This one is very difficult for me as my elder brother died of a drug overdose in 1971 when he was 21 years old.
Russell you feel what you feel, you can't change your feelings, you are your own person. No I don't think your wrong.
Addiction is a terrible thing, I know people have free will if they want to take drugs, but it is not as simple as that.
There are things to take into account like mental illness, addictive personalties. Just the sheer pain of living sometimes.
Alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, you can't judge a person for doing them, as you don't know why they do it to themselves, and sometimes they don't know themselves.
I'm not saying this is in all cases far from it, all I'm saying is you can't paint everybody with the same brush.
I'm having problems with my youngest son who is 26 year old, he lives in Iceland, and has been in rehab 3 times, he smokes weed and takes ecstasy and speed, not into the harder drugs as far as I know. He stops for a while then starts again.
His mum me and his brother have tried to help him, he came to live with me for a while, and I keep on telling him to come back and live with me again.
I don't know what I can do with him, apart from locking him up.
Every time I get a phone call from Iceland I fear the worst.
How many on here would admit to using drugs now, or in the past.
I've taken them, and this was after my brother died, stupid isn't it.
The thing is if one of your family died because of drugs, alcohol, would you feel the same way, that they were scum and that they deserved it, some how I don't think so.
Sorry for rambling on this is just the way I see things.
He was a%$& for shooting the dog.