What's the funniest thing you've ever witnessed?

About 8 years ago at an FSAE competition, a couple friends of ours were horsing around, and on our way to the car to go to dinner. One guy had to whiz, so he entered a porta-potty on the walk through the parking lot. 2 of my buddies decide to mess with him, and start shaking/kicking/attempting to tip it over. Out of the blue, you see some liquid start streaming from the top air grate things, and land on one of the guys messing with him. Turns out he was standing up on the top of the seat and peeing out the air grate. It took us a second to figure out our friend just got pissed on, but when we did everybody started laughing hysterically!
OK this was not funny when it happened, But after the fact I still laugh about it.

Dad had some clients over and was showing them around the property, My brother and I were at the pond taking turns throwing a knife into an old tree stump. Dad and his clients were on the other side of the pond when my brother and I got into an argument over the knife, Dad yelled across the pond to stop, We stopped, A few minutes later we started up again, and once again he yelled across the pond, We stopped, Afew minutes later we got into another argument.

This time Dad excused himself from his clients and started his way over to our side of the pond. NOT VERY HAPPY AND IN A HURRY, So much of a hurry that he forgot about the marsh part of the pond that extended out and was covered with leaves, as he turned the corner of the pond we could see the anger in his face, That was until he dropped off into the marsh part of the pond, Dropped knee deep and his momentem took him face first into the marsh. When he came up, ( Brother and I ran like Hell )

Im thinking that was one of the worst beating I ever got ( Well Deserved ) but it was bad.

Too this day when I think about it I laugh outloud. I almost had tears I was laughing so hard typing this. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
pix of your 930 or ban.

Threadjacker :poke:

I sold it about 8 years ago.

Rear - 10-6-4.jpg

Driver Side - 10-6-4.jpg
bout 13 years old Had a tree swing back home in a park near our house back in pa, seemed like a 20 or 30 foot rope. There was a packed dirt mound that you would run and jump off swing around the tree and land on. one day I got a good leap and some momentum. made it around the tree but couldn't land ( went to fast and high this time.) you ever see the cartoons well went around about halfway a second time and ran outta rope. Smack face first into the tree. Oh and then I landed on a what felt like a large boulder about 10 feet or so down (it gets further down every time I tell this story :laugh:). It was a long limp home. :whistle:
bout 13 years old Had a tree swing back home in a park near our house back in pa, seemed like a 20 or 30 foot rope. There was a packed dirt mound that you would run and jump off swing around the tree and land on. one day I got a good leap and some momentum. made it around the tree but couldn't land ( went to fast and high this time.) you ever see the cartoons well went around about halfway a second time and ran outta rope. Smack face first into the tree. Oh and then I landed on a what felt like a large boulder about 10 feet or so down (it gets further down every time I tell this story :laugh:). It was a long limp home. :whistle:

Now that's pretty funny. Talk about Looney Tunes.
Saw a stripper with one arm in a cast. Wasn' t so bad, until she went up to dance. She' d hook that arm around the pole and spin like a pro!

Went to another strip joint one time, not a big place. Not many girls. After my friends and I watched for a while, we got bored and went shoot some pool. Distracted by our game, we' d all but forgotten about the girl on stage, until there was a very loud KER-THUDD!! We turned and looked at the stage, and the stripper was just getting back on her feet and rubbing her arse. She told us later what happened. Most girls wipe the pole down, before they start performing. She had done this, then climbed the pole immediately after. She wrapped her legs around the pole, but didn' t lock them tight enough. She let go of the pole to take her top off, and fell from the top of the pole! :rofl:

I have a couple friends (husband and wife) that own a karaoke bar. The stage is pretty small, and about two feet off the floor. After the song, you have to bring the mic back to the DJ. Behind the DJ, there is a large banner with the bar' s name on it, then a narrow walk-way between the stage and the wall to get to each side of the bar and also to the office. Well, one night this singer finished his song, brought the mic to the DJ, and went to lean on the wall......fell right through the open door of the office! :rofl::rofl:

Another night, same karaoke bar, I was hanging with a few friends. My best friend has an issue with his speach. He had meningitis years ago, and it left him unable to speak properly. This bar is VERY loud, and it makes it even harder to understand him. Sometimes we have to just right text on our phones to communicate. This bar is also next to the only gay bar in town, so some of their patrons also visit my friends' bar. This guy came in, and I instantly reckognized him. He is an attorney, and works for the indigent defenders' board, and a frequent visitor of the bar next door. He sits right next to my friend, and starts talking. I think nothing of it, until I hear him say "You' re lookin pretty cute tonite." I had to walk away, because I couldn' t contain the laughter I told all my friends what was going on. My friend Rochelle, was bartending, and heard him CLEARLY say "NOOOOO!" and saw him shaking his head. We found out later that, the attorney had just asked my friend to let him !!! 2:00 came, the music stopped, and the lights came on. The attorney got up to go to the bathroom, and my buddy ran over to us, said "I' m leaving," and skeedaddled toward the door! I could NOT stop laughing! The attorney came out of the bathroom on a mission and haul balls to the front door, I ran out the back to make sure my buddy was safe, and saw his taillights fading out of the parking lot! :rofl:
There is an online forum that I post on once in while. On this forum, there is a member from the UK, his name is Owen. Ill try to find a like and post some of his stories, you will not believe his stories. Really,i m serious, you wont belive him.:laugh:
There is an online forum that I post on once in while. On this forum, there is a member from the UK, his name is Owen. Ill try to find a like and post some of his stories, you will not believe his stories. Really,i m serious, you wont belive him.:laugh:


I think I read some of those stories about him somewhere too:whistle:

Definitely good for a laugh :laugh:
Sitting on a beach in Antigua, watching a Rasta-looking guy pilot a real small boat with a real big outboard (VERY FAST) pulling tourists water skiing around the bay. He would come blasting in toward shore, the skier would let go of the tow handle some yards from shore and coast into shallow water.

Well, one poor sap held onto the handle (way) too long and came up onto the beach going at least 20-30 mph, and tried to compensate by running up the beach slope (after the ski's flew off his feet).

It didnt work. He was trying to run SO fast that it looked like his feet were gonna hit the back of his head, and he went head over heels about 5 times before ending up looking like a human pile of Shake N Bake, COVERED in sand.

I laughed for weeks everytime I thought of it.

:laugh: :laugh: