Pretty EZ mod you can do for about 10 bucks and an hour or 2. Really handy to have the extra space.
Need a utility knife, but a dremel works wonders!
Tin snips if you don't have a dremel
Small cresent wrench, or appropriate sized box wrench for the nuts you use, I almost always prefer a cresent... so versatile!
Cut out some small metal tabs with tin snips or the dremel
Gonna need 3 (2 keep the door from opening backwards, 1 locks it) of them approx same size. TIP: it's easier to drill the holes in them BEFORE you cut them out!! Drill the holes the same size as your hinge holes, so you can use all the same size bolts.
You don't need to have the little handle for the metal tab that locks it closed... mine doesn't work right anyway, and I have to grab the tab and turn it to open it.
Trip to home depot for a 4-5in long hinge and screw headed bolts that fit through it...
EZPZ, just make it look like these pictures! =D
Sorry, some of the photo's are a bit blurry, but you can still make it out.
Note the hinge side of the doors angle cut so it will open properly.
Hinge side door open showing how the angle cuts line up in the open position
Bottom tabs to keep door from opening backwards
Underside of Hinge
Dude that rules! Cops would never find "goodies" hidden in there!