No Mauser rifles were ever displayed to the public. To my knowledge, there were no
… (more)

View attachment 1688132
Exposing Kennedy's Killers
Support Worker (2021–present)
· 2y
View attachment 1688133
PICTURE: Black and white newspaper photo that I lightened, enhanced and coloured showing something resembling a second rifle scope tucked into Lt. JC Day's trousers as he Carrie's Carcano rifle with telescopic scope attached.
Hard to tell, probably both and more rifles is my summation based on the actual extent of injuries upon the president's body.
Let's do a bit of a roll call, so many bullets, so many trajectories, varying degrees of injuries
At Parkland Memorial hospital no autopsy was allowed because the Secret Service stole the president's body from the hospital, Earl F. Rose, Dallas County
… (more)

View attachment 1688134
Chad Nagle

Attorney and Communications Consultant
· 2y
There is no credible evidence to support the argument that a 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle fired the shot that killed President Kennedy. The evidence and crime scene were tampered with, and the autopsy was a sham. The kill shot to President Kennedy hit him in the head, and fragments identified as having been found inside his skull were insufficient to conclusively determine that only one type of ammo was located. X-rays were notoriously inadequate. There is evidence that other wounds suffered by JFK and Gov. Connally were caused by 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano ammo, but not Kennedy’s fatal wound.

View attachment 1688135
Jim Morrison
Lived in Washington (1952–2018)
· 2y
It could have been a host of rifles, but it definitely wasn’t an Italian Mannlicher Carcano.
The fatal head shot came from the front. That said, one just has to look at the CE399 Pristine Bullet, which the Warren Commission claimed caused all the other non fatal wounds of the two men in the assassination limo. This Magic Bullet broke bones yet came out as if it had been fired in a FBI test lab.
Now the bullets according to Warren Commission were all fired from the same rifle with the same type of bullets, which were full metal jacketed.
The fatal head shot had a frangible bullet, essentially a bu
… (more)

View attachment 1688136
Derek Mullings
researcher and associate creative director
· 2y
There were quite a few rifles trained on JFK in Dealey that afternoon. ‘William Seymour’ fired from somewhere in or from the roof of the School Book Depository using a Mauser. He may have hit the president in the back during the first volley of shooting, I forgot the name of the walkie-talkie radio control man. (Christman?)
It is my belief that ‘William Seymour’ was also involved in the murder of Tippett; drew attention to himself at the firing range and caused a disturbance at the car showroom (Oswald couldn’t drive).
Jack Lawrence fired the headshot during the second volley. I have no idea whi
… (more)

View attachment 1688137
Phil Silverman
Former Producer / Host (1983–1995)
· 2y
By 2022, we should know it was a rifle w an explosive bullet , from his right front .
Oswald’s antique had a faulty scope and was a bolt - action . Not conducive to such an action

View attachment 1688138
Bobby Hess
Lives in Kissimmee Florida
· 2y
From the available evidence, it was a Mannlicher Carcano of Italian manufacture.

View 12 other answers on parent question
Related questions

Do you think that teachers in government schools should stop telling children that Lee Oswald killed the late, great John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
How many eye witnesses claimed a shooter on the grassy knoll on November 22, 1963?
How should the Secret Service adapt their strategies in light of repeated assassination attempts on former U.S. presidents?
What evidence is there that Connally was struck by only one bullet?
Since the math says the Kennedy's, out of 50 states, were killed by conspiracy in their rivals politically controlled homestates, while Johnson was still President, as suspected in the 2000 Florida controversy, can their killings be laid to rest?
Why is a piece of the JFK assassination day film such a big deal when our government has many (they took from owners)?
Was the JFK assassination a coup d'état?
What was the Secret Service thinking as JFK was riding along a route with hundreds of people looking out of windows in tall buildings on 11-22-63? Wasn't anyone concerned?
Where is the throat wound bullet? I do believe it was a front shot, but would the velocity have produced an exit wound? Lastly where did it come from?
Did the assassination of President Lincoln have any effect on President Kennedy's assassination? Is there any evidence to that effect?
As an Australian, I was wondering if someone could explain to me something. Why is the Kennedy family so important in America?
Why is very little attention paid to the fact that Oswald had in his possession when arrested in the Dallas theater half a boxtop and half a dollar bill? He was also observed briefly sitting next to random patrons. The stuff of Spycraft.
How many Lee Harvey Oswald doubles/look-a-likes were out there on assassination day?
Do you remember when Americans were concerned because John F Kennedy was Catholic and they were afraid he would allow the Pope to rule the United States?
What did Thomas Jefferson mean by "all men are created equal" when slaves were only counted as 3/5ths of a person at the time?
This is the conspiracy theorists dream to get as many people on their bandwagon as possible, this way anything can look like reality.....

You've obviously become obsessed with the JFK assassination.....
Sorry to hear about the history of your life... I can only say you signed up for it while having an idea of how it might turn out, or, end prematurely for you personally. Vietnam caused me to pause as I didn't have a lot of ambition in 1972... Glad I am not that person anymore.
No need to be sorry as I had a very good life.....and as I joined a voluntary military and willingly served for 33 years I have nobody to blame for my nightmares and I own them....

Even with all the training I had, facing what I had to face was a challenge as I was on the pointy end of the stick quite often....

Thankfully my wife identified that I needed to get some therapy which helped me immensely.......and allowed me to better integrate into society.
This is the conspiracy theorists dream to get as many people on their bandwagon as possible, this way anything can look like reality.....

You've obviously become obsessed with the JFK assassination.....
Hi. The point tp me is--------------if they lied about thr JFK shooting. What can they be lieing about now? They go in with a bit of money but come out with millions
You've obviously become obsessed with the JFK assassination.....
Jeez you think? We hadn't seen a Zerks postathon in a while. I guess we were due.

The point tp me is--------------if they lied about thr JFK shooting. What can they be lieing about now?
You use 'they' as if it's the same group of people...61 years apart. Who exactly is 'they' anyway? They'd be a bunch of old geezers now for sure.
Jeez you think? We hadn't seen a Zerks postathon in a while. I guess we were due.

You use 'they' as if it's the same group of people...61 years apart. Who exactly is 'they' anyway? They'd be a bunch of old geezers now for sure.
It is the people that are in charge of the govermnent then and now and inbetween ,FBI, HLS, WHO all letter branches. You know the ones that I am talking about both sides too.
It is the people that are in charge of the govermnent then and now and inbetween ,FBI, HLS, WHO all letter branches. You know the ones that I am talking about both sides too.
For over six decades? Somebody will probably say longer. I don’t believe it for one second, any more than I believe all policemen are dirty. There’s always examples of a lack of integrity but overall I think there’s good leadership.
An event over 6 decades old being brought to light bothers you, huh? Well... first off... the lies surrounding it is some of the strongest evidence we have that is did't go the way they said it did.

Imagine you were married for a while and somebody kills your wife and family. You know based on observations and circumstances who did it. You know the perps that did it have so much power and influence that getting a fair trial will be impossible to orchestrate.

When do you forget about it?

The nations leader was in great standing with the people of this country in 1963. He wasn't perfect as few men and women are. The only people that despised him had an agenda that JFK would likely never approve of at the level "they" wanted. That agenda including getting involved in a war in Vietnam.... Who is "They"? Eisenhower addressed who "They" were in his farewell address... I doubt you have ever heard of his warning. What would a president and former 5 start general know about the mentality of the MIC anyway?

Did you know JFK called Eisenhower a few times as he processed how he was going to deal with issues with running this country?

One big lie about the Gulf of Tonkin spoken by McNamara ( secretary of defense ) to LBJ and it created the spark that started that war. Fast forward to recent history and guess what we find out about the Gulf of Tonkin through FOIA request? It reminds me of mass weapons of destruction supposedly found in Iraq... do you see where this is going yet?

You can downplay an assassination... you can down play 58,000+ dead troops and 200,000+ injured in the VC war. .. you can down play anything you like when it comes to how long it has been since it happened.

You all seem to forget... the law was written clearly decades ago... there is no statutory limit on the crime of murder. But... you don't care about that law... unless it is personal... then it matters... otherwise... it doesn't matter... just another body on the scrap heap of life... right?

My so called obsession is knowing that the killing of JFK altered the course of history in ways that are unimaginable if that murder had not been committed by the people that have so far gotten away with it.

Any neocons in your family history? I use to be a neocon... I was all for Gulf War 1... that guy Saddam... what an a$$!

How little did I know at the time... I was totally ignorant to what was really going on...
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No need to be sorry as I had a very good life.....and as I joined a voluntary military and willingly served for 33 years I have nobody to blame for my nightmares and I own them....

Even with all the training I had, facing what I had to face was a challenge as I was on the pointy end of the stick quite often....

Thankfully my wife identified that I needed to get some therapy which helped me immensely.......and allowed me to better integrate into society.
Try post 35...
For over six decades? Somebody will probably say longer. I don’t believe it for one second, any more than I believe all policemen are dirty. There’s always examples of a lack of integrity but overall I think there’s good leadership.
Hi. I do realy hope that they are and they want the best for the people. And I hope that I am wrong.
Try post 35...
Don't know what post 35 had to do with my post.......


However, anything can be made into a conspiracy theory if enough people make enough noise to draw others in.......

If a person says something enough times with enough volume, it can sound doesn't mean it's reality....

Trump jumped up and down saying the election was stolen only because he lost and didn't like losing.....look at what that caused amongst his staunch followers......and this happened in modern times with many, many documented investigations of which none of his claims were remotely founded.................................Yet all the conspiracy theorists had a field day with that one......
It is the people that are in charge of the govermnent then and now and inbetween

An event over 6 decades old being brought to light bothers you, huh?
I was responding to MPH’s comment that that it has gone one for the entire period, not just one event. You would see that if you actually read and comprehend what you are reading.
Because you you don’t, you went on a long rant. Read and pay attention, Zerks. It’s a wonderful thing.
Don't know what post 35 had to do with my post.......


However, anything can be made into a conspiracy theory if enough people make enough noise to draw others in.......

If a person says something enough times with enough volume, it can sound doesn't mean it's reality....

Trump jumped up and down saying the election was stolen only because he lost and didn't like losing.....look at what that caused amongst his staunch followers......and this happened in modern times with many, many documented investigations of which none of his claims were remotely founded.................................Yet all the conspiracy theorists had a field day with that one......
I was referring to the human cost... you paid a price for serving your country. America had huge numbers in the VC war that sacrificed everything as the numbers I mentioned tells us. What my point is.... this boondoggle of a war based on lies that cost America dearly... it's not just the massive death and injury count... it's the thousands of children that had to grow up without a father. It's the number of mothers that had to raise children without a father until a replacement spouse could be found. It's the unrealized lives that never had a chance to reach the level of human potential that comes after service to a country. In other words... wars are one big scam on the world. You will never convince me wars are not the most destructive behavior one side can use to destroy the other side. For what purpose does it serve?

Yes, we have to defend ourselves from the biggest ego's the world has ever experienced. So... we simply get to watch it happen over and over again and again.

What is likely to happen if the world is faced with an enemy from outside our solar system that has the means to jeopardize the existence of the human race?

Do the nations of the world band together in an attempt to survive and eliminate the threat of extinction? Why can't we unify with peaceful terms now?

Or, do we just plod along the same path we are on now?

As far as elections being stolen... it is a world wide issue that has gone of forever... this little segment of time is just a microcosuem in the history of rigged elections. As power continues to move towards centralization .... then the transparency factor continues to disappear.

Obama gave us Trump.... never forget that. Neocon Hillary famously said about Libya and Kadaffi... we came, we saw, he died.... ha ha ha ha!

I am sure most of you here think Hillary would have been a much better president for the MIC than anyone else.
