What's the worst thing(s) you've seen at work?

UPS - delivering any package big or small :cool:

Va - hopefully that bitch will self destruct one of these days, she's bound to drop dead of some kind of ailment, heart attack, coronary, something ... then again, the good ones always seem to die young.
I don't think I'd wish something that bad on her! But, a nice case of some fungus in itchy places might make me happy! :biggrin:
How about ON the way to work?  Today I was driving into work when I came up to a construction zone.  I had to murge right so I started moving over when the guy next to me steps on it.  Keep in mind I'm in my Tahoe and he is in some little Honda or something.  Anyway he floors it cuts right in front of me and slams on the brakes.  He then gets out of his car and starts yelling at me.  "Didn't you see me?  Well now I know you did."  At first I thought that I hit him but once he was done yelling he got back in his little car and drove away.  I later found out that the front bumper of my truck is no longer lined up to the grill. :mad:  I don't know if I did hit him or not but I never noticed it before.  Oh well it's fixed now all I had to do was readjust it. :laugh:
Well Va seems as though your boss is well jelly and your little friend a biiiiiiiiiit insecure and unhappy tring to spread her mood to the world?Arrested developement runs rampid these days.What you dont owe her anything nor do the others around her,lol how can this be.Well child like behavior can be found in many aleged adults.Dont fret but dont even let her effect you.Ahhhhh you had a great nite last nite going to have a wonderful weekend and bang your little friends attitude comes along to destroy all because shes misserable.NOT she is either very unhappy or has a childs mind trapped in an adults body pitty the poor retch.
I was at one engineering firm (global / local to St. Louis). One individual had the same exact model (3D CAD) on his desk every day for 6 months. Of course only being at his desk for 1.5-2 hours a day made it difficult to do much work. Same place... A girl who said she worked 60-80 hours a week. Who came in the same time I did, and left the same time I did. Would come in for 15 min. on Saturday and or Sunday morning, make the "hello" rounds and leave, charging them for 8 hours minimum. Told on/got fired another part timer who was cheeting on his timecard. Balls big as curch bells.

I had a boss get a module that I designed (70+#) approved to hang on 18 guage aluminium sheet metal (.034 thick).... Oh yeah did I mention it had to with stand a 30G impact load?

I worked one place 10 hour days. After about the first two months I noticed that I was the ONLY one working more than 2 hours a day. Literaly, I kept track over the course of one week. Between shooting the breeze, eating breakfast, eating lunch, taking breaks, going for walks around the facility, making bank runs, how could you have time for anything elese?

Although I do feel I have an easy job, when I'm working that is. It is just something that seems to come naturaly.

Believe me, she will step in it some day. They allways do.


Yep, what goes around, comes around...

Michelle, can you go talk to your boss's supervisor?

That's what I'd do... If you can trust the supervisor. It's not snitching if she is effecting the morale of your whole office...
Yep, what goes around, comes around...

Michelle, can you go talk to your boss's supervisor?

That's what I'd do...  If you can trust the supervisor.  It's not snitching if she is effecting the morale of your whole office...
This is gov't...and his Supervisor isn't very approachable...so, we all just suffer through month after month of BS...

Many of us have been to Human Resources, but short of filing complaints, nothing ever comes of it...

Oh well...it's another week...we'll manage... :biggrin:
I teach High School Auto Shop (& electronics).  
Nuff said?

I had a student (not one of mine) sneak into the auto shop, get into another students car, back it out of the bay and hit a car that was up on jack stands.  Yes there was another student working on the front left wheel on the time and the car fell on her.  She got scraped up a bit but no lacerations or broken bones.

I've got more if you're interested

Ride Safe  :super:
Some funny!
I had a student bringing a 75 Jag into the shop.  He lined it up crooked on the hoist, so I told him to back it out and try again.  When he backed it out he found the brakes didn't work so he tried jumping out.  When he jumped out, he tagged the accelerator with his foot.  Naturally this sped things up quite a bit and the Jag slammed into a utility trailer we had parked outside.  The funny part (as if this visual isn't funny enough) is the trailer belonged to one of the assistant principals!

Ride Safe! :super:
You need to set up a web cam there Mikey! So we can all enjoy things like this... :biggrin:
Va, I'd love to, but it's that Big Brother thing.  We have some vandalism & theft issues here as well.  That would certainly solve the problem.

Next one...

I was talking with some students by the hallway door to the shop when I heard "AHHHH I GOT PAINT IN MY EYE!" from about 6 feet away.  As this student was a cut up I thought he was joking.  When he looked up I saw that his EYEBALL WAS BLUE!

As it turned out, another student had held a spray can up to his eye and told him "Say I won't do it."  The rest is history.

We saved his eyesight, but when I put his head in the eye wash, he lashed out and punched the tool cage, which is made of 3/4-9 gauge expanded steel.  He needed 6 stiches.

Tough to believe there are people out there like this!
Live Safe!
Ride Safe! :super:
Funny stories Mikey...how do you keep it together when say, someone turns to look at you with a blue eyeball!?

I'm far to immature to not LMAO...I admit that...hell, I tell coworkers if they fall down here at work, I laugh first, then ask "are you okay?" through the tears...how do you keep it together?!
The blue eyeball thing was a little tough.  Mostly I just have fun.  As long as you respect the kids and they know it, you don't have many problems.  I too LMAO at most things, it helps to be as big a kid as I am.  I tell the students, "Grow up, don't grow old!"

Have Fun!
Ride Safe! :super:
The worst thing I had to do at work was look for fingertips.
A guy pinched three of his fingers in between two cylinders and "degloved" his findertips. We couldn't find them right away and had to search around in the ink drip pans, blindly groping in the ink. They got stuck to the cylinder and when it was rotated back they fell out and were taken to the hospital with the guy. :sad:
The worst thing I had to do at work was look for fingertips.
A guy pinched three of his fingers in between two cylinders and "degloved" his findertips.  We couldn't find them right away and had to search around in the ink drip pans, blindly groping in the ink.  They got stuck to the cylinder and when it was rotated back they fell out and were taken to the hospital with the guy. :sad:
That's definitely not sounding like a fun day for anyone involved...YUCK & OUCH... :eek:
Haven't had to locate any body parts yer (knock, knock) but I saw some mangled ones when I taught wood shop!
Hey VA only one thing comes to mind a song !!

AC/DC   ........   Dirty Deeds

If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive you nuts -
Pick up the phone
Leave her alone
It's time you made a stand
For a fee
I'm happy to be
Your back door man

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Dirty Deeds and they're Done Dirt Cheap

Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT
Done Dirt Cheap
Neckties, contracts, high voltage
Done Dirt Cheap
Arkansas AC/DC .. Dirty Deeds (Done To Sheep)..

If you got a lamb and you want her bad
But you ain't got the balls..
She keeps lookin at you night and day
Now your libido calls.. :eek:
Open the barn
Get her alone
This time she can't defend
She's for free
And happy to be
Your barn yard friend.. :eek:

Dirty deeds.. done to sheep
Dirty deeds.. and they're done to sheep.. :devil:
