Tiger Racing Hump Glove Box

So it's the plastic hump top that is rubbing the outer ridge, caused by the fact that the glove box clamps the hump too tight?  And the rubber bumpers are not lifting the plate up high enough?  It only rubs towards the front of the hump and not the rear where it clam shells?  A couple of you want to return it and I understand, no hard feelings, but I will get this fixed and you will have missed out on a great product (once fixed of course).  When you do, I'll be able to fit one up and see what the hell happened.  I don;t have any of the earlier batch to compare this too and I don't want to have any more manufactured until I get this issue analyzed.  Since I have not had this issue with over 317 sold I'm at a loss.  I'm sure a bend is incorrect in thislast special order batch causing a problem somewhere.  But I will fix this and make it right for all of you whohave this issue.  Thanks for the pics.

Guy, the problem is due to the height of the pan in the front of the hump over the rubber factory stops. If you were to lower the pan hight about a 1/4 in, it would fit almost perfect with no mods at all. I found the spacer plate that goes behind the "lock plate"? is too thick to make things line up so I used thinner washers there. I will take pics tomorow of it. I am happy with the setup, just needed to be tweeked.

 The spacer plate was the issue with 4 others before and I can make a thinner one and a thick one depending on the install.  But now I know for sure a bend is incorrect and I know which one.  Thanks for the info.  Now I just have to kick someone at my manufacturer in the ass, and me too for not QC'ing the darn things before they went out to you folks.  I rushed my guy to do these  for your group buy and I'm paying for it now.

would really like to see detailed pics.  It will tell me where we screwed up.


here are mine... both scratches located on the rear fairing just behind where the seat is. i was able to rub out any scuffs on the hump itself but no such lock here. thanks to high gain and tiger racing for standing behind the product... i understand things don't always go perfect but will still buy from you again with how you have handled the situation.

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Cool example of everyone working together to get something absolutely perfect.

Nice work, ya'llz.

For an immediate remedy until I can figure out where we went wrong and make new ones to replace these units, do you think installing the rubber bumpers 1/4" will do it, if so, I will supply these right away for anyone who needs them and then send them a replacement base when they are finished.  Can you show me what you used?

I have a Pad kit for anyone who wants one that will allow your inner plate to contact the rubber bumpers properly.  I am in the middle of a re-designed attachment arms that will solve this problem.  If you wish to wait for the new plate, I will ship one to anyone who wants one when they are done in about 15 days or so.  If you want immediate relief, I will mail you the pads to attach to your existing unit that will also fix your problem.

please email me at:

to request either the re-designed plate or the pad kit.

Thanks again for all your patience,

Thank you all for your patience.  Thank you Joker for finding a quick fix to my issue.  I have heard from some of you about getting my Pad kit.  I have sent you each emails regarding me NOT wanting to send those as a "FIX".  I want this right.  I want my glove boxes to fit properly without any rubber pads and "fixes".  I have completely redesigned the rear plate and hinge height mechanism.  I currently have 6 being made for proto's.  I will send 6 of you a redesigned unit to play with and to give me constructive feedback.  Your 08 Busa does not need to have a half-assed piece of aluminum on it.  I pride myself in doing the right thing by my customers even if it cost me to do it.  I wll fix this and I will fix this the right way.  I have sent over 100 random emails out to customers who have bought this product and the feedback tells me I need more than a Pad kit.
So thank you all in advance for your patience and I will do everything I can to earn your business and trust in Tiger Racing for quality products for the future.

The all new re-designed, road trip tested 08' Tiger Racing Glove Box is now in production. Working closely with many of you who experienced an issue with my 08' Busa Hump Glove Boxes, I thank you for your patience. We have finalized the last prototypes and started production on the new 08" Glove boxes. I'm very proud of these new units and will soon be sending out to any member who purchased a Glove Box from me for their 08' Hayabusa a replacement Glove box.

* The new box features a new solid base plate construction to strengthen the structural integrity of the hump itself.
* A thinner spacer plate to custom fit the latch box if needed.
* Tiger Racing's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 1 year warranty on every Tiger Racing Aluminum product.

We are very sorry that some of you had to go thru this ordeal and if you will email me directly with your shipping address, I will send your replacement Glove Box when they become available in about 7-10 days from today.

For those of you that opted for a refund, I will be happy to honor the Group Buy price if you wish to give us another chance to earn your business.
These new Glove Boxes are really cool and I ask that you give us another look see.

Email me at TigerRacing@BEX.net your name, shipping address and shirt size.

Again, we are sorry for any inconvenience and hope you will again consider Tiger Racing in your future performance part purchases.

Guy Caputo
They're Here!!!

I will be shipping out replacement 08 Suzuki Hayabusa Glove Boxes to all those that purchased one in the Group buy and opted for a replacement. I will pack them all up this weekend and they will go out in Mondays UPS.

Thanks again to all who had patience with me.

I'm working feverishly on a Gen 2 Hump bottle holder. I just have to find the bottle to fit it. The basic CAD is complete, but bottle size is a killer.

The early Gen2 Glove boxes had fitment issues, but the last 340 or so have had ZERO issues. Send me your older version and I'll send you a new one. I guarantee all my products 100%.

The Glove box has been revised and seems to fit great and I have No complaints since. Send yours back and I will be happy to replace it for you FREE. I guarantee all my products 100%.
