Almost too good to be true.


The Shaver Immortal
Donating Member
Seriously, was a thing of beauty.

For those of you don't know the deal, I'll sum it up for you:

Busa Purchased - November, 2003

Busa Crashed - April 27, 2004.

Busa Rebuilt - Ongoing

So yeah...that's pretty much the story. If you want a link for whole story, hit me up and I'll post it.

So ennyhooter...back to the story. Been rebuilding the Busa for the longest time. Almost two years, to be exact. Anyway, I pretty much finished the wiring and routing. Header's on, oil cooler and radiator are on, designed my own block off plates and put 'em on. Engine is still the's just in a new frame. Put on the newer swingarm and forks, rearsets and pass. footrest are on. Upper cowling is wired and assembled. Airbox is not on, neither is the gas tank.

Now to the good stuff. Got the gauges on, connected L/R switches. Figured I'd hook up the ECU and the battery to see if she'd light up.

Went into the house, pulled out the battery & ECU...connected them. Time for the moment of truth. Turn the key....

VOILA!!!! She lights up...pins sweep and I hear the click (usually after the fuel pump runs a check) I normally hear. My heart eyes are closing (smile was that damn big).

Low beam works. Check.
High beam (yellow, from ICEMANN) works. Check.
Signal left. Check
Signal right. Check.
Horn? Rusty as heck, but...CHECK!

I look at the clutch and the red starter.

"Nah. I shouldn't. Time will come."

"But why not? Just a quick check? May as well."

Flick the red, pull in the clutch. Take a deep breath.

Tap the starter button.

Heart drops again. She tries to crank. I'm near tears. Shut her off, turn off the garage light. It's 2:30am. Appreciate the quietness and contemplate how long it's taken for me to get here.

"Could it be a fluke? Dare I do it once again?"

Grope through the dark, find the key. Switch it on again. She lights up. Both beams work fine. Time for the last test.

Flick the red, pull in the clutch, take a deep breath. Press the starter button.

She tries to come to life. To hear the sound of the Busa 4 turning over....sweetness I can't fully explain. It's been damn near two years since I've rode anything with two wheels. I've heard bikes start, smelled the exhaust, heard the song note of a screaming banshee....but none of them were mine.

That night...for the first time in a long time.....I heard something that belonged to me. The fruits of my labor...the dedication, sacrifice.

I hear a baby cry.

I smile to myself, turn on the light. Pack up the tools, cover the Busa, wash my hands. Take another look at the work done so far. It's almost done. Just a little bit longer...

Right now, a tiny baby needs my help. I'll answer the call. But apparently, another life is waiting in the wings....totally reliant on me.

"Phoenix" has been born.
Sweet Pac!!!
I didn't know the basis behind you not having a bike, never really asked. But that's great that it's coming together for you!!!
Congrats Pac, your no longer just a member, your a rider again!
Thanks, folks...

Yamahor - It's been a DAMN long time. I'm still not getting my hopes up ain't "all right" till I'm back in the saddle with a trouble-free busa. Kepp yer fingers crossed for me.

NJ - Yah, I know. They will be forthcoming.

BV - In a Smack Shack thread, I said I would never respond to you again. Having a kid teaches one many things, and it has done so for me. I'll go back on my word...perhaps it's best. Thanks, but I ain't in the clear yet.
Bigern - So I've been told. Still got a long ways to go.

Valium - I'm happy too...but it ain't over yet. I won't be in the clear until I'm out in the wind, rolling on the throttle.

OE - Definitely. At the very least, draggin jeans, to be sure.
This is good to hear... i didnt know you didnt have a ridable bike... but it seems that you are not far off from getting back in the saddle... congrats on your hard work and you will reap the rewards of your labor soon!
PAC.... You don't have good riding gear?

We'll have to fix that!